Chapter Fourty-Nine

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"Help! Help!" I had rushed her over to the infirmary area. Dead of night and still nurses came over. I was in a panic. How did she find me? Why did she find me? "Get her help. She's bleeding profusely." I barked. Frightened they hurried her away. I watched as they took her out of view. I can't follow her. I'm going to loose control again.

Slowly I began to back away. Both Caleb and Coal were at it again. Arguing back and fourth. Drilling my head with their voices. He can't control it Coal, we can't control it. She shouldn't have been there. Why was she there? I felt someone grab onto my arm turning me around. My eyes widen staring at my sister.

"E-Emily..." I tried to back away from her. But she still kept her grip on my arm.

"Mason? What are you doing here? How did you escape?"

"Emily go away..."

"Mason...what did you do to Kamlali she's-" I couldn't resist the urge again. I felt my fangs grow again, just like with Kam. Emily seemed to have noticed, her eyes widen."Masy no...Guards!" She screamed but they weren't going to come fast enough. Caleb took over, unable to resist much longer, lunging at her. She screamed holding onto my head to stop me from biting her. Keep fighting, please lock me up.

I felt more of her pack guards come towards me, grabbing onto my arm and head to keep me from biting anyone else. It was like trapping a wild animal. "Get the stake!" Emily shouted. Caleb's eyes flared as one of them had successfully taken a wooden stake and
jammed it into my leg. He hissed going down and another one was driven into our stomach. It weakened us as a whole, more Caleb. Good. The man had driven the stake more up into my body making Caleb hiss even more, choking on his own breathe.

"What the fuck? Hey what is the matter with you?" Jospeh's voice. I can hear him but the pain was causing us to close our eyes.

"Joseph he attacked Kamali. This is how we dealt with him back at home. He will heal. Where are your holding cells?" Emily responded quickly. I could almost sense him growing tense.

"K-Kam?! Alright just. Someone wake up Jonathan to lead you to the cells. I have to check on her" they picked me up by the hair, beginning to put the muzzle on me. A torture device for vampires. They did this whenever I really spun out of control. I didn't care now. At least I can't hurt her than I already have.


"Masy what happened to you..." I stayed silent. I let out a deep breathe. They took the muzzle off of me. Now I was healing slowly from the stab marks of the stake

"He used Amelia as bait. I don't know if she is dead yet. I do know she was being used as an emergency blood bag" I heard her gulp, her heart beat growing quicker. "You need to get me food Emily. Something. I can hear your heartbeat from here"

"Why was he starving you?"

"He let me out. I thought I could be able to feed before I saw her but then she was there and-"

"Mason she will be fine. Why was he starving you?" I glared up at her. I let a moment of silence pass by.

"So I could hurt her. He's doing it to every vampire he has. Just so their bloodlust will become stronger. I couldn't stop him I'm sorry" she could only grit her teeth. Her heartbeat slowed, eyes glazing over. It took a minute for her to blink back to reality.

"They are bringing you something now. Just try and gain your strength up. For now your going to be locked up, I'm sorry but it's for their safety while they recover..." plural wordage. I sat up wincing, to lock my eyes with hers.

"They..? Plural. While they recover...I don't remember hurting anyone else" she coughed, hitting her chest.

"Did I say they? No my mistake I meant she." She has gotten up from her position quickly making her way to the door. "Hey I'll have someone fill you in on what's been happening lately Masy I have to go!" She's lying to me. Not about that someone will fill me in but about hurting someone. What could be worse than hurting just my mate?

~ A day later...

I gasped awake. He's here. He was alive. He fed on me. What happened? My eyes tracked through the hospital room I was in. I looked towards the monitor to my right staring at the line showing my pulse. I was also attached to a blood bag. It was halfway empty.

Blood bag. Mason. Shit. I scrambled upward racing to get these stupid things out of my arm. As soon as I stood up I felt myself stumbling, I was lightheaded. I gripped onto the bedpost, stumbling to the ground. Then came the headache. My hand went up to my head, it felt like fire. Like I was running a fever.

Suddenly someone's hands went on me. A sudden burst of adrenaline went through me as I jumped up, claws out. They grabbed my forearms stopping me. They said something. I looked at their face then calmed down, it's just Joseph. "What are you doing up, lay back down" he forced me back down while I shook my head. "Don't shake your head at me. Lay down"

"*Wheres Mason?*" He rolled his eyes.

"Cells. He wanted to be as far away from you as possible"

"*And my baby?*"

"From what doc can tell perfectly fine..." he stopped short, he stopped himself. Why did he stop himself?

"*Don't do that. Somethings wrong. Something is wrong with it. What happened? Are they hurt are-*" he glanced at the growing heart monitor.

"N-no! Just. I wanted to tell you with Mason but obviously your panicking. Your having twins"

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