chapter 19

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Beam 's pov.
2 days have passed and I am still in trauma of what happened.

I was crying,laughing ,happy ,sad,dissapointed and most of all the most happy person on earth. Tae loves me. Holy mother of kangaroo he loves me,not even like,love. After pha drunkenly trying to kiss me I was shattered ,but then tae came and busted pha's face being my knight in shining armour,i felt bad for pha because tae was pretty strong.

"Aaaaaahhhh" I yelled out in frustration and all the patients and doctors gave me a dirty look. So much for being a doctor.

"Ai,kitty are you out of the bed yet or having your 100th round of sex"I asked kit who had called me to check if I was ok. They literally thought I lost it when they saw me crying and laughing at the same time.

"Oh finally you called,Whateve-no p it's the 150th round"I heard Ming interrupt kit and then a thud and a yell ,poor Ming he will have to sleep in the couch for a month. Pity.

"Anyway,what happened that day you vanished when I went to take some water for you"he asked.

"Tae confessed, he confessed to me but ran away"as I finished he let out a earshattering scream and asked.

"You didn't kiss","no"I replied ." Holy bread sticks,you are lame "his voice had horror in it as if I was roasting cute puppies in front of him.

"Bro,be serious, what do I do" I asked totally confused.

"Well,go see him and tell that you love him too"he said, oh right ,that is also an option.

"Just follow your heart beeee,from your first encounter we all knew you are destined, God has given you a second chance in love bee,don't loose it and savour it till the last moment"he said and I was silent for a minute.

"Hey,did my speech touch,i know I am the best"I could he was flipping his imaginary long hair,like damn this narcissistic guy. Ming changed him a lot.

"Bye kit,you are the best,i will,with all of your blessings bring back good news"I said as I got off the phone.


"Welcome to pickrome flower paradise ,how may I be of help "a rather bored looking man said in monotonous voice.

"P'pick ,you don't learn do you,you are supposed to treat our customers like God's not dogs "a very small and cute guy emerged from a room.

"Sorry about him,what type of occasion are you attending" he asked sweetly.

"I am gonna confess to someone"I said shyly.

"Pls take care who you have a relationship with,otherwise you will end up with a burden"pick said pointing to the small guy who I guessed to be Rome.

"No this for a week"he pointed to his ass and pulled me to an area full of roses. They are beautiful ,i hope he will like it,

"Take this one ,it's the most beautiful one "he said pointing to dark red roses. A jingle indicated other customers, so he left me with pick.

"So you want this packed or loose "he asked.

"Packed"I said as we left for the counter.
"You look pretty nervous,did you not figure out your feelings yet"he asked me as he was wrapping the flowers.

"Yes ,p I did ,but I am just worried,what if I say some shit,and mess everything up. Hr might hate me" I said .
"Oh now I get why you weren't weirded out by us"he said pointing to his lover.

I just shrugged and he handed me the flowers.
As I paid the cash he said"just follow your heart,love is an amazing phenomenon which has equally harsh side effects, choose the right person,word and action then you are good to go"

"Thank you p"as I exited I heard Rome praising pick. Such a lovely couple.

I reached the station and all the colour drained from my face , i was gonna confess.  What if he doesn't like me anymore. Worse,what if he hate me,shit. Whatever beam. Take a deep breath in,breath out ,breath in,breath out.

As I stepped in I got an uneasy feeling but I brushed it away.
"How may I help you"the police sitting in recieptin counter asked.

"I wanna file a complain"I said rather casually. "Plss go ahead,he is in his office"he said and suddenly looked at his computer and me and back at the computer.

'Oh pls take care and have fun"his words  had an underlying meaning but who cares.
Everyone was looking at me curiously, what,is there something on my face. Blah ,boring.

I saw the last thing I expected to see that day. My cousin knock. What was he doing here. I got the answer pretty quick when I saw him flirting with tae's best friend Korn,of I remember the name right.

"Aiiknock what are you doing here"I asked and looked at me surprised.

"Oh I am here to see my baeeee"he said smirking at the blushing Korn and earning a slap.

"Hey,beam,glad to meet you again,are you here to see tae"he asked trying to suppress a smile.

"Well yes"I said .
"Well he has been acting like its his time of the month,after the wedding,he has been looking pretty much like an abandoned lost puppy "he said and I felt like taking him in my arms and showering him with kisses.

"From the day you guys met he has been continuesly talking about you,he defined you so well,that if this was the first time we met also I could have understood you,actually I thought he would make a statue of you to make sure everyone appreciate you,he loves you so damn much dude and the whole world knows it"he said and I was left speechless. Oh my God . Now all the nervousness I had vanished ,i was feelingfresh .

"Beam ,all the best"Korn said as he showed me the direction to tae's office. We smiled at each other and as I was walking away my obnoxious cousin screamed.

"Pls use protection "I turned over and flipped him off and leaving them both laughing.

Authors pov
As beam entered the room his heart was soaring, finally things are gonna fall in place and everything is gonna change.

Tae looked up to see a very perfect looking beam walking towards him. He placed the rose he had on the chair next to his and sat down gracefully.  Tae was  gaping at what was happening.

"Ehmmm-"tae was interrupted by beam.

"I am here to file a complain "he said looking all serious. Beam was confident in himself.
Tae's heart was beating faster than the metro and he was shaking.

"Who hurt you,i won't leave them alone"he said so much anger radiating it left beam shivering.

"Well it was a theft"beam said. Tae looked into beams eyes indicating him to continue.

"You didn't loose anything right,tell me what happened, i will take actions"tae said.

"Well,apparently a very hot,kind,cute ,sweet cop stole my heart, you see,he literally took it with him and you know how important ones heart is,before he stole it he ended all the cracks on it,so it left me worried,he took it and just went away ,what a douche right,he is not gonna return it for sure,what kind of punishment will you give him of this happen to you,make it severe ok"beam finished his rant and saw that tae's expression changed from confused to understanding to sly. He got up from his place and moved towards beam. Both of their hearts were doing somersault. They were anxious.

"Well if it was me I would do this "tae said as he leaned down and kissed beam passionately, it lasted for a minute.  As they pulled back their foreheads were reset against each other,beams eyes hooded making him look sexy. In that moment tae lost all his control and lifted beam up and placed him on the desk and kissed him deeply.

Beam moaned into the kiss which sent electric shock trough tae's body . He licked bea,s lips asking for entrance and was granted at once, they did not fight for dominance as beam was totally submissed to tae.

As they pulled away tae wiped the saliva on beam mouth area  and beam did the same. They just smiled at each other lovingly and whispered I love you to each other as if it was their secret.

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