chapter 8

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Beam's pov

A regular day but I feel much ,much better....I shouldn't lie to myself but it cannot change fast can it. Give it a little bi time and it will be alright.

I entered the hospital and saw the boss talking to a teacher? You know,teachers do give away a boring vibe right,as my boss saw me his face brightened and that means trouble.

"Dr.Beam,here,is one of the most skilled surgeon,but he knows how to handle kids and does not look as scary as our nutritionist. "He spoke up" Dr there is this nutritional class in their school please go as our representative " he pleaded me wit his puppy eyes even though his tone was firm.

It's not his problem the best nutritionist in town is the most scariest.

"Yes,it will be my honour" I said,considering the fact that change of atmosphe will do.

"This is the best school in town..." the principal was bragging about his college for the past 20 min and as we entered the school gave the most horrendous shriek of content ,and he was right the school was pretty good.

I could see many parents and students parting after goodbye, and many mothers and some fathers attention were on this guy with awesome built...and tae.

The realisation hit me like a train,tae has a kid ,he has a kid,i looked around him for his wife but did not see anyone.

I felt bad,my heart was doing weird stuffs to me,eventhough he looked like the coolest dad on earth I was clearly jealous, he has a wife and a kid...beaaaam get a grip on your thoughts, you are gonna move on ,remember.

"May I be excused " I asked and the principal readily guided me.

After all the students had settled down I began on my speech which was as boring as boring can ever be,but some kids looked curious. Maybe they have a doc in them or something.

"Beam,you were busy right ,did you eat anything "Ming asked." No Ming I am not feeling it"I replied " but you gotta since you are going on a date." What ,that left me awestruck is he cheating on my friend with his friend.

"What!!!"I asked

"Chill,we got you covered ,he is this CEO of some big company and is looking for serious relationship"he stated coolly ,when they suggested the moving on idea I did not expect this.

"Ok fine " I said not wanting to stop my resolution.

It was a private restaurants and hotel thingy where the CEO had appointed the date.
It looked fancy and expensive but I can afford it.

As I stepped in I got the most eerie and wrong vibe ever.

All the staff's were murmuring to each other but I did not care. I am here for a purpose and I am gonna give it a try.

"Welcome Dr,to my humble resident " oh it's his . A tall ,well built handsome guy invited me ." I am God and I will be your date today" he said and that was very odd.

We sat down on a layed table in a private room.he placed his hand on mine and smiled at me,shit, i feel so guilty rn.

I swallowed and forced the smile of the century.

After a huge meal of speggathi and red wine,he started giving me tour of his place. He was an enthusiast of paintings I learned ,interesting, but I don't like them.

After a while he brought me to the 5oth floor were a french window overlooked the beautiful city ahead ,i was fascinated and felt at ease,the satarry night the full moon all took my breath away.

I felt a hand creep over my waist,i turned around so fast I felt dizzy,he was smirking at me.

"Yes,you slit,tell me what you want," he demanded in a scary voice.
"Leave me ,bastard" I screamed,he forced himself on me but I did not let him kiss me ,he unbottoned my pant  and in an attempt to remove my shirt broke all buttons when

"You are arrested for selling illegal drugs and....attempting rape?he saw me distrusted and said.

More guys came and handcuffed him and took him away .
I was broken and fell to the floor.
"Forth pls don't leave me" and I blacked out.

I woke up to a very unfamiliar room and then forth, shit,tae came into view
"Hey you awake ,here drink some wa ter,take a shower and change into my clothes, don't worry he is arrested and won't bother you ever and if it happens ill save you"those words left my heart beating hard.

"What were you doing there anyways?"I told everything and he was left disturbed,obviously leaving forth's part.I trusted him but did not want to give him this heavy burden.he left immediately asking me to shower.

After the best shower in a while I came out of the washroom where tae was seated on the bed reading a book peacefully. He looked so perfect.his calm features said something else about him.I don't know how long I stared but my thoughts were interrupted by a shriek.

"Papa you brought a friend"a bundle of joy screamed.he did not look a bit like his dad.I soon expected the wife but No one came.

"Em,manners"tae hushed him."I made food lets eat together"we all went to a very cosy living room where a table for three was set up.I was not in a mood to eat but did not want to discourage tae.

"Where us your mother?"I asked the child and then a tense silence clouded upon us.but EM seem to regain his posture fast since he said happily "my mom and dad are in heaven soon me and daddy can join them" ,I looked at tae with regret, grief and guilt.he also had mixed emotions in those magnificent eyes.I did not say anything else and we continued eating.

Tar guided me to the bedroom wherein was supposed to sleep"I am sorry " I said"it's no problem I've always been mistaken to be a single dad but I'm not,I adopted him when he was a baby and been raising him since then.he is my life,love and everything I live for.

I was first left speechless and next I did something which surprised even me.I hugged him.I hugged him tight and whispered "everything is going to be okay I've lost a person who was everything to me and I mistook you to be him sine you guys look so similar and my condition is also bad so let's trust each other and be good friends"

I knew what I did was right but something about us shows that our relationship is not going to be easy.


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