Chapter 27

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"Z, Liam is here. Shall i send him up to your room?" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I smiled at the mention of his name. I jumped up from my bed and ran around the room trying to clean as much as i can with in the minute, i didn't want my future husband seeing how truly messy i was.

"Z?" My mother questioned again, but i didn't answer i just ran out the door and down the stairs.

"Liam!" I yelled jumping into his arms as soon as i was close to him. My mother just smiled and turned toward the kitchen. Walking away smiling like a like idiot. So happy for her son.

"Come one. Let's go to my room. " I said pulling at his arm. He just smiled and followed behind me. His hand fit so well in mine it was almost unnatural.

"Zayn, i came to tell you that- Well ask you, if maybe you would like to go out to dinner with me tonight? I understand if maybe you don't want to, but i thought maybe it would be a nice first date." He smiled, walking past me into my room. And sitting down on my bed, pulling his legs up and pulling then toward his body. Almost rolling into a ball.

"I don't know? I might have to get back to you on that. I had a few other people stop by and ask if i would go out with them tonight.." I smiled, holding back my laughter, "But i will let you know right away." I giggled sitting right next me him on the bed.

"Oh, so it's funny Zayn today, i see. Well i might just have to uncancle my other plans." He giggled pushing me softly, making me fall back on my bed, but not before i grabbed him and pulled Liam with me. For a good five minutes, we were just laughing.

"No but serious, i would love to go out with you tonight. I was planning on asking you out. So it works out perfect." I smiled and pulled him in for a very awkward hug. He just rubbed my back in a very sweet motion,

"But i'm paying." He demanded, pulling away from the hug. "And i'm driving. But of course you can pick the movie we see after dinner." He laughed, "But it can't be anything too good, because the whole time, i'm pretty sure we won't be watching the movie." He giggled again, for like the tenth times since he walked in, it was like music to my ears.

"Why won't we be watching the move?" I questioned, but as soon as i questioned him i knew right away what he meant. "Oh serious? You think the whole time we are just going to have a heavy make-out session?" I questioned, truly meaning it this time.

"Well that's what i'm planning and if i have to pay, for dinner, then with out a doubt in the world, we will be making out during the movie." He said, leaning toward me, brushing his lips against mine, but never truly touching them. i whimper knowing that he wasn't going to kiss me. "Guess you are just going to have to wait till tonight." He giggled, getting up from my bed and walking toward the door. "See you tonight." He said, blowing me a kiss, in a very seductive way.

"Gosh, i just want to kiss you!" I yelled after him, but not getting up from the bed. Hoping my mother didn't just hear me. I watched the door for a second, and then in a second Liam was in the door frame staring at me with bug eyes. He didn't stop he just ran toward me. Jumping on the bed then on me. Not stopping to breathe, he just slammed his lips into mine. The wait was perfect, because this kiss was perfect.  

He pulled away slowly, " See you tonight." He voiced running toward the door.

Niall's P.O.V-

She looked beautiful, but not in the way one would think. She looks good no matter what she wears, but tonight she stood out in a way that is breathtaking. I couldn't look away. He dress ran down to the floor, in a smooth motion. Her arm's cover with her favorite jean jacket. She hair curled in perfect form, flowing down her back in a way that makes it seem as if she got her done, but i could tell just hardly even tried to like as perfect as she does. I just smiled for too long. She stared back at me with the same look, i was wearing a suit, no tie this time, just an open collar.

"You look- WOW." I stummbed out my words. I went to grab her hand, it was as soft as silk. I didn't know what else to say. I seems as if every word at this moment, would be unimportant.

"I could say the same thing." She smiled at me, her eyes darting around me body. Her eyes were bright with love.

"let's go, before we just stay here and stare at eachother for days. Because Tay, i could." I smiled, turning toward the outside. "So i thought maybe we would eat before we go to the movies." I smiled. I just couldn't stop.

"That sounds perfect."She said grabbing my hand.

Tonight was going to be perfect.

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