Chapter Sixty-Two

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"I was waiting for you. At the door love. You didn't see me. Didn't sense come?" Moms eyes flashed.  Carefully she went to put the pup down but he only glared. "I wouldn't do that if I was you" I had to say something but I couldn't. I've learned that in my human form I was effected greatly by his power. I was scared. Truly scared.

"Don't call me love. I was no love to you" she spat back holding the newborn close.

"I doubt that. Son...where's Caleb? Your still here on a blood moon. He must be on a frenzy" my teeth gritted.

"No he isn't. I am not your son"

"Ah so your both wrong" he shut the door behind him, locking it. I felt myself back into the bed again, my legs hitting it. Kamali wake up. Wake up.

"What do you want from us? You've done enough, you've gotten your revenge!" My mom cried. From under her mask you can see her pain, you can see it.

"I want to be Alpha! I never got that right! Now this is perfect. It will be the first bonded pack. Vampire and werewolf standing side by side, and this time the vampires will be able to over power by majority" he sounded. Anger was radiating off of him. The girl in my arms began to whimper, the boy moving almost trying to struggle in my moms arms. "With then I can start. Start my new pack. With them being case one dies..." His words haunted me. I felt someone's hand grab my leg, I looked down to see Kam, fear in her eyes. My eyes snapped back to him in anger.

"Over my dead body will you take my children" he only grinned even more.

"I was kinda hoping they would have their father present in their lives" his claws then grew. I couldn't go anywhere. I know he can smell the fear on me, I know he can. Mom had put the boy back into the crib, her claws coming out as well.

"Take another step and I'll rip your head off Ramon" he chuckled.

"Oh poor Emmy. My poor Emmy. I still got the moon on my side" he then attacked. Mom tried to fight him off, swatting and dodging his attacks. I tried to get Kamali up but she only winced falling back down, she was too weak, way to weak. I gave her the baby, she was beginning to cry. I then dodged the two that were fighting, grabbing the boy and retreating to the other side of the room with Kamali. Both of the kids were fussing, the girl still crying.

"Kamali we have to move. We have to" she nodded, motioning to help her. I tried my best to help her up, balancing both her and the baby, yet I was again useless. Completely useless. Kamali cried out again,clutching onto the bundle of blankets in her hand. "Kam please. We need to get to a mirror, then we will be safe, we will be safe" I tried to get her motivated. She pressed on, managing to get up and shuffling towards the door. Suddenly my mom was thrown through the door. Actually through it destroying the door into pieces.

"Where do you think your going? I still need my grandchildren" Kam bared her fangs at him and he did the same. She was too weak to fight. I have to get her to a mirror. I have to. I glanced at the floor to see a sharp piece of wood. I dove for it, watching as he pounced at her. As quick as I could I lodged the piece into his stomach. He let out a roar, giving me time to pick Kamali back up and leading her astray.

"Come on. You'll be safe with them. I just need you guys safe" she didn't see me to hear it but I know she sensed me saying something. She nodded pressing foreword, she knew what I was talking about. An alarm was going on in the hospital, everything was already starting to lock down. Some nurses ran up to us, taking both of the pups.

"Help them. Then I need someone to help my mother ASAP" they nodded, one of them leading Kamali away and the others eyes glazing over. I ran out of there, running to the stairs and running up back to the battlefield.

I glanced around, the mirror that was there last time was gone, tipped on the ground and the pieces shattered around it. No use. I ran outside seeing the carnage. We were still losing. Still.  Still we were dying off. I went upstairs, going into our bedroom. I pulled off the cover of the mirror being able to communicate with them.

"He's here. He's here and I need you back. He's got mother cornered. Kamali just barely made it out with the twins" please hear me, please. Then they both appeared as the beast. It's head tilting, then nodding and the link ended. It took him a second for him to scratch at the door. I unlocked it backing up as it entered the room, the immediate fear become a reality again. The animal seemed to chuckle, walking to the mirror and jumping into it.

I felt the connection form again, the fear leaving and my strength gaining.

Finally...I hate doing that

Now that's something we can agree on

I felt myself shift again, back into the beast. It stretched its legs, its bones cracking and adjusting. It could hear the screams from downstairs. It snarled at its reflection, speeding downstairs. It saw the man looking over it's mother's body, chuckling to himself. She was limp on the ground, but it could still hear her heartbeat, weak but still there. "Emmy don't play dead. That's no fun to me...wake up love" he nudged at her roughly. The beast growled at him. The man turned to stare at the beast, his eyes widening.

"Son is that you?" I barked agressibley and the mans expression changed to a grin again. "You are just like me son...just like your dad"

Let's kick his ass.

With pleasure, they both spoke together again and pounced on him.

Hey guys! It's Maddy. Duh. Anyways wanted to let you know that this book is coming to an end 😭. I know makes me sad too as I love all these characters, they are my 'real' first characters (don't look at werewolf journals that don't count). Anywayyssss



Maddy G

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