Chapter 1

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Unlike most first loves, ours was different. To be honest it wasn't love at first sight. It was just the opposite. He didn't even know who I was, I was only a nameless face in the hallway. He was the captain of our football team, a total jock, the most stereotypical popular boy that there was. He was rude, not nice, and most people only liked him for his breathtaking good looks. He was definatly very attractive, and he didn't even try to cover up his arrogance. He knew who he was, he knew that he could have every girl drool over him, and I'm pretty sure that he liked it.    Then there was me. I was nothing close to that, I was the polar opposite. I was quiet, a loner, and in my opinion, not that pretty. It wasn't like anyone had told me other wise. It seemed as if I always had a book in my hand, I loved reading. It allowed me to escape the world with it's problems and heart ache and brought me into a life where love was real, and intelligence was awarded. Not the world where if you're intelligent you're known as a nerd and made fun of. I was always made fun of, I never stood up for myself and I was known as an easy target for that.    But today was a normal day, nothing special or out of the ordinary. Just another day, boring and dull.    I was waking down the hallway, with a book in my hand and my mind caught elsewhere. I was hurrying down the hallway, trying to get my small frame past the large ones that surrounded me. I had promised my best friend, Louis, that I would meet him by his locker so that we could walk to homeroom together.    Louis Tomlinson is the sweetest and funniest guy I know. He's my only friend and gets bullied too, because well, Louis is gay. But I don't care about that or what a few kids at school do. Louis has always been there for me and I will always be forever greatfull. I still remember the day we met, it was one of the worst days of my life, but I'm happy that Louis was there to save me from the bullies.

"Hey Louis, what's up?" I asked him with a smile as I broke into a light jog to meet him at his locker.  

"Hey Tay." He greeted me by bumping his hip with mine before looking at me.

"Did you hear? Niall and Bianca finally broke up!" That was the one thing that bugged me about Louis, he loved to gossip. It didn't matter who it was or what it was about, Louis needed to talk about it. I on the other hand, hated talking about people behind their backs. Having it done to me so many times made it a sore spot. Louis knew this, but sometimes his mouth thought before his brain. 

"How exciting." I said sarcastically with a roll of my eyes. 

"Come on Taylor! This is important!" He said placing one hand on the locker and jutting his hip out.

"It's really not," I laughed. "I honestly don't care." I said and turned away from him to hide the small smile that was forming on my face.   

"Don't lie, I know you love him." He said and ran around so that he could face me.  I sighed because we both knew it was true. I did. I was shamelessly in love with Niall Horan. I've liked him since the first day of freshman year. He's always been more popular than me, so I've never talked to him. He doesn't even know who I am, but that doesn't mean I can't care for him. I know it's crazy and a long shot, but I want to be with him. It's how it's always been, and not that I've tried hard, but that can't change.   

"Shut up Louis." I said and playfully smaked him on the chest. "We have to get to class anyway, I heard we have a pop quiz." I said in an attempt to change the subject.   

"Don't try and change the subject on me missy. I know you're happy that they broke up." Louis said with a small smirk.   

"Just drop it!" I yelped with a small laugh as we started walking down the hallway.   

As we walked, we talked about random things and joked about our bald teachers. When we reached the classroom, I stopped to tie my shoe and Louis, being the great friend he is, left me to go run inside.  As I stood up, I pushed open the door and felt it hit a force with a 'thud' and a loud "ow!" I scurried around to see who I hit and saw the one and only Niall Horan rubbing his forehead.  

"I am so sorry!" I squeaked with a hand over my mouth, hoping that he wouldn't be mad.   

"No big deal babe, but next time just watch out please." He said with a little smile and moved around me. I had wide eyes and felt like I had run a mile.  I had just hit Niall Horan, the boy that I have liked for years, with a door.  He called me babe.  He actually talked to me.  Maybe today wouldn't be so boring, wonder what's going to happen next. 

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