Chapter 19

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Niall's P.O.V-

It's strange, that one mistake can change your life forever.

One moment, your life is somewhat perfect and than the next, Your life is in pieces. What happen? What happen to the time when my biggest mistake was waiting too long to be with Taylor. Now the biggest mistake is ever sleeping with Bianca in the first place. Yeah, at the time I loved her but not the way I love Taylor. Bianca was always just there when I needed to not feel alone. But now, I'm stuck with her. Its scary, the feeling that one day very soon I'm going to be a father. But I'm going to suck it up and deal with it. I'm going to be there, this baby may be unplanned, but he/she is no mistake, the mistake was sleeping with someone who I didnt truly love. I will be a great father. The best. I will be no father that just leaves. I will not be like my own father. 

At this moment, I'm on my way to see Bianca. I dont want to be, I want to be back in my room with Taylor laying on my bed, laughing about silly things, just enjoying life. But no, no. I have to deal with this problem, and try to make it right. I need to do it now. Before its to late to even try.

Liam's P.O.V-

I hated to be the one handing Niall the phone. He's one of my closest friends, I've known him since 5th grade. And not once have a seen him so sad and upset. He was the picture of a broken man, and I hate knowing that. And poor Taylor, shes a good girl, and now she has to deal with this, Once she left for the forest, I turned to Zayn, he's my very best friend. I hate to admit it, but we are closer than the rest of the boys. Partly because I think I might like him. It's weird to think like that, but its true. But he will never understand, he's with some other girl, honestly I purposing forget her name. 

"What should we do?" Harry questioned, as we sat at the bench. I myself had no idea, and I'm the smart one. 

"We need to wait it out." Zayn said, " I think she's lying or its not even Nialls." I nodded my head at that. I was 99% sure it wasnt Niall's, but thats not something I could put money on. Because there was still a small possibility that it could still be his.

"I think im going to go home. Liam do you want to walk home with me, since Harry drove here?" Zayn questioned. I couldn't help but inwardly jump for joy. I nodded, and got up from the bench.

We said our goodbyes, and started walking down the main street towards my house. I finally got a text from Taylor, telling me she was at home, and not worry. But how could I not worry? 

"Li? You okay?" Zayn asked stopping on the sidewalk. 

"Nothing, I just feel bad about Taylor. She just found out that the love of her life is going to be a father, and its not her baby." I said, almost coming to tears, "I guess it sucks, because I dont want to go through the same thing." I stated staring in to Zayns eyes. And for some reason at that moment, I knew right then and there, I was in love with him. I'm in love with my best friend.

Niall's P.O.V -

I sit here alone. To scared to exit the car. How can I? I'm about to step into my future. And that scares me. 

I pull out my phone, not really thinking about what I'm doing. Theres only one person I want to talk to right now, and the only one I care about.

"Hello?" She murmured. Was she sleeping? Is she okay? Does she hate me because I just walked away? All these questions were floating around in my mind, the second I heard her say 'hello'

"Niall? Is that you?" She asked. I couldnt help but smile, she still doesnt look at caller ID before she answers the phone. I don't get why I think that cute or even funny. 

"I'm sorry." Is all I could say. I don't know what to say.  I want to tell her I love her, but maybe its not the right time.

"Baby, I don't care if you have to go with Bianca, but please just dont forget me." She said, her voice breaking after ever word, she was crying, but then the line went die. She hung up on me. Did she just break up with me? I need to see her now. I dont bother getting out to see Bianca, I need to see my angle, and shes not here.

I walk up to her front door. I knock but realize, her parents arent home, and she isnt going to answer the door if she sees that it's me. I decide to to climb up the tree by her window. Its weird, I never realized that there was a tree there. I'm half way up, when I see Taylor looking out the window staring at me. 

"Niall? What the hell are you doing?" She yelled out her window. 

"Move out of the way I'm coming in." I try my best to look super cool and cute at the same time, but I fail and end up tumbling in the window almost breaking my nose. A little smile started to play on her lips, I looked at her once and smiled.  Before she could say anything, I smashed our lips together, not bothering to wait another second. 

Sparks were flying, my stomach was flipping. I couldnt help but smile. Making her kiss my teeth. Its funny really, she normally hates when I do that, she says " it adds more germs" or something like that. It was nice, even though we kissed like an hour ago, it seems so long ago. 

"No stop!" She yelled suddenly, I pulled away. Confused as to why she was mad. Or what ever she is right now?

"Why whats wrong?" I questioned, stepping closer to her. Our foreheads centimeters away for each others.

"You need to go, we can't be together anymore. You need to go to Bianca. You need to be there for you baby. Be the father you never had. Go, love her not me." she pushed me away from her. "Go be with miss popular, go have a happy family. This is how it was going to end anyway, you were going to realize I'm not good enough for you. You deserve way better than a loser like me. Bianca is going to be a great mother, and you a father. Please just leave, I'm to much of a loser for you." She cried. My heart broke, why was she saying all this? Why? Why cant see realize I love her! 

"Taylor stop, I love you, not Bianca. I can be the babies father and still be with you. I dont need to be with Bianca to be a good father. Please just let me love you. You say I deserve better. You are better than anyone. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Bianca was nothing-is nothing." I said.

"You need to go. Go to Bianca. Talk to her. Leave." Was all she said, as she walked to the window to reopen it, " I love you and always will, but Bianca shouldn't be alone. No matter how much I hate her, she still needs someone." Taylor said, looking down at her hands. I walked over to her. I reached out my hand to pick up her chin.

"I will always love you." I say before I lean in. At last I capture her lips again. This time this kiss felt more emotional. More real. But that only means, its good bye. 

Liams's P.O.V-

We still stand on the sidewalk, we sit here talking. Well Zayns talking while I stare into his beautiful eyes. Its weird finally knowing I love him. His smile is bright right now, even at a time like this. Most people never see his smile, but for some reason thats all I see when I'm with him. 

"Li? Are even listening to me?" Zayn said shaking my shoulder. I smiled at him and nodded. "Then what did I say?" He questioned with a smirk.

"Something about something, and a whole lot of blah blah blah." I laughed, smiling myself. He just pushed me again, smiling again.

"Liam, can I tell you something? And promise, not to think of me differently, I'm the same Zayn as always, please just let me speak all the way thought then you can speak your pretty little mind off, okay?" Zayn rambled. 

"Zayn just tell me." I said, getting a little to caught up with what he was about to say.

"I think I might be gay." He whispered, a little too low, that I'm pretty sure that that wasnt what he meant. And that I was just hearing things. "I know it's strange and terrible timing but I just had to tell someone. Please don't hate me or think I'm gross. Just please don't." I didn't know what to say, all I was thinking is, 'i might have a chance'. I might finally be able to be with Zayn. 

With out another thought or word, I grabbed Zayn's face and crashed his lips against mine. In the back of my mind, I thought he was going to pull away, but he didn't. He started moving his lips against mine. It was amazing, the feeling like nothing I have felt before. This was amazing, I was just hoping it wont end. And it didn't. 

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