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When 12:40 pm arrived, Max was still laying on the couch. He looked better; the color was back in his face.
"Hey Max."

He strained his neck to look at me. "Hey FaBeth. Now where are you off to?"

"I couldn't go to school today," I sighed. "I have to visit dad."
Max's eyes widened. "But I thought we changed your phone number."
"We did. I don't know how they found out."
"Well, you're not going alone. I'm coming with you."

I laughed. "No you're not."
"What? I'm not letting you get anywhere close  to that demon!"
"You can't get anywhere close to me; you can't even move."

"Pfft, I totally can." He gripped the side of the sofa and hoisted himself off it. His face didn't show it but I could tell that was painful.
"You good?"

"Of course I'm good. I'm always good. I'm fabulous."
"Are you gonna take a day off today, then?"
"I'm gonna probably have to. I can't save anyone with this injury."

I got a shirt from his room and he pulled it over his head. We started to make our way towards the cab that was waiting for us. "Max?"
"Hmm?" He looked at me.
"What was that red bottle that you bought yesterday?"
"Red bottle? You mean blood?"
"Is that what I drank? Could've been."

"What are you rambling on about? I don't remember ordering anything."
So I just drank a random bottle of human souls? Cool.
It doesn't seem like it's affecting me in anyway so I think I'm okay.

Max looked down at his buzzing phone and picked it up with an annoyed tone. "Yes Kohl?"
"Maximum, where the freakin heck are you?! We don't have enough heroes here."
"You know I'm injured right?"
"So? I'm dealing with a 300 feet freaking Godzilla here man. I already twisted my ankle and my shoulder has been dislocated. So stop complaining and get your butt over here!"

Max looked at me with an unsure expression. "Max, you have to go. I'll be fine. What can dad do now?"

He silently nodded and clicked the button on his wrist so he was in his super suit. "Bye Fable."

I rode in the cab silently thinking of how I could beat the crap out of my own father in his isolated jail cell. If only I had an aberrant; that guy would be dead by now. That son of a-
"Ma'am, we have arrived at your destination. That'll be $25."

I handed him the cash and walked into the high secure prison. It was created intentionally for one purpose, to iin prison the worst of violians; one of the worst villains in the world.
I can't believe my mom couldn't see through that cloak that he wore to hide what monster he really was. And now she's dead because of him.

"Hi," I greeted the man who checks people in. "How's it going Cain?"
He smiled at me. "Fable? I thought you weren't gonna show."
"If I didn't, they would throw me in the same jail cell as my dad."

Cain slid to me the sign in sheet and I wrote my name under my father's. I walked towards the elevator and rubbed the sweat off my hands on my pants. Why am I so nervous? There's nothing he could do now.

I walked passed the dozen guarded doors and looked through the solid glass.
I knocked on it and the man behind it looked over at me; the corners of his mouth pulled into a smile.

"Fable," I heard his voice echo behind the glass.
"Hey dad."

His eyes were still that freakish purple the day he became a criminal. My hands unconsciously moved to the bottom of my eye.
"How's it been?"

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