Chapter Thirty-One

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It wasn't easy leaving again. The thought of her being hurt again while I can't protect her is a thing I wish to not haunt my thoughts. They put a wire on me, just to get the most information they can from them. I was going against my family. But I'm doing the right thing. Right? Then sun was almost in the right position, seconds away from my leave. Kamali was standing there, surrounded by her normal guard. Her eyes were full of sadness. Even though no one could see it, I could. I could see right though her while she locked her emotions away from everyone else.

They finished making sure the wire was in full use. I pulled my shirt back down, meeting her gaze again. I glanced back at the sun, thirty seconds. She had approached me, signing as something that Alex had translated.

"She says: Get in and get out. I know they are your family, and it's hard but also remember the your doing this for the best of both of the packs. As much as Emily thinks a war is needed it isn't because of the rise of Werewolf targeting. Don't do anything stupid"

"I'll be back tomorrow night. I promise" she had only frowned. She signed again.

"'Don't promise me anything. I don't believe in promises anymore'" that hurt. I felt a pain in my throat, my shoulders dropping from their normal stance. I promised her I would be back with a few days. I wasn't back in time for her. She looked away from me as the sun had finally set and I had ran into the forest.

I stopped when I felt the wind start to pick up at the border. I was gaining back my breath. The air was beginning to become cold. It was still early November. With the wind blowing it wasn't helping. But I guess I'm supposed to like the cold. With both Caleb and Coal my body temperature is that of a humans.

Once I gained my breathe I set off again. I tried to picture the map, they told me exactly Where to go. Through the back way. But I knew I was going to get caught there. I just had to keep going straight. I didn't tell them about to guards going that way. I stayed silent. The one good thing about the wire was it couldn't read my thoughts.

Don't want it to know what we could say?

Exactly right. We are almost there so keep your mouth shut.

Then I had saw it. My pack- no their pack house. I had to remind myself. They don't want me here. Not after what happened. Get in and get out. Don't stay here for long.

I watched as a few of the guards were walking back home from their afternoon shifts. Don't notice me. Don't notice me. I sighed in relief as they passed by and I slipped my way to the door. I opened it slightly getting a glance inside, no one. I went in, staring at the emptiness of the main hall. Weird. Have I been gone for that long that the whole dynamic around here has changed? It's maybe been a month. Maybe. I have to find Emily. Avoid Ryder. Avoid my mother. Avoid Sophie. Just get to Emily. I opened my sense, trying to see if I can catch her scent. That's weird. It was as if her scent was blocked. As if she knew I was already here.

I had come to a stop, my ears picking up on footsteps behind me. The footsteps had stopped a few feet behind me, their breathe being easily heard. "Mason. You've come back" slowly I had turned around to face her. I already broke one rule.

"Hey Sophie"

Her eye brows had creased, arms crossing on her chest. "Why are you sneaking around? Haven't seen you in a month and here you come, sneaking around like your going to steal something" I flinched.

"Listen. I need to find Emily. Somethings come up"

"What you almost sucking mom dry? Or the fact you left with Kamali? Or is it-"

"Sophie! Stop being so stubborn! Where is she?" My teeth had grinded together.

"Meeting room. Honestly. You need to go see how your mother is doing first. You-You selfish brat!" Stop it Sophie. You don't know why I'm here. You don't know what's been happening. I didn't want to say anything after that. I didn't want the wire to hear what I had to say next. I turned back around making my way to the meeting room.

From what I could hear no one was inside. It was all silent. All for one heartbeat. I had knocked, waiting. The door had then opened. It was Emily. She looked up at me, her eyes widening. Then she had pulled me into a hug. No words had been shared. Just the hug. We held onto each other for some time, until I put her down, the guilt was biting at my throat. As I put her down she was then staring at me with rage. She flicked me on the head.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"You being a dumbass! I thought you- he-"

I knew what she was thinking immediatly. "We only talked. Emily he's my father. I have every right to talk to him"

"You haven't heard what's been going on. The rouges won't move westward so our west border is weak. Just the fact that you...could get in here and get so close to the pack house without anyone noticing is scary" I tilted my head. Why did she emphasize on 'you'?

"Wait what do you mean...'me'..?" She stopped her rambling clearing her throat.

"Well um you know. Your a Hybrid. You shouldn't get that far to here without anybody not noticing you. Next thing you know it could an army of hybr-"

"And what makes you think that someone like 'me' would want to hurt you?" Her eyes had widen as my voice had rose a bit. She was turning against me. My own sister.

"N-no. No it's nothing against you. I'm talking about.."

"Stop lying" I was starting to get mad. Her eyes had turned to fear, I growled at her making her claws extend and go near my chest. My shoulders had only sagged. "You are scared of me..."

"M-Mason can you blame me? What you did to Mom and what Dad has-"

"What did he say?" Of coarse he was in on this. Why wouldn't he be in on this? She staggered back,backing away from me. I only scoffed, shaking my head. When I only want to help. My own family turns on me. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't. "To think I came back to help this pack. Yet you can't even trust me. Your brother of all your life. I took care of you. Kept everyone off you and Kamalis back when you were friends with her when you guys were little"


"You have no fucking right to call me that anymore. I'm done with you. I'm done with this fucking family!" With that I lost it. Turning around and blowing the main objective of what I was supposed to do. I left. Speeding into the night.

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