Chapter 18

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Niall's P.O.V -

"I don't love you anymore." She told me with a straight, emotionless face. "I never truly did, I only 'loved' you to become popular, and now that I am. You are nothing but a waste of space. Now if you could excuse me, I would like to go with the man i truly love." She spat at me, with pure hate. She walked over to the table, where the 'cool' people sit and sat down next to Zayn, and out of no where grabbed his chin and pulled him towards her, and started to make out with him. This couldn't be real, I felt like I could puke. Just the thought made me sick to the stomach. She was mine, i loved her more than anyone. Zayn likes Liam. Taylor is mine.

"But Taylor, I love you!" I yelled across the area between us. And within seconds the whole campus, started to laugh at me. My face turned a dark shade of red. I couldn't move, I was stuck to the ground out of shock.

"That's so funny, Niall. Like you even had a chance with me. I never even liked you." she shot back at me, " Maybe you can call Bianca, since both of you guys are losers now, you guys can date and it wouldn't be weird." She laughed, in a real evil tone.

" Niall." She said, it was a little random.

"Niall!" She yelled again but this time she came at me and grabbed my shoulders and started to shake me.

"Niall wake up!"

"Are you having a bad dream?" I was confused. I closed my eyes, but a second later I opened them to see Taylor Laying on the bed next to me. This is the second time she has been over in two days, yesterday we were on the couch and today we lie in my bed.

"Buggy? Where you having a nightmare?" She asked.

"Taylor?" I asked, "Do you still love me?" I questioned, the dream just felt so real, I need to understand, what's truly going on.

"Of course, I do! What kind of question is that?" She laughed and moved closer to me so she now was on my lap.

"Good, because i just had a dream, where you only used me to become popular, and I should have known it was a dream, you would never do something like that to me." I smiled, cupping her face in my hands and pulling her in for a kiss.

"Gosh, I love you so much, Princess."

:"I love you too, wait does that mean you're my prince?" She questioned with a smirk.

"I'm whatever you want me to be." I laughed pulling her in for another kiss. We promised to meet everyone at the park just to hang out and kick the ball around a bit. Its nice, being able to hangout wit both Taylor and my friends.

"We better get going." I stated getting up for the first time today.

"Where we going?" Taylor asked.

"Going to meet the boys at the park." I answered, hoping she still wants to go.

"Yay! Come on lets go!" She yelled and was out my bedroom door and down the stairs by the front door by the time I barely reached the top of the stairs.

"Why are you so excited? Do you like the boys better?" I smiled. Standing in front of the door, unlocking her change to exit. I looked down at her. Her faces was playing this huge smile.

"Totally so lets go." She grinned, trying to move around me, but I ended up grabbing her waist and spinning her around so she was right back where she was. I pulled her in for a passionate kiss and it definitely was. I pulled away smiling.

"As long as they don't do that to you, you can be as excited as you want." I said moving aside and walked out the door.

"Oh man, this sucks, because Harry did that the other day." She joked, pushing me out of the way so she can exit first.

"Haha very funny, Buggy" I said, "let's go."


"Hey guys? What's wrong?" I questioned as soon as i saw Liam, Zayn and Harry sitting at the bench, usually when i got here they were already playing around with the football.

"Bianca." Harry said, keeping his eyes on the ground. It was a weird to even think about her after what happen with Bianca and Taylor.

"What happen?" Taylor jumped into the conversation.

"She posted something online." Was all that Zayn said.

"Okay? What did she post online?" I questioned, kinda annoyed that they wouldn't answer me straight.

"Here look." Liam said, handing me his phone. I was confused at first, because honestly why would I care what Bianca posts, but then I saw it. It was really odd for her to post something like that but there it was.

I wanted to yell, scream, cry and die all in that one moment. In that moment my life stopped, on the cellphone screen, I saw that one thing that could bring my whole life down.

It was a picture of baby sonogram, that baby would be mine.

That babies mine.

And the mother wasn't the love of my life. The baby was in some bitches body, and I, the father, couldn't do a thing.

"What is it? Hun, your face is so pale, what is it?" Taylor said, a little too loud for my liking.

"Just don't, I have to go. I need to be alone." I yelled in her face and throw the phone at Liam and took off down the sidewalk back to my car. I couldn't help but turn around as soon as got to my car. I could still see them all standing perfectly still. I saw Taylor take the phone from Liam's lap. She turned the phone back on.

Her face went white, too white. She looked like she was about to cry. But she didn't, she just turned the phone around and walked away. But not in the direction of my car, in the direction of the forest. I thought I had to go after her, but I just couldn't. I love her, but if I'm going to be a father, I need to get my life together, I need to go to Bianca right now. Taylor can wait, she isn't the one having a baby.

But am I?

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