chapter 12

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Beam's pov
It was my day off and as usual I did not look forward to it,but this time it was because of a certain cop. The last 3-4 days I have spend with him felt like heaven . I was enjoying it too much it was unhealthy for my heart.

As I had time I settled with a feast for breakfast. After I dumped my plates my legs found way to the basement.  After I threw fourths belongings that day I never went down, but today I had a strong urge to see his pictures,

I opened the bag and took out a pic in which he is looking into my eyes and gripping on my ties. "Hey forth,how are you doing,i hope you are fine. You know what just like how you wanted I am moving on apparently a guy stole my heart and he is making me feel like a new beam. Whenever I am close to him I feel like I am in cloud nine,butterfly erupt in my belly,my legs become weak and I feel so happy. I just donno how to express this feeling."

I could hear my phone blaring from down here

"I gotta go forth ,ttyl"I said to the air and ran up.

"Hello,is ev-"I was cut off by an urgent tae.

"Beam,emm is vomiting continuously and he looks sick pls come fast."Oh my this bufallo. He could ask the doctor there right nevertheless I rushed to the hospital in pajamas.

I reached there and saw that they were taking emm to the operation theatre.

"Get ready for appendix surgery"Dr tee said and ran away to get ready himself.

I got ready quickly and searched for tae.

He was sitting on a bench looking visibly shaken.

I dragged him to a nearby store room and pushed him towards the racks  gently.

"He will be fine" I promised . He looked at with a manly pout and I wanted to kiss him but refrained from doing so.

"I trust you"he said and hugged me ,i melted into the hug longing for more,but pulled of an d after giving a small smile disappeared to the room .

-2 hrs later-

I felt really happy. The operation ended successfully.
As I came out I saw a worried tae looking at me. I beamed my brightest smile and said
"It went well and he is ok"as I finished he hugged me and twirled holding me up,i became happier if that is possible.

He put me down and  thanked me. We smiled at each other.

"Ehmm,i would like to interrupt your moment to inform that he will be asleep for the rest of the day"with that Dr tee left me blushing like a maniac.

"Hey,let's,get out from here...hang out,you know"he suggested.

I smiled and agreed.
We first went to a beach a walked by each other silently. Suddenly I spotted a crab far away .

"Hey,tae look its a crab,come let's go see"I said interlinking our hands and dragging him to the sight."Omg,he is so cute" I exclaimed and looked at him. He just smiled at me and we proceeded to look at it.

"They make such a cute couple,right"I heard a guy say"but not as cute as us "I heard another guy state. We looked at each other and quickly released our hands.(teefuse)
We just walked away trying to ignore the awkwardness as we could hear their distant bickering.

We ate ice cream and candy floss . Suddenly it started raining "shit,it's Raining"I heard tae exclaim ,then he grabbed my hand and ran without a destination in mind.

We reached an abandon,destroyed looking building and got in there.we were soaking wet from head to toe.we try to catch our breath laughing in between.

"That was amazing"I said.tae looked at me and a flash of light pass through his eyes.He scooped me and brought me close to him. He came close to my ears and said "did you enjoy" my feeling can not be described.I was feeling weak on my legs and it felt like felt like tiny men were marching in my stomach.I was as red as a tomato. I slowly lifted my eyes and looked at him"beyond imaginations"I said.h looked pleased.He leaned closer to me and placed a small peck on my lips.He withdrew hesistantly. He put me down and said "I sorry don't mind me".all the rainbows and butterfly died that instant.we were half dried by this time."I'll catch a cab and we will go to my house since it's the closest" he said he looked angry and frustrated.what did I do to disappoint him?I myself was angry but restrained from any outburst.

We reached tae's house and he disappered to the bedroom.He emerged with a change of clothes and asked me to change.I went into the bedroom and pondered on what just happened.why does he look so angry?was kissing me that bad?maybe it was just lust.I just forgot about all these and concentrated on changing.

Tae's pov

What the holy iced Americano was I thinking when I kissed him?.tae,you are not supported to force him.hold in all your feelings.I'm sure I infuriated beam.I should not have kissed him in the first place.aaahhh!how frustrating.

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