Chapter 11

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I found myself walking hand in hand down the hallway with Niall. He wore a radiant smile that meant more to me than anyone would ever know, it made my smile brighter. 

"Babe give me a kiss, I want everyone to see that your mine." Niall said as he stopped in the middle of the hallway.  A rush of excitement went throughout my body, this wasn't real; this moment couldn't be real. 

And it wasn't. I was brought back into reality when the teacher slapped her hand against the white board. I was in the middle of class, I glanced to the right of me where Niall sat with a blank expression on his face. That's what he usually looked like in class: bored and like he wanted to be anywhere else but here. 

As I looked at him I had to smile, he was mine. I finally got Niall Horan. Niall turned towards me and saw me looking at him. He smiled at me making my smile widen. For the rest of class we gazed at each other making funny faces and stifling our laughs. And with our luck, not a single person noticed. 

Normally we text during class and try to meet in the janitors closet after class, but today we decided to meet in the room after the period ended. We never walk together, I always go first so it gives Niall a chance with his friends, luckily, they don't notice a difference in him. 

But today, much to my surprise, he was there first. 

"Hello lovely." He said as soon as I opened the door. His smile was bright and big and just what I loved. 

"Nice job staring at me all period, let's just hope no one saw." I said, trying to hide my smile and be serious. 

"You know you love me staring." He said and grabbed my hands and pulled me into a hug. 

"You smell lovely." He said as he nuzzled his face into my hair, making me blush slightly. 

"Not as good as you I bet." I said, trying to be cool about it but failing miserably. 

Our conversation wasn't that interesting, but we spent the whole period talking and getting to know each other better. I found it hard not to find almost everything interesting and intriguing about him. Everything he does makes me fall more and more in love with him, I can't help it. But that's the problem, the more I get to know him, the more I fall in love with him which will make it harder to end this relationship. 

It's not that I want to end the relationship, god I don't. Trust me. But I've got to look at the facts; we're both seniors in high school, the chances of us staying together are rather slim. 

So I'm going to try and enjoy this as much as I can and try not to fall more in love with Niall. 

Niall's POV

I can't help it! I love her, I'm in love with her. Everything about her is perfect and the more I get to know her, the more I fall for her. I want to be with her forever, and I'm determined to prove it to her. I want to tell everyone about us, about how much I love her. 

"Taylor, I think we should tell everyone we're together. I'm pretty sure our friends won't mind, and if they do, well they can suck it up and deal with it because I love you." I smiled and kissed Taylor lightly. "That's all that matters." I said, meaning every word of it. 

I grabbed her hands and pulled her towards me so I could hug her, hold her tightly. A small smile started to form on her face, I smiled simply at the fact that she was. I bent down and kissed her light pink lips, loving the feeling of them on mine. I pulled away to see that her smile only widened. 

"I love that idea and I love you, but are you sure? I'm pretty sure that all of your friends hate me, and Louis isn't exactly your biggest fan right now. What happens if they decide to hate us? What if we loose all our friends? Should we do this? I just hope I don't loose Louis, I couldn't cope with that. And I don't want you loose your friends either." Taylor sighed and hugged me closer to her. "I just wish everything would be perfect for once?" She sighed again and looked up me. She looked like she was about to cry which made panic a bit at the thought that she's crying because of me. 

"I was thinking that we could do it at different times yeah? Like you could tell Louis by yourself and I could talk to the boys by myself. That way we can have time to talk about everything. And I think we should do it tonight. You have Louis over, I have the lads over, I think this could work." I said with out breaking eye contact. This had to work, I needed it to. 

She nodded slowly and moved closer to me, I don't think that we could get any closer. I smiled and kissed her temple as she began to talk again.  

"I like that idea, I'll text Louis right now." Se said and pulled out her phone. I did the same and we both got a yes from our friends. I just needed to get through tonight and then everyone will be alright. Just tonight, plus, they're all my friends, they'll be by my side, right?

They will. 

What if I loose my friends?

What if they hate me?

They won't. 

They'll get it. 

They will understand that I'm in love. 


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