chapter 24

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My shift finished pretty fast as i was busy all day long . At 3 I planned to get off a g go pick emm to help tae. He was pretty busy today as he had a meeting to attend a bit far from our place so he might only reach at 5 or 6. My thoughts halted when I reached the familiar school whose exit was filled with boys and girls playing and chatting away waiting for their busy patents to come pick them.

They all looked so adorable but my emm stranded out more in the crowd. I walked towards him and as he spotted me he ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug considering I was kneeling right now.

We bid goodbye to his friends and got in the car.

"Were is papa,beambeam " emm asked. He might be missing his dad.

"He is busy love. But he will reach by 5 do you want anything from him"I asked.

"Chocolates "he screamed. I understand him very well cause chocolates are bae,what,any objections?

I dialled for tae and he picked up in the first ring,considering we just talked 2 hrs ago,oh I love him.

"Papaaa,i miss you ,"before I could blink emm screamed. The phone was in speaker so he heard it ,a sexy chuckle was heard from the other line.
"Yes,bigboy,what  do you want when i return"he asked.
"Chocolate "he screamed again. He was so cute.
"Yes baby,i will bring...beam?"he asked .

"Yes tae I am right here,how was the journey ?"i asked.
"Just puked once rest everything was fine"he said coolly.

"What you puked"I asked in horror.

"No baby,just kidding,drive safely,let's talk later. I love you emm. I love you beam"he said as he realized i was driving.

"Ok baby. Bye,love you you too pappa"Emm and I said.

As I unlocked the door I directly took emm to the bathroom. 
I gave him a quick bath eventhough he was shy he soon got used to it. He agreed to fix his own clothes and I ran to get food ready . Since it was early I made two light sandwiches and we ate it with some juice to drink. He was not tired at all .

"Beambeam,can we see tv for a while"he asked giving me puppy eyes. Lord that is unresistable .
"Yes,darling come let's warch"we walked up to the tv and switched it on. It reminded me of our first date . It was amazing. I just already feel like a part of their family.

Suddenly my thoughts went back to forth . I miss him a lot. If I say I don't care about him that will be false.
Emm started tucking on sleeves and asked me to join him in the video game. What when did this happen? I agreed and we played. I easily lost to him as I did not know how to play. It was already 4:30 when we stopped playing.  I ushered him to one of the bedrooms which we had planned to give him. In my house we planned to keep someofhis and tae's dress so it will be easy for us.

Emm started doing his hw and I was left to think. Yesterday was so good. My friends made me so happy with their presence.  The way all of them equally contributed to us getting together.  My friends were always there but I never gave a damn, throughout my sad days they were beside me helping me,cheering me up,motivating me to move on and I never gave them the credit ,i am so selfish and tae,he was always there the way he totally changed my heart,helped me in all problems, when I was angry and busy. That day I snapped at him without considering his feelings.  I am sure I hurt him . My chest was tightening and it felt like someone was poking in my chest .

I clutched on my  chest and felt tears fall from my eyes. It hurts . Knowing that I was the stuck up,annoying,attention seeking bitch hurt me so much.

"Beambeam ,why are you crying "emm asked from beside in a small voice.

Tae's pov.

"Beambeam why are you crying " was the first thing I heard when I entered bea's house. The chocolate and flowers in my hand fell as I ran to see what happened.

Beam was vigorously rubbing his eyes saying that he was not crying but something else which was muffled by his hiccups.

"Baby,you ok"I asked as I sat behind him hugging him.
"Papa.take him to your room and talk about it, i will finish my homework "emm said gesturing to our room. I nodded and picked beam up bridal style by which I earned a squeal and smack I took him to our room.

"Baby ,why are you crying. Did you argue with your friends, emm said anything stupid,you miss forth ,then what"I asked frustrated as he was just shaking his head at all my assumptions.

He then looked at me with sad eyes.

"Baby,i am the most inconsiderate and selfish friend and lover. You guys helped me a lot and I , i always lash out when I have a problem without considering your feelings.  I am sure I have pissed you all . Please forgive me"beam was literally crying so hard and his words pierced me in the hurt and left me hurt.

"Baby"I said as I lifted his chin to meet my eyes "Baby you are none of the things you claim to be or did you do anything stupid,you were in a bad position and we all understood it . We love you beam. Everything comes after your happiness.  As I said before you are the best never think otherwise. "As I finished he looked at me doubtful.

I shook my head and wiped his face and cupped his cheeks.
"I love you so much"I said"I love you too"he said and we kissed . The kiss started of in a slow pace us slowly tasting and savouring each and every part of our lips. I slowly pushed him behind and positioned myself b/w his legs and started kissing him deeply.

Our tounges moved in sinc and his hands tangled on my hair. I let out a moan as he tucked on it. I slowly reached for his shirt and touched all over his body. He was a squirming mess under me. My lips found his nipples as I bit ,kissed and licked it leaving it dark purple.  Beam was moaning silently and panting. I left hickeys all over his neck. His milky skin tasted and smelled wonderful leaving me intoxicated.

Suddenly we stopped as we heard the door knob turning. It was locked so no trouble.
"Papa,is beambeam ok?"a worried voice was heard . I turned to look at a smiling beam. I smiled back at him and wore my shirt and fixed my hair.

I opened the door and lifted him up. "Ask beam,yourself baby"beam who was coming from behind took him from my hand and kissed him on his cheeks
"I am fine"he said smiling.

"Emm,how do we cheer up "I asked emm and he started bouncing in beams arms.
"We take a bath together "he said clapping his hands.

Before we knew we were inside beams big Jacuzzi, filled with wa ter and toys . The wa ter was soapy and red in colour due to the bath bomb.

Emm was playing with his toys while we were scrubbing each other's back . Suddenly wa ter directly came and hit my face . I opened my eyes to see beam looking absolutely innocent and emm hiding his laughter.

"Well,emm do you know who did that "I asked cocking. "No idea dad'"he answered trying to stop from laughing. I cupped my hands and literally splashed wa ter on both emm and beam.  They were taken aback and we do in started having wa ter war.

We got off the Jacuzzi in fear of catching cold. As we dried each other and dressed up my stomach growled. Emm and beam looked around and saw my embarrassment and fell on the floor laughing. It was good to see beam laughing. But not at me.

We all headed to the kitchen to cook our dinner. We decided to make Mac 'n' cheese.
As beam assembled all the ingredients and emm opened them up ,i placed the pan for cooking. We ,occasionally playing,having food fights, laughing at emm's fail, finally finished cooking . As we sat eating it felt very good. I had a beautiful wife..*coughs * lover and an adorable kid who loves me a lot. What more could a man need.

"Papa,let's sleep in rents tonight"emm suggested as we were doing dishes.
"Emm, we will do that tomorrow after buying tents "I said at which he shaked his head.
"No papa,we will make it with bedsheets,blankets and chairs."He said. We put the cutlery away and went to grab sheets.

After half an hour the make shift tent was done and looked perfect.
"Come let's sleep"emm said enthusiastically.
We got in and kissed each other goodnight on the cheeks and slept hugging each other
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