Chapter 10

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Taylor's POV

"I love you." 

At first I was startled by his burst of words, so much that I took a step back. But his face showed hope and love, I couldn't help but believe him. I was jumping for joy in my mind, but I didn't know what to say back. Should I tell him I love him too? Should I lie and say the I don't care? The only thing that had me conflicted about what to say was that voice of doubt in my mind that was telling me he was lying. That this was some kind of bet or game. I don't know what I would do if that was what it was, I would be so heartbroken. 

So here I stand in this small janitors closet with the boy I have likes since the first day of freshman year, conflicted of wether or not to tell him that I love him or not. What do I say?

"I LIKE you too Niall." I say, hoping that he didn't notice that I said like instead of love. 

"No Taylor you don't get it, I LOVE you. I want to be with you, I want to be your boyfriend. I want you to love me too. Do you love me too?" He asked and looked me strait in the eyes. He said it so desperately, like it was a life or death situation. 

"Niall you need to understand, I like you, I would love to be your girlfriend. But I need to know that this isn't some trick or game that your playing with me and that you actually like me. I can't be with you if this is going end up with me finding out this was some kind of bet." I said, hoping that he would tell me the truth, and that the truth would bet had he likes me too. 

"Taylor, I want to be with you, no joke. I want to be with you, even if it means that I can't be friends with the friends I have now. Only if it means that every minute I spend is spent with you. I love you and you alone." Niall looked down at me and gave me a loving smile. It was shining, radiant even, it was everything that if look for in a smile. And of course it came from the one and only, Niall Horan. 

"Really? Why me?" I had to ask the question this was bugging me the most. "I'm nothing compared to the other girls you've been with, I'm nothing but a nerd." I deflated slightly as I said it, and looked down at the ground. 

"Why can't you get it through your thick skull that I love you? Those girls were nothing more than a distraction because I couldn't have you. I want you and only you, forever and ever." He said, still smiling at me. 

I looked up at him and returned his radiant smile. I felt his arms go around my waist and pull me closer to him, the smile not falling from either of our faces. I smiled brighter as we looked into each other's eyes, barley two inches apart from each other. Before I knew it, his eyes were closed and I quickly copied the action as our lips came together. 

I felt him smile into the kiss as our lips molded together. The kiss felt right, felt wonderful even. It was something that I knew I wouldn't get tired of anytime soon, it felt normal, almost as if his lips were meant for mine, and I's him. His tongue liked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I happily granted. 

We kissed for what seemed like hours, I almost forgot that we were at school and that we had class. We finally let go of each other when the bell rang. Niall and I had separate classes next period, and even though I didn't want to, I knew that we had to leave each other's embraces. 

"We have to go Niall, I have class." I said and lightly pushed him off me. 

"Please don't go, ditch. We can stay here or go to my house and continue this party." He said with a cheeky smile and wiggled his eyebrows. 

As I contemplated the prose and cons, I almost laughed at myself at the fact that I was actually considering skipping school. 

Finally, I shook my head and said, "I want to, but I can't. I have a quiz next period that I need to take." I sighed, actually wanting to go with Niall. 

I would MUCH rather make out with my boyfriend? Ya let's just call him my boyfriend, than take a quiz. 

"Fine, but we better hang out after school. I just got you and I want to spend as much time with you as possible." He said and blushed slightly as he linked our fingers together. 

"Me too Niall, me too." I said, going on my tiptoes and gave him a final kiss before I exited the closet and made my way into the hallway, with a wide smile not leaving my face. 

I felt like everything was in it's perfect place right now. Like everything's going to work out how it's supposed to. I'm finally with someone that I like and likes me too. For the first time in a long time, I felt happy and content. I could get used to this feeling. 

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