Chapter Twenty-One

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The walk back was rather quiet. We were surrounded by her guard. Every time I would move to adjust my hand on her I would get a warning growl from one of them. Sometimes I would flash my fangs to make them back off. Kamali would then send me a glare.

But I knew we were close. The way the guard had tensed, the way their pace had sped up. Then we had slowed, the gust of wind had followed. All the scents also following, I could smell every single one of them. My nose wrinkled as I kept on following behind her, trying to stay close. We passed through the familiar trees, then before we knew it, the pack house. I felt myself tense up as many rouges began to stare, some growling. Some had even shifted to get defensive and block our path. Kamali has pushed away the guard signing something to the dogs.

They kept their ground until Joseph spoke. "That's an order!" They went submissive stepping out of the way. I then felt one of the guard grab my arms, pulling them behind my back.

"Hey What the hell you think your doing? Get off me man!" He only growled, holding onto me tighter. He rushed me into the pack house, they shut the doors behind us. I felt him put something, binding my hands together. They burned as I tried to break them off. I was then thrown on the floor onto my knees. I stared at the ground until I felt her hands on my face lifting my head up. She mouthed I'm sorry.

"Yeah sorry? What the hell was that?!" She flinched as if she'd been slapped, she got to her knees as well, writing her letters on my leg.

"*^Safety issue..we still need the pack to think of you as a prisoner^*" she bit her lip, her writing slowed.

"Why are you lying to me?"

Because she's nothing but a

Shut up! Quit with your lies! God I wish I could kill you! Ryder don't listen to him

One month you won't even be able to touch me

"I'm sorry say that again?" Her eyes narrowed as she began to write again.

"*^ They already knew you were a prisoner since you walked in here...the chains are to not allow you to escape^*" my head tilted.

"Didn't know you wanted to get kinky that fast" my eyes immediately widen after that. Her face went red, warning growls went out. Joseph quieted them. "I'm sorry. That's wasn't me that-"

"*^I know. Just^*" she shook her head, nose wrinkling. "*^Have you been having more trouble with..him lately?^*"

"Yea...but it's fine in a month he should be dormant"

Are you sure about that?

I gritted my teeth at his response, I tried to focus on her words. "*^Try to keep him away. As far away as possible. I'm going to tell you something that you need to know^*" she was clearly nervous. "*^Well Joseph is Because you cant understand me^*" she got up, leaving a kiss on my cheek. I blinked as she began to step away. The guard around us seemed to ready themselves, two of them putting their hands on my shoulders to keep me down.

"I don't get it. You couldn't tell me at the house and your afraid to tell me now! Just spit it out already" she closed her eyes for a second, she was thinking about something. Then she began to sign with her fingers. Joseph began.

"Why do you think your sisters are a year younger than you?"

"I don't know. Maybe because Ryder and my mom had just met"

"Why did your mom leave your dad?" I growled.

"Because she knew he was a monster. What are these questions?"

"Mason just-" Joseph was trying to read her hands as they moved fastly.

"No! I'm not calming down tell me!"


"For god sakes-"

"You know what" he turned to me. "Your a pain" he began to stalk closer, the anger pulsing through him. "She is trying to help you. You idiot!" I went to open my mouth again but he cut me off. "You really want to know? You really want to know? Your mother was raped by the son of a bitch you call your father. He's been feeding you lies all along!"


Emily (??)

"How's she doing?" Dad looked depressed, unhealthy even.

"They have now fully gotten the venom out of her system and she's slowly recovering." He said with such grim. He leaned against the wall behind him, running his hands through his face and hair.

"Dad she's going to be fine. She's recovering" he groaned, seeming uncomfortable.

"I know Emily. Just I haven't had the best experiences with this stuff"

"I know but as long as your strong she will be too. Okay?" He smiled lightly, chuckling.

"Whatever you say kiddo" I nodded, taking a deep breathe as I stepped inside her hospital room. She was just staring off into space, laying in her hospital bed. Her gaze then drifted to me. Her cloth was off her eyes revealing her still piercing green eyes.

"Hey mom. How are you doing?" I walked over, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Good...for now" she smiled. I reached out grabbing onto her hand , she squeezed it weakly.

"Mom I don't think he will come back" her smile then dropped as she frowned.

"When the time is right he will come back. He will. But until then all we can do is hope his real father stays away long enough"

"You know he probably already got to him. You know after what he did to you-"

"That wasn't my son. That was his father taking over, the monster taking over. Never compare that beast to my son" she began to cough, hitting her fist against her chest. I got up adjusting her position so her coughing will die down.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry it's just. It's hard. Daddy wont forgive him. Not after this. And especially what happened with the rouges. He's already on edge" moms breathe went long and rugged.

"About that..Ms.Alpha...what shall you do about that? The rouges I mean" I sighed, always wanting to avoid this situation, this answer but I knew what' I had to do, for the sake of the pack.

"I'm proposing them to move. Move farther away, more in the west. If they don't means war"

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