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Betty's POV: Did he really mean it? Did he want me to be with Archie? Did he not like me? Was I being stupid? I couldn't find an answer to any of the questions I was asking myself. And my head started to hurt, and become dizzy. I wasn't sure how to feel about what he said. It hurt me, but did it hurt him?
I walked back home, and when I got in my room, I put on my pink pajamas. I ran into my bed, and curled up into a ball. I wished I could stay there forever, all alone, no problems. I was holding myself tight, and I was right. My sheets smelled exactly like Jughead. It was a mix of rain, and just...Jughead. I couldn't explain it. I needed my book. I walked to my shelf, and picked up Romeo and Juliet. I curled back up into my ball, and opened the book. My now dead rose fell out, and it had dried up blood on the petals. The whole page I left it on was also covered in drops of blood, and it caused my whole body to break down. I cried, and cried. Until I fell asleep. All alone.
Jughead's POV: That was one of the hardest things I'd ever done. Walking away from her was like walking away from my whole life. A life that no longer had good in it. I was lying. I couldn't imagine her with anyone else but me. I couldn't be that selfish though. I had to go back and see her again. Just one more time.
I walked back to her window, and climbed my ladder. What I saw was heartbreaking. She was curled up into a ball all alone, crying. I needed to just go in there and hug her. But I couldn't be selfish. I couldn't. Next, she got up and found her Romeo and Juliet book. She went back to her bed, and opened it. There was blood on the pages. There was blood on my rose I gave her. It was her favorite book, and it was my fault there was blood on the pages. I did all of this. If we wouldn't have fought, she wouldn't have done this to herself. She dropped the book, and went to sleep cuddled up with herself. I loved the girl lying there, but she could never love me the way I love her. I'm too dark for her. I would drag her down with me.
           Speaking of happiness, I had an idea. So she'd forget all about me. I would go to the group home Polly was at, and I would get her back for Betty. But first, I'd have to talk to Alice Cooper. And that wouldn't be fun to do. I went back home and tried my best to sleep, but I tossed and turned. I was nervous, and afraid of losing her. But it was what needed to happen. It was right.
          The next morning, I climbed back up the ladder. Betty was still sleeping, and I knew her mom was up because I had just seen the door close, me barely being caught. I climbed back down, and headed for the door. I lifted my hand to knock, just when the door opened and revealed Alice Cooper. She stepped out, and shut the door. "Jughead." She said. "What in the world are you doing here? " She asked me while readjusting her purse. "I have to talk to you." I said. "No." She said. "Why?" I asked her. "Because. Why should I trust you if you lied to me?" She asked me. "Lied? About what?" I asked her. She tilted her head. "You told me you wouldn't break her heart. Look at what's broken now." She said while trying to walk away. I stopped her. "Please, if you care about her." I said. She turned around, and faced me again. "What?" She asked while crossing her arms. "I'm trying to make her forget about me. So, I thought I c-" she interrupted me. "You think that's what you should do?" She asked me. I stayed silent. "No." She said. "That's the opposite of what you should be doing." She said. "You should be making it up to her." She said. "But, please. Let me explain." I said. She took a deep breath. "I think...that Polly should come back to her." I said. She automatically narrowed her eyebrows. "What." She stated, and didn't ask. "Not possible." She said. Once again, she turned away. I grabbed her arm. "Alice. Please!" I pleaded. "At this point, it's the only thing that she may want to stay alive for." I said. She took a minute of silence. "I'll think about it." And she walked away.

Slowly Bleeding Lies ~Bughead~Where stories live. Discover now