Chapter 12

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Niall's POV

I can't find the words, I can't do anything but sit here and look at my friends playing Xbox. I don't know what I should say, it's like I've forgotten how to talk all together. For the past hour that the lads have been here I've been trying to think of ways to talk about Taylor and I, but I can't do it. 

It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I can't think of the right words. I really want for them to accept me and Taylor, and I feel that if I approach it the wrong way that it will a go to hell. 

"Hey guys, I need to um, I need to tell you something." I took a deep breath as they all faced me. "It's kind of important." I told them as they focused all of their attention on me. They all look at me with variations of curiosity on their faces, and I choked on my words before I could even say anything. 

What do I do? What do I say? What the hell am I supposed to do? I hope they understand, I honestly do. They are such good friends and I couldn't bare to loose them. I just have to tell them. 

"Niall mate, just spit it out," Zayn says with a bored tone. "I have to get back to beating curly over there at FIFA. Harry, has anyone ever told to that you suck at football?" He grins slyly at Harry and I can't help but crack a smile. 

"Shut your mouth Zayn, you're just as bad." Harry said, trying not to smile and admit defeat to Zayn. 

"Hello? I was the one that needed to talk." I said as I tried to bring their attention back to me. 

"Okay then spit it out Horan, we haven't got all day." Liam retaliated. 

Okay Niall, you've got this. Just grow a pair and proclaim your-"I love Taylor!" The words came out fast and unexpectedly. I didn't know what came over me, once the words came out I wanted to pull them back and restate it all. But sadly, that's not how the world works. 

"WHO?" They all said at the same time as they stated at me with wide eyes. 

Jesus how am I going to say it again? I can feel my cheeks fill with heat as I look at them. I can't take it back, I know that. Taylor would hate me if I did that and that is not a position I would like to be in. 

"I love Taylor Johnson." I repeat my sentence and feel it come out more naturally which brought a warm feeling to my stomach.

All their eyes lock on different places is the shagged carpet. Their faces are strait, too strait. 

"I know that she isn't like the, 'normal, girls that I date." I say and put air quotes around normal. Because, let's face it, the girls that I used to date were crazy and nothing compared to Taylor. 

"Guys, please say something, anything. Just tell me that your okay with this." I begged, becoming more scared of loosing my friends as the silence ticked on. 

"Hello? Are you guys going to say something?" I ask as I wave my hands in front of their faces. What the hell is wrong with them?

"Dude, calm down. We don't care. Please just stop whining so I can watch Harry get beat by Zayn." Liam laughed, pretty much brushing off what I said. I thought there would be more. I thought maybe they wouldn't like it, but guess I was wrong. I guess they don't care.

But once Zayn opened his mouth, I knew I spoke way to soon.

"I have a problem, what is this? You dating some girl we don't know? And out of all people a loser? What's wrong with you? Do you want to commit social suicide?" Zayn stood up in frustration and walked towards the door. 

What are you talking about? What the hell is your problem?" I stood up, dumbfounded by his sudden outburst of anger. 

"You heard me! Once you date a loser, you become a loser. Now, I'm going to go throw up and try to forget this ever happened." Zayn said and slammed the door, leaving an echoing silence in the room. 

"What just happened?" I asked an equally confused Liam and Harry. 

"I have no idea, I've never seen him like that. I wonder if something happened." Liam said as he stood up and followed Zayn's footsteps. 

"Where are you going?" I asked, copying his actions. 

"I'm leaving to find out what happen. Niall I don't care that you like Taylor, she seems like a really chill girl. But I have to find out what happen to our best friend." Liam replying before spinning on his heals and proceeding away. 

He went out the door, just as fast as Zayn. What just happen? I just lost one of my best friends because of some girl.

No wait, she isn't just some girl, I really like her. I fucking love her and I want to be with her. Zayn just has to deal with that. 

And Taylor isn't a loser.

Fuck him for saying that. 

"Are you okay with this Harry?" I asked scared of his answer.

"Niall I'm perfectly I'm happy for you. I truly am." He said standing up and walking toward me with open arms.

I nodded a 'thanks' and hugged him. 

How am I going to deal with Zayn? I can't lose him, but I can't lose Taylor. I can't lose either of them.

What am I going to do?

Will I have to choose?

And if so, who's going to make me choose?

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