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Me and Teo was driving everywhere looking for her busting in people houses and shit. We really didn't give a fuck as long as we find Unique. We pulled up to the park to take a break and I saw Carshanna sitting at the bench so I walked over.
Ayo: Yo what's in the bag.
Carshanna: There's nothing please go away.
Ayo: What's wrong with you.
Carshanna: Ayo please leave he hears everything I say. Therefore I can't tell you so please leave.
Ayo: He who is he?
Carshanna: Ayo please just go.

I looked at her and noticed something strange first she to girly to be wearing slugs so why the fuck she got one and second it's too hot to be rocking gloves. I snatched the glove off and my mouth dropped.
Ayo: Yo this ain't right who did this to you.
Carshanna: Give that back.
Ayo: No tell me who did this now.

Teo walked up and his eyes got big.
Teo: Bruh I know I don't like yo ol skank ass. But what the fuck happened to you?
Carshanna: Please go you're gonna get me killed.
Ayo: Tell us now.
Carshanna: Ok ok it was Keyshawn.

Keyshawn pov
I watched as she told them who did it. I laughed this bitch can't get any dumber could she. I'ma kill this bitch. Keyshawn don't do that your better than this. Fuck off. No listen to me. No nigga you listen to me I'ma do what I want you can't stop me because your just a fucking thought so shut the fuck up. Oh shit I'm talking to myself again. Fuck this im killing her. I walked to my room to see my lil princess sound asleep. I hopped in my car and drove start to the park.

I waited for Ayo and Teo to leave then I walked over to her. Just standing there.
Carshanna: What do y-
She stopped talking as soon as she saw me.
Keyshawn: You really think I'm playing with you huh.
Carshanna: No Keyshawn I mean m-master I'm sorry please don't hurt me.
Keyshawn: Oh trust me you won't feel anything when I'm done with you. Bring yo ass on.
I grabbed her hair dragging her to the car.

Lucas pov
Lashay: Lucas I'm sorry please just listen to me.
Lucas: Bitch shut up.
Lashay: Baby please I only did it b-
Lucas: I don't give a fuck why are you here.
Lashay: Come on Lucas please give me another chance.
Lucas: Rot in hell.

I was so fucking tired of her shit like damn stop begging you don't get a nigga back like that.
Lashay: Please Lucas hear me out.
Lucas: Fine what the fuck you got to say.
Lashay: Baby I only did it because you weren't showing me any love I felt unwanted you were always flirting with other girls.
Lucas: So that mean you go and cheat on me.
Lashay: You were doing it too.
Lucas: Yea bitch I sure was. But I've never fucked any of them. And don't you say you wasn't fucking Keyshawn because I sure as hell wasn't the one piping u up.
Lashay: Lucas I'm sorry take me back please.

At this point she was begging a little too much. She was crying her eyes out and I swear I hate to see her cry but this is her fault.
Lucas: Can you please leave.
Lashay: Lucas I'm begging you please let me get another chance. I won't mess up this time I promise.
Lucas: Bye hoe.
Lashay: Please I'm nothing without you.
Lucas: Shit you was nothing with me. Girl get the fuck out my face.
I slammed the door in her face. I could hear her breaking down banging on the door and everything. Damn man..

I think Lucas still got feelings.

But Carshanna finna die y'all.

And Keyshawn is retarded as fuck.

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