Chapter Three

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Margot Robbie as Kamali

"*Do I have to?*"

"Yes Miss.Princess you must attend your own ball" I rolled my eyes at my Beta Johnathan. In the rouge world we did have ranks like Alpha and Beta just like packs, except we allow more freedom.

I shook my head at him and he simply laughed. I narrowed my eyes at him, crossing my arms. He then threw a piece of cloth in my face. I blindly caught it, holding it out.

"Joseph told me to tell you to wear it and yes you do have to wear shoes" I rolled my eyes. Joseph was his brother. He's basically my best friend. Did I mention he's gay?

"*Tell him I hate him*"

"*Will do*" I motioned for him to leave in which he did. I walked up to the door locking it.

Don't worry your gonna be fine kid.

Ha no you know I don't do well in dresses.

Hey at least there's free food.

I can get that everyday Syra.

Well sorry for trying to make this situation any better.

She's the only voice I can hear. My wolf Syra. She helped me learn to read lips as she would tell me what they were saying.

I sighed looking at myself in the mirror. I was a pretty girl I can give myself that. Yet being pretty can get you so far, I'm one of the youngest Alphas. I was in my early 20's, 23 no wait 24 make that mid 20's. I started to be an Alpha after my Grandfather died when I was 21. He didn't give the tittle to my father for various reasons.

Anyways back to me. Green eyes, bleached hair, my body type was slim, not stick I had some muscle. I glanced back at the dress. It was black, with mesh arm sleeves. I groaned. I'm gonna kill Joseph.


I glanced up at the door frame, sensing someone there. He jumped up like a teenage girl, clapping his hands in excitement.

"I knew it would look popping on you" I
jumped up a bit at his sudden approach. I shook my head giving him a thumbs down. "Don't be sour with me" I simply narrowed my eyes at him. His hands clasped together again. "*Makeup*"

I shook my head as he came over grabbing me by the shoulders, pushing me  towards the bathroom. "Hey you never know you could even meet your mate tonight?" He said as I stared at him through the mirror.

"*Haha so funny*" I dreaded the day I meet my mate. I hope he just rejects me. I don't need someone to be 'my other part of me'. I'm my own person. I don't need a fricken  man to 'be there for me' or 'support me' I do that just fine by myself.

And Joseph knows that. In high school all he did was bug me about it. And yes. Rouges do have a high school. Not the best but hey there's books and desk. I mean that's pretty much it.

I just hope it never happens..


"And done now don't eat or drink for about thirty minutes so you won't ruin your lipstick. Now here" he went out of view from the mirror, going into the next room. He came back with a pair of heels. He waved them around grinning.

"*Nope Barefoot*" he pouted, slumping down.

"*No battles today*" I was about to sign something back but he stopped me. "Just be a normal woman who just turned twenty four, your getting old lady...which means.." I shook my head.

"*Don't even go there*"

"Just at least put the shoes on, make your best gay friend happy" he gave me his puppy dog eyes, pouting like a child. "*Pretty please*" I blankly stared at him trying to resist. I mean they are really nice. No. Don't give in. Don't give in. Don't give in. My shoulders slumped down, walking over and grabbing the shoes from his hand.

"*Just this once*" he jumped again and probably squealed as well. I rolled my eyes sitting down on the foot of my bed. I struggled putting them on but Jospeh came over to help. He expertly slid them on, putting the strap through and pulling it tight.

He said something I didn't understand, mumbling it not really moving his lips.

"*What did you say?*"

"I said that this is a special night, yeah that's it" I narrowed my eyes again. He was bitting his inner cheek. He was lying.

"*Theres something your not telling me*" he got up shaking his head.

" of coarse not why would I?" He nervously scratched behind his neck, smiling cheekily.

"* know I always find out*"

"B-But..there's nothing-" I gave him the stare standing up as well. He gulped and seemed to sigh. His lips moved fast as I couldn't catch every single word.

"*Slow down there buddy*" he was anxious. He rolled his shoulders then spoke in parts.

"Johnathan. Invited. Your. Uncle. To. This. Event" it took me a moment to understand what he was saying to me. It's like I couldn't process what he just said.

"*Excuse me, what did you say?*" he shrunk back a bit, starting to sign.

"*Your Uncle. Is invited to the party. He accepted*" I blinked a bit.

"What!" Every time I was angry  I would shout. Not that I could hear myself. It probably came out weird but I knew I screamed as the vibrations rang threw the air. He jumped a bit. I was fuming.

" need to reconnect with them. It's been forever since what happened and-"

"*What are they gonna apologize or something? No I can't even take an apology. They threw Dad and I out. Left to the dogs. I was only Seven!*"

"Listen I get your mad but maybe this can turn your relationship with them yourself the favor of not having a dysfunctional family and if you decide not to have them just send them away. All I'm asking is that they enjoy the party for at least an hour. Hey if you get them longer it could also help the pack"

I began tapping  my foot then started to pace thinking about it. He left us to the dumps, we can allow them to come

But what if they can help the rouges you know? Bring them into good terms with packs. It's just a thought..

I say we do the same thing he did to us

Maybe let's at least see how it goes, Joseph is not gonna let go of this

I sighed and then turned towards him. "*One hour, the they are done!*" he seemed to squeal again and hugged me tightly.

God he's the only man that would make me do anything

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