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**Before we start, I wanted to say thank you so much to all of you who made it this far :). Also, the book is coming to an end. It'll be the final book. Or will it? ;)**
Betty's POV: Archie pulled me in and kissed me. I would have been...so happy back then. I mean, I loved him. But now, all I felt was his lips touching mine. No electricity, no spark, no love. I wasn't in love with Archie anymore. It was Jughead. And it always will be, too.
          Archie pulled away. I was speechless. "Arch..." I said. "What was that?" I asked him. He had sadness filling his eyes. "Archie. Why?" I asked again. "I don't know. I just don't know." He said. "Yes you do." I said. My eyes searched his face while they got glassy. "Arch...I love Juggie." I said in a soft, low voice. "And you know what?" I asked him with a smile. "V loves you." I giggled. This caught his attention. "Did she say that?" He asked me. "No. But I know what love looks like, Arch. And she loves you." I said. "So? Why're you here after me, when you have the perfect girl waiting for you?" I asked him. He smiled at me. "Go. Now." I said. "No. Seriously before I make you." I teased. He laughed, and ran for Veronica's. I playfully rolled my eyes. I proceeded into Pop's.
          When I walked in, I walked to our booth. But it looked like someone was already there. By the window, there sat a piece of Jughead. His piece. His grey beanie sat alone, next to cold food. I gasped, and picked it up. I looked down at the hat I held in my hands, and a tear fell down on it. I looked around for the boy I loved, but he was no where to be found. I put the hat in my bag and ran out of Pop's.
Jughead's POV: I went back home, and collapsed in my bed. I cried and cried, for what it felt like hours. "Jughead?" I heard. "You ok in here?" My dad walked in. "Go. Away." I said. "It may not look like it but I'm trying to help here, Jug." He said, and sat next to me. "What's got to you now?" He asked. "What do you think dad?" I asked him. "Ah." He realized. "The girl." He said. "Yeah, she's a keeper, son." He said. "Well she's not mine to keep anymore dad." I said. I felt his eyes look at me. "Archie. He took her." I said while closing my eyes. I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. "If its real, it'll work." He said, and got up. I heard my door shut, and opened my computer screen.
Betty's POV: I walked into my door to find my mom and Polly gossiping on the couch. I ran over to them both, my heart aching. "Betty dear, what's wrong?" My mom asked. "Betty? Will you talk to us?" She asked. "It's Jughead." I said while lying my head on Polly's shoulder. "Archie kissed me and he saw." I cried. Polly ran her fingers through my hair. "I always had a feeling about that boy." Said Alice. "Mom!" Said Polly. "Shhhh!" She added. "It's ok Betty. Someone will come along sooner or later." Polly said, and I went to my room. All alone.
I was lying on my black blankets, holding the hat that had ripped my heart apart into pieces. Jughead came into my room again. His scent was the strongest on his beanie. I held it to my heart, and fell asleep.
          "Betty. Wake up!" I opened my eyes. I was on the floor, and Polly was shaking me. "Polly?" I asked. "I came in here and you were on the floor!"  She said while helping me up. Something caught Polly's eye. She looked on my bed, and Jughead's beanie was lying there. "Betty. You've got to tell him." She comforted me. "I know. I just...don't know how." I said. "Take this to him." She offered. I took a deep breath, and picked the warm beanie up. "Alright." I said, and I followed Polly down to the door. "Bye!" She said. "Wait!" Before I could stop her, she slammed the door in my face. "It's raining." I finished. I took one step forward, and started running.
Jughead's POV: I was walking outside when I saw an exhausted Betty. "Betty?!" I yelled. It was pouring rain, not to mention a little cold outside. When she made it to me, I pushed her inside. My dad was gone, so he wouldn't be a bother.
"Betty, are you crazy?!" I said while she was shivering. "...........no." She said shyly. "Here." I said, while wrapping a blanket around her. Her hair was wet, and water was dripping from her ponytail onto the blanket like rain dripping from a rooftop. She shivered once more before she spoke. "I-I brought you t-this." She said while chattering her teeth. She pulled out a damp grey beanie. My beanie. I grabbed it from her hands, and put it on. "I was wondering where that was." I said. "Y-yeah. Y-you left it in P-Pop's." She confirmed. "Juggie, why'd you leave your food and beanie?" She asked me, while narrowing her eyebrows. "I just...wasn't hungry anymore." I said. "I know that's not true. You're always starving." She giggled cutely. "I...I saw Archie...and you." I said while not facing her. She didn't make a noise. "I'm sorry." She said. "If it makes you feel any better, he's off to find Ronnie." She tried. "Why? So he can break both of your hearts?" I shot back. She took offense to this. "Jug." She got tense. "Don't." She said. "Just speaking the truth." I mumbled. She shot her head to me. She crossed her arms, also. "Fine. Wanna go down that road, then ok." She said. "Why'd you leave? Just so you could prove a point to me or something?" She said. "What?! No!" I said. "Why're you so blind?!" I raised my voice. "You're the blind one, Jughead!" She said. "You're the one who can't even take care of yourself! You've been in the hospital several times!" I said. When the words came out, it was like I just shot myself. In the gut. She looked down, and got up from the couch. "Jughead." She said. I could tell she was about to cry. "You're the one who will never understand." This time, she said it calmly. "Betty, wait." I said and went after her. She turned around at the door. "There's nothing left to say." She said. "Except for this." She dared herself. "For your birthday, I wasn't going to give you a stupid gift." She said disgusted. "It was going to be much bigger than that." She teared up. My eyes were leaking, too. "I was going to give you my heart." She choked on the last word. "Betty.." I began. "No." She held her palm up. "I don't want to listen. I want you to listen." She said. "And my heart, I thought belonged to Archie. But it really didn't. It belongs to you." She said. "And that night, I was going to tell you... that I love you." She said. A tear tickled my cheek. "Bet-" I tried. "Don't. Just don't." She said, and ran out into the rain without one last word.

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