chapter 3

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O my God,it was forth. I have had hallucinations before but this was so realistic,and he looks different, he looks stern he hs no softness like my forth,he is wearing a police uniform,his muscles were peeking through it.  I am feeling dizzy. My eyes are watering and I feel I might throw up any moment.  I wanna see him ,I wanna see my forth. With all my strength and courage I walked to him,"forth" I said and I knew I looked and sounded pathetic.  He turned around and my heart started banging in my chest and it felt like it was gonna jump out.
"Excuse me," forth sounded different, his voice had an authoritative tone in it.
"Forth,my love ,you are okay ,God you look good now," I continued.
"I am sorry i guess you got the wrong person", he stated his eyes had only confusion and pity." No forth ,this is me ,beam you dont remember me?? you don't remember the day you bought roses and a teddy for me and asked me out under the rain. Do you not remember our first kiss behind my campus,don't you remember pha and kit cheering for us when-he cut out my sentence and said with anger." I don't Know anything okay you really got the wrong person, I am Treeprolrekh Darvid the captain of the police force",
"No ,you are not you are forth my forth,pls don't leave me a second time",by now I was screaming and crying. All my energy was leaving my body and before I knew I collapsed on the floor.

There was aback figure ,it was starting at me with its horrible red eyes .
I tried to scream and run but nothing happened. It felt like i was grounded to the floor . And then i heard him, it was my forth he was screaming for help,I cannot move or talk.
I heard someone walk past me to the direction of the noise. It was the demon ,he was gonna get him." Nooooo," I managed to scream. Yes I can talk and move ." I won't let you take him take away from me again you demon," I yelled and caught hold of his hand. No no I won't let him do this to me,"beam ,beam- "

What the,I opened my eyes slightly the light was blinding me.
Then I saw him again ,it was forth ,he on top of me,holding my hand as if we were wrestling. "Beam, the hell ,are you always screaming. " Forth asked.
"Forth,don't leave me "was the first thing I said.
"Look here doctor beam,I am not forth,I am tae and I am not gonna leave you", he said seriously. "But you-",he interrupted me." I might have the same face as him,a person has at least 7 copies as the myth says so pls don't mistake me for him"he finished. He sounded disgusted and pitiful, no I don't need this terrible persons sympathy.
"Shut up,get of me,you are so -", and then I punched him . He fell off the bed and instead of pain his face again showed pity and confusion.
I pulled the drip from my hand and stormed out of the hospital, I was not in a condition to drive so I texted pha to pick me up. That was forth ,it was right??
Each and every thought about him made me tremble and I felt weak.Four years,it's been four  years three months and 13 days ,why did he show up now. Is it really him or is it as he said a copy. A doppelganger. I felt weaker and fell on the floor.
"Beam,are you okay." I heard phas voice. He picked me up and walked up to his car. There he placed me next to the driver seat." Beam ,are you okay you look pale and weak". He asked concerned. I kept quite. The ride was silent . He kept on glancing my way." I....saw..him...I saw ...forth",I could feel pha tensing up with my words. He stopped the car and looked at me." What" he whispered ,he sounded scared and guilty.
"Do you know anything about this pha." I looked directly in his eyes.
He looked away." It must be your hallucination again,hmm,he died...4 years ago,it is high time you moved on",he said sadly.
"Are you mad ,do you think I can do that ,will you do the same if you lost your yo," I screamed, crying again.
He didn't utter a word and hugged me.
"I will look into this beam ,I will find him for you,but p lss don't do anything stupid like what you did last time, forth will not like it.
-flashback -
"Beam ,beam nook ,don't jump beam,don't do it," kit words did no effect even though he was crying and begging me.
I was on the edge of the terrace of the hospital.
"P beam,no pls no.don't jump."yo screamed.
Before I knew a strong hand scooped me up and I blacked out.
-present timr-
"I want him I cannot live without him anymore,I tried suppressing my feelings but it's of no use",I said
"I will help you,friend " he said.
I slipped into a comfortable sleep which I actually did not want to wake up from.

Hohohoho ( evil laughter) surprise!!! Gys I want you to say if I am going too fast .
Anyway goodnight or good morning.

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