Chapter 2

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After my little... encounter with Niall, the day went by pretty normally. I still couldn't believe that I talked to Niall, it was too crazy to wrap my head around. Even though our conversation was short and probably meaningless to him, it ment somthing to me. I can't get over the fact that he called me 'babe', every time I thought about it, it made my stomach turn.    It was lunch now and I was sat under the same tree by the front of the school that I sit under everyday. Niall on the other hand, sits in the middle of the quad with all of his football and 'popular' friends. I have classes with some of them and they aren't exactly the brightest bunch in the world, but I'm not one to judge, I'm not the smartest either.   

"Taylor what are you doing? You promised that we could sit somewhere else today." Louis whined as he stalked over to the large tree. I loved sitting here, but Louis hated it. He always wanted to try and make more friends, but I...I simply didn't trust other people enough. It took me long enough to trust Louis, but in the end I did. And I'm forever happy I did, even though he could be a pain in the arse sometimes.   

"Oh stop your whining, you don't have to sit here if you don't want to." I said, already annoyed with the fight that we continuously had every day.   

"But you're here so I have to." Louis grumbled and sat down next to me with crossed arms and a pouty face. I simply rolled my eyes at his annoyance, I was used to it.   

"Why are you facing the quad?" Louis asked, I was quiet and Louis face broke out into a smug smirk when he figure it out.

"Trying to get a better view of Mr. Horan now are we?" He asked while wiggling his eyebrows. I continued to stay quiet and suppress my smile until Louis started to make kissy noises, so I gathered my trash and stood up.   

"No, and if you could stay out of my business that would be greatly appreciated." I gave him a tight smile and he resipricated it with an amused roll of his eyes.

" I'll be right back, I need to throw my trash away." I mumbled, turning my body towards the trashcan.   As I made my way over to the rubbish bin, I couldn't help but look over at the quad in hopes of seeing Niall, but to my surprise and disappointment, he wasn't there.    He must have gone to get food or somthing.    Just as I was turning back towards the bin, I butted heads with someone's chest. And with my luck and grace, I, of course, fell flat on the ground, with my bum first and the rest of me following. I looked up and was mortified to see Niall looking down at me with a bit of an amused look on his face.   

"We really need to stop hurting each other." He said with a small laugh as he put his hand out to help me up. I almost didn't respond to his outstreached arm, his angelic laugh ringing through my ears and making my heart beat at an unhealthy pase. Once I was back on my feet I dusted off my hands on my jeans and looked up at Niall and gave him a small smile.   

"Ya I think that would be best." I said with a breathy laugh, my heart still not slowing down due to our close proximity. I tried my best not to turn red as he laughed back and kept his eyes on me. I moved around him to throw away my trash and was startled when he spoke. I had assumed that he had left to go back to his friends, but I felt a small sence of pride in the the fact that he had stayed.   

"My name is Niall. Niall Horan. And yours is...?" He asked, outstreaching his hand again, but this time for a hand shake.   

"Taylor Johnson." I said, putting my hand in his. He grabbed it and shook it rather tight, but I didn't mind, I was shaking hands with Niall Horan.   

"We have homeroom together, right?" He asked, still holding my hand. I felt my heart hammering faster at the fact that he recognized me, I just hoped that he couldn't hear it.    

"Ya, and I think our next class is biology." I said and ducked my head down the minute I said it, wanting to take the words back. He probably thinks that I'm a bloody stalker now, crap.   

"Oh ya, we do-"  

"Oi Horan! What are you doing over here?" Zayn Malik asked as he came over. Zayn Malik was one of the star footy players along with Niall. Of course, he was popular and best friends with Niall. But also not the nicest to the people that weren't in his social rankings. People like me.   

"Nothing, I was just throwing out my trash." He said and quickly dropped my hand.   

"Well who's this?" Zayn asked and gave me an untastful look over. My heart sped up again, but this time not in a good way. This time it was in fear. In fear of what Niall might say, or what they might do. I swolled thickly and watched Niall with careful eyes.   

"Just some loser that tried to talk to me." Niall rolled his eyes. "Let's get out of here." Niall said quickly, not making eye contact. That was exactly what I was afraid of. I could feel my heart crumpling, but I kept a strait face and looked down at my feet.   

"Ahh, alright mate, let's go. I bet Perrie is missing me anyway." Zayn smirked an turned away from us and Niall quickly followed him.    So here I was, standing next to a smelly garbage can with words hurting me, by people that could hurt me the most. I wanted to hate Niall, I wanted to forget about him forever and never think about him again, but I knew I couldn't do that. I loved him, I loved him too damn much.    I love him, even if he thinks I'm a loser.  

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