chapter 7

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It was a rather gloomy day since my department was not called up for anything. But I said it too fast." Tae, it's an accident,a drunk driver hit a car with a family in it,let's go." Korn was panicking.I got up and rushed with him.

When we reached the hospital a sight which I prefered not to see was in view. The mother and father had died leaving a new born baby. It broke me. The child lost his parents .

"I am taking him," I announced to Korn who was taken aback by the idea.

"Tae I know you are sorry for the kid,but you cannot raise the child yourself" he stated.

No,it was not out of sympathy or pity,I got a feeling I have never felt before when I saw that child and as stubborn I was I planned to keep it and no one mattered.
After all the paper work and formality done I made him mine,i was never this happy,Korn slowly cooled down to him and he became emm's fave uncle.

Korn was the one who named him too.

I gradually told him about his parents,but he still repeat the questions ,and when I answer guilt eat me alive.

I always did everything he ever wanted not boasting but I know that my love is not enough.

Beams pov

I recovered quickly ,after the one day off I felt refreshed. it really him or I donno maybe I shouldn't think about it.

After the fifth patient I went on a break . There I saw pha waiting for me .
"Ai pha that's rare of you to wait what's up," forcing a fake smile on my face I said.

"That is not forth ,it is tae and they both are two different human beings " he began and my broken heart just burnt and I could feel it disintegrate.
"You are broken and as your friends it is our duty to fix you," he continued. No I hate this,I hate this sympathy.
"You either move on or blind dates are on the way."he said. I just nodded as I couldn't form any words to say.

Pha had left and it is already late.
I drove home myself. As I passed the nearby police station my heart skipped a beat, no I hate him ,I am gonna forget about forth and move on ,yes, that's what I am gonna do. I hate tae his guilty and sympathetic eyes were what I loathed yet he filled my thoughts ,actually the fact that how different he is from my forth.

I reached my home and ran to take quick shower. The water eased my heartbeat ,and washed away the burden.
I got out ,dried myself and headed to my fridge. I took a bowl of pre made fruit salad and sat in front of the tv.
Boring reruns of drama, lame news were the only things available.
As I changed a channel and a documentary caught my eyes." The cop who regained life after death," I read out loud.

"It was a rainy day when this brave cop and companions went on a horrific mission.
To catch ,avoid and arrest 'The Cobra'  the most horrifying drug dealers of the whole of Asia. With the systematic planning and action the impossible was done but Thailand almost lost the brave cop. His heart had a bullet an-

My oven went off indicating my mug cake was done . I offend the tv and ran to get it.
While the cake cooled off I thought about the documentary, what a  brave soul.

Suddenly a mug caught my eyes, it was for the anniversary gift ,a couple mug.( month one anni.)

"My cupcake, are you sure today is not an important day." I asked for worth time." No pumpkin today is an important day since you are with me😆"I gagged at that but I was passed ,how can he not remember our one month anniversary. "But wait,if it isn't already one month since an angel entered my life then I consider " I wiped my tears and hugged him. "This is for us,it's nothing big ,hope you like it."
I dropped the cup and burned my hand in the process.
"Ouch," how can I forget him if everywhere I go ,everyone I see,everything I though remind me of him.

Yes,that's it,i am gonna discard everything that remind me of him.

I ran to my closet and grabbed a luggage I threw the couple t, his coat ,all his clothes,his shoes ,the chain he gifted me,the watch he gifted me.100's of our photo,frames,the cup,..... I was furiously wiping my tears

No need for crying beam ,you decided you will move on,forth will like that.

I want down to my basement and threw the bag. I sat there and cried my hearts out for a good 2 hours. And i came out of the basement as a new beam....or so I hope.

Kit's pov

Pha and Ming are planning something and I know that means trouble.
I am not a grumpy wife who is sad that his husband doesn't trust him. No.
It was that they should break his heart, beam is my bffff and I don't wanna loose him.
But whatever happens I want tae and beam to end up together and I can feel it.

Fate can be tricky.

Their relation is not gonna be easy I can guess after the many revelations, but they will pass all this and I bet they will live happily ever after.

Authors pov

Not so fast my boy ,drama is only beginning 😈😈😈

Hello again,that was another chap.
Since many are confused tae and forth are different, forth died😢😢they have same face
And other information cannot be revealed
I am enjoying the tension btw.
Vot ,comment,maybe follow and enjoy

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