Chapter 24

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I don't know how to control it. I don't know how to control my happiness? I don't know why i'm so happy? I don't understand why it's all happening now but i don't mind it for one second. I couldn't be more happier about it. I finally have it all. I have the happiness i have been searching for, for many years. For years, i question why i must be so miserable, but now i know why, because i was waiting for all of to happen right at this very moment. At this very moment, i am so happy that it seems almost unfair to those who aren't as happy as I am.

Bianca is completely out of the picture now. The baby isn't anyone's at our school, it turns out it was a college student, who happened to be cousins with Kim, one of Bianca's best friend, so everyone is in the clear. Liam and Zayn are very much happy yo hear that. Because turns out even when they got back together, Zayn still thought the baby was his. I talked to Zayn about the whole situation, and how he cheated with my girlfriend, at first i was very upset, but then i realized i had nothing to be upset about. It wasn't as if i cared for Bianca in any way. I still didn't talk to him for a few day's just to make sure the anger was all gone and it was. Zayn and Liam are in a very happy place right now, and i couldn't be any happier for them. The deserve it all.

"Niall stop looking into space and pay attention." Mr. Smith yelled across the room. I was in maths right now.

"Sorry" I murmured, and looked down at my paper with a smile on my face because i knew Taylor was looking at me now. I looked in her direction for a split second and i was right, she was starring at me with those beautiful eyes. I grinned in her direction, only to turn my head toward Zayn, who was starring deeply and lovingly at Liam, who was starring right back with the same passion and love. I smiled at them, i couldn't be anymore happier for them. I looked back at Taylor, she now was paying attention to Mr. Smith. I decided to will write her a note because honestly i feel like talking to her.

Meet me in the closet right after class. No second later.

I now we are out to the whole school, but its nice being able to have these special moments with her, and what's more special then 'our' closet. I passed the note to my buddy, John, who placed right over to Taylor. The smile on her face widened with a bright smile. That i could get out of my head for the rest of the class, i was the reason she was smiling like that. I was the reason for some of her happiness, and that was the reason all of this is worth it, because she loves me just as much as i love her.

I felt something hit face, I smiled because i knew it was a note from my love. I slowly opened the note, with the same smile on my face.

Should I? Or should I make you wait? Decisions, decisions.

I smiled at the note, looking up at Taylor. I shook my head at her. Making her laugh, only to be shushed by a few classmates. I loved the girl.


Liam's P.O.V.-

"Don't get upset that you're sick." I smiled at Zayn, " It's you're fault, you shouldn't have been playing out in the rain." I smiled at Zayn, leaning over to, to try to kiss his forehead, but right before my lips come in contact with his forehead, he moved out of the way.

"I don't want you to get sick." Zayn giggled, pushing me, softly away. I giggled and quickly kissed his lips before he could do any thing about it. I smiled down at him and decided to jump in bed with him. I lied on the right side of him, so we could cuddle, but he had other plans, when he turned to his side to face me.

"Li, i said not to kiss me, i don't want you to get too sick." Zayn mumbled, starring at me lips longingly.

"I guess i don't care, I just had to kiss those cute lips of yours." I smiled, Zayn just nodded repeatedly and leaned into kiss me. And this time it was more then sweet and short. There was longing, there was so much love, it was partially heat. But i couldn't stop, i had to kiss harder. And so that's what i did. I slammed me lips toward Z, pushing until i was on top of him, straddling his waist. Our breathing became heavy and before long i could feel Zayn's hot hands sliding up my back, under my shirt. It was a feeling like no other. It was pure love that i felt. I felt him start to pull my shirt up and making its way up my back to my head. I just couldn't stop, so i grabbed the back of my shirt and took it off as fast as i could.

"Gosh, you are so beautiful." I heard Zayn mumble before he slammed his lips against mine once again. " Hot and sexy." He mumbled against my lips. I smiled into the kiss. I stopped for a second only to feel myself being thrown against the bed, and this time Zayn jumped on my lap, now kissing down my chest.

"Take your shirt off." I slurred, grabbing at Zayn's black shirt. " Now." I demanded. But Zayn just smiled and pulled me hand away. Kissing once more.

"Just wait a minute, Tiger." He smiled. And before long his shirt was off and he was back to attacking my neck. It was all sweat and heat right now. I honestly didn't know me and Zayn would be like this, ripping our clothes off. And just so cute.

But our moment was distributed by the ringing of Zayn's cell phone. And in a way i was glade because i wanted our first time to be special, even if it was only our first time together.

"What?" I heard Zayn angrily answer the phone, i bet he was pretty upset. Our moment was destroyed. "What do you want?" He yelled this time. I wonder who it was. All of our friends are in school right now, so it would probably be his mom or dad, but Zayn doesn't talk to his parents like that.

"Fine, i will be there in a minute." Zayn said, calmer now.

"Where are you going? You can't go any where you are sick." I said i little anger at him now.

"It's Bianca, she is at the doctors and she needs someone. There was a problem with the baby." Zayn said standing up and grabbing his shirt.

"Not to be mean or anything, but why do you care it's not your baby." I questioned.

"It could have been, i could have been the father. And i'm not just going to leave her, she sound pretty scared, Li." Why was he doing his? Why does he care?

"So you are just going to leave me for Bianca." I questioned, " We were in the middle of something, Z. " I said pointing to the bed.

"Li, i'm sorry. But i just feel so bad. I have to go see her and make sure the baby is okay." He said walking toward the door. "I will call you later, Love. Bye"

He walked out of the door, leaving me standing in the middle of the room with no shirt on and a few love bites going down my chest. He left. And he didn't even ask me to go with him. Why?

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