Chapter 23

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One week, one week of amazing moments with the love of my life. One week of stealing kisses, hand holding, random make-out sessions, and tons of 'i love you's'. Everything i love to doing with Taylor.  It seems that everything is finally coming together. Finally after all this time, i can finally hold her, i can love her again.  

'What are you thinking about?" Taylor asked, glaceing over at me. Her smile was large and so was mine.

"Just thinking about you, you know the usual."I smiled at her. She just blushed and looked down at her phone. I kinda was taken about when she jumped up from the side of the couch and ran to me. Sitting right in my lap, it was a nice surprise. 

"You're really cute, you know that." She questioned. Leaning in and slowly kissing me. It was sweet and nice and everything you could possibly ask for in a kiss. But i wanted more, i needed more. Passion is what i wanted, and i'm pretty sure Taylor was thinking the same thing, because before long she was straddling my waist and deepening the kiss. I need felt more alive then in the moment, it was amazing. 

"Niall, we need to stop. I'm so sorry." She said, jumping off of my waist and running back to the other side of the couch. I looked at her with a strange face, i was confused. I understand if she wants to wait, but why did she run away from me.  

'What's up? Hun, what's wrong?" I questioned, with more force. I wanted to know what was going on. 

'It's nothing. It's stupid." She said looking down at her hands. It seemed as if she was going to cry. 

" Tell me, nothing you say is stupid." I said walking over the spot right next to her. And sitting down. I move as close as i can toward her. I just can't help it. It like a magnet, we move together. And i'm fine with that. 

"I just like i'm doing something bad. When i know i'm not. I just feel like we are cheating because we are happy and Liam and Zayn aren't" We haven't talked to Liam or Zayn in about a week. Because every time we ask to hangout or talk they both say there busy, and it kinda breaks my heart because i wish they could be happy too. But i guess we can't all be happy right? 


Zayn's P.O.V.

Liam just smiled at me. He just kept on smiling at me. All i could do was smile back. My jaw started to hurt because i was smiling so wide. I was just so happy. I was in love and for the first time, i knew these was going to last. We haven't left the house in about a week. We've missed school and work. W have been staying at my house because my parents are out of town for about three weeks because of some business thing. Which i find to be pretty good, because now i can be with Liam all the time, and that's fine with me. We haven't told anyone we are back together. Because honestly i don't really care about anyone else. All i care about is right now. And right now i am in heaven. 

"Stop starring at me!" Liam playfully yelled at me, when throwing a pillow in my direction. I smile and cough the pillow and throw it right back with a "I can't". And that was an honest statement, i couldn't take my eyes off him. He was beautiful in every way possible. And he was all mine. 

"I love you." I said randomly. He turned his head toward me and grinned. 

"I love you too, Z" He said sitting up from his chair and walking over to me. We were in my room, i was on the bed and Liam was at my desk trying to finish up some school work. Well he was at the desk but now he sits down right next to me. I don't know what to do. So i just sit up and pull him closer to me. Closer to me is where he belongs. 

"Z, What's wrong?" Liam questioned looking up at me with those big brown eyes. I just smile and pull him even closer. 

"Nothing Li, i just want to cuddle." I smiled. I just want to love you, i thought. Not wanting to say it out loud. I want to wait though. I want our moment to be special, just like Li. He deserves so much more than just a meaning less hook up. He deserves the world. He should get the whole world. 

"Okay. That's fine with me." Liam giggled, pulling himself closer toward me. I giggled to because his hair was tickling my chin. 

"Stop. Stop." I giggled again, "You hair is tickling me." HE just laughed and started to truly tickle me with his hands at full force. Making me fall off my bed, but not before i pulled him with me. Making him land right on top of me. Our laughter could be heard down the street but we didn't care. We continued to laugh till we couldn't breathe and that was fine. 

"You're so cute." He frowned at me. Making me question why?

"Why are you frowning, Babe?" I questioned.

"Because i was going to call you cute first." He smiled at me unfrowning . " You took away my moment." He frowned once again still sitting on top of my waist. Making our waist connect. He folded his arms over his stomach, and pulled the frown. I slowly pulled my hand up and felt his cheek. Making his frown disappear once more. I couldn't't help but pull a smile. And put my hand right behind his neck. Making it easier for me to pull his neck up right next to mouth. Making it easier for me to leave open mouth kisses on his neck. 

"Z stop." He laughed pulling away from me. 

"Why?" I questioned kinda hurt.

"Because i want to do that." He said, and before i could say any thing, he was already kissing my neck, sucking and biting on pieces of skin here and there. I smiled a wide smile at the feeling. Not just because it felt good but because it was Liam kissing me and sucking on my skin and not just some random, girl or boy. "Does that feel good?" He questioned coming back up and staring straight at me. Our eyes meeting with passion. I nodded before our lips crashed together. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I had to kiss him. 

It was amazing, in a way i can't explain. It wasn't just passion is was pure love. Pure and sweet and everything you want in a kiss. And the amazing part is, this is how i always feel when i kiss him. 

Pure love..


Niall's P.O.V. (AGAIN)

"Kiss me?" I questioned, leaning in to Taylor. She just smiled. Making her face light right up. She kissed me, she kissed me with pure passion and pure love. Everything you want in a kiss. 

Love and Passion. 

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