twenty - one

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         Jughead's POV: I really wished that she would just go to Archie, but I wished she would also say what she just said. So I was happy. Happier than I would be with the other choice.
          "Ok." I said. She smiled her sweet smile, and kissed me on the cheek. "Oh! We forgot!" She said. "What?" I asked her. "Veronica and Archie are at Pop's." she said. "Oh, I knew that." I said. Her jaw dropped. "I don't like hanging out with them as much as I like hanging out with you." I admitted, while trying to walk away. Before I could get any further, Betty jumped on my back. "No. We're going." She said. "Now turn around, and carry me the whole way there." She threatened. "Or what?" I asked. "I will break up with you." She said. Hearing that, I ran as fast as I could with Betty on my back.
When we arrived, Betty jumped onto the ground. "I didn't know you could run that fast." She said. "Well I can." I said. "You know I wouldn't have broken up with you, right?" She said. "What?" I gave her the death stare. "Hey...exercise?" She tried. "Fake blackmail?" I said while walking into Pop's. "Fine. My feet were hurting anyway." She said. "Betty, I don't see them." I said while looking around. "They're here somewhere." She said. "No...unless you're looking for Ethel." I said. "Ethel's nice. Let's sit with her until they get here." She said. " no no." Before I could get away, she forcefully grabbed my hand. "Heyyyy, Ethel!" Said Betty. She smiled. "Hey, Jughead."
Every single person knew about Ethel's huge crush on me. Except for Betty. I mean, I've liked her for our whole lives and she didn't notice. "So are you two friends then?" Asked Betty. "Yes." Ethel said, and at the same time I said no. Betty gave me a threatening look. "So what brings you to Pop's Ethel?" Asked Betty. "Oh, I was just waiting for Chuck." She said happily, while glaring at me. Trying to make me jealous, but failing. "Ethel...I hate to say this..." Betty began. "Chuck is a player. He wins if he gets you, so I'd suggest leave now." I finished. Betty slapped my hand under the table while smiling at Ethel. "Oh...I get it." She said, and got up. "Ethel, wait!" Said Betty. She left us without another word.
"Are you insane?" She asked me. "You just broke her millionth heart!" She said. "Actually, I saved it. And I saved her from being embarrassed." I said. She rolled her eyes at me. "So how was school?" She asked me. "Not bad, other than being called names every class." I said. I saw her clench her fists, trying to hide it. "Betty. I'm fine." I said. "I know." She didn't unclench her fist. "So stop doing that." I said while grabbing her hand. "Doing what?" I heard. Veronica and Archie sat in front of us. "Pointless things." I mumbled.
Betty's POV: I knew Jug didn't like hanging out with Veronica and Archie together, but I began to think he didn't like it at all. While Veronica talked, Archie stared at her. While Archie stared at her, I looked at Jughead. He was "secretly" typing under the table. Jughead saw me, and closed his computer. He turned to Archie with a disgusted face. "Maybe you should try whispering quieter." Said Jughead. Archie was whispering something to Veronica while she was silently giggling. "Oh, sorry." Said Archie. "You know what?" He said. "I'm leaving, and no one can stop me. Bye, Betty." He said while climbing over the seat. I watched him walk out of the door. "What'd you say?" I asked them. Veronica giggled again. "Veronica." I got mad. "It wasn't bad." Said Archie. "Does being the new King and Queen of the school mean you have to make fun of him?" I asked while putting my bag on my shoulder. "We never said we made fun of him." Said Archie. "Did you not?" I asked. They both looked down. "Goodbye." When I got up, I gave Veronica a disappointed look, letting her know I was mad. "Betty, wait." I heard. I slammed Pop's door, and didn't even look for her.
         Jughead's POV: I felt the cold material in my hands. The threads on the back were lined up with one another, matching perfectly. Every length was shorter, or perfect. The leather was clean, and had the light scent of alcohol. I lifted it up, and put it on my back. I put my arms through the sleeves, and straightened out the front. I looked in my now fixed mirror, and saw myself looking way better, in my Serpents jacket.

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