Chapter Twenty-Six

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My eyes had widen, his lips trying to make mine respond. Then he had pulled away, his eyes not dark anymore and back to their normal color.

"I'm gay! What the hell! I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay" he pulled away completely, running his hands through his hair. "K-Kamali! Oh my god. That was not me, that wasn't me, that wasn't me!" He was trying to make me understand.

I felt myself begin to drift away. As I stared at his mouth the words started to become gibberish. A headache had started to come on, my legs were starting to buckle underneath me. I held onto the countertop. Everything had become dizzy. Until I dropped to the floor, that's when everything went black.


"What the fuck did you do?" I flinched hearing Jonathan's voice rise above Kamali's screams.

"I-I don't know what happened! One moment it was a normal conversation and then this scent. Like she smells right now, god that scent turned me straight!" I flinched again as she had let out another scream. His head had turned to her, his eyes had darkened. "Hey snap out of it! That's exactly what happened to me" I snapped my fingers in front of his face, making him blink and his eyes turn back.

"I'm sorry... I can't be here" He then ran out of the room. I looked back at Kamali going over to her.

"Hey your going to be fine. Just relax, doc is going to be here in a few I promise. I promise" she was sobbing at this point. I let out my breathe, whimpering as I shut the door behind me. I stared at Johnathan, his back was turned to me. He was against the wall, breathing heavily.

"J...are you alright?" He banged his fist against the wall. I heard him growling. He was fighting with himself.

"Pro- Protect.. her!" Wait what? He then turned to me, pouncing on me. My eyes had widen, he had gone savage. He went to bite me but I pushed my legs up, throwing him into the nearby wall.

"What is wrong with you?!" He attached again, swinging his claws at me. I dodged wobbly and had kicked him down to his knees. He swiped one leg out, landing me on my back. He got up swiftly heading for her room. I growled getting up and jumping him. I put my arms around his neck, veering him back. I was shot foreword as he chucked me off of him. I groaned, trying to get off the floor. I didn't even notice him right in front of me. He lifted me off the ground by my neck, his clawed hand squeezing.

My breathe had started to get choked up. I tried to scratch his hand away but he wasn't budging. My eyes had started to close as I couldn't breathe anymore. I saw him grinning, why was he doing this? I thought I was out. Gone. My eyes had closed. But my body had hit the ground, the pressure of his hand off my neck. I had gasped for my breathe, breathing in and out to get my lungs working again. When I finally caught my breath Jonathan was on the ground, the pack doctor standing there with a syringe in her hand.

"You alright?" I couldn't speak. I simply put a thumbs up coughing. She had helped me up, but I could only stare at my brother.

"What did you do to him?"

"Wolfbane shot. He will wake in an hour" I nodded, great full she didn't kill him. "Where's the Alpha?"



"I'm going to need you to stay very, very, very quiet. You can't move either" the scared girl had whimpered, her petite body shaking as the tears had poured down her cheeks. He had taken off the mouth gag, her lip quivering. She let out another noise. "What did I say?"

"I-I'm s-sorry.." she was shaking. She knew she wasn't going to live. She knew. She was trying so hard. So hard to escape. He had only sucked his teeth.

"Tsk tsk tsk...I had only two rules. You've made this to difficult for me. Human blood is sweet but the actual human can never follow directions" her eyes had widen. She was so scared.

Stop, your torturing her. Just get it over with.

I like to work for my meals

He had chuckled. "Tell me why I should stop? Tell me, go on. You can speak"

"I-I have a l-little girl. P-please"

"You mean Lauren? She tasted sweet. She was such a nice girl. Pretty little pigtails right?" She let out a cry.

"Y-your a monster! S-she was o-only f-five!"

Stop lying. Your making this worst!

I can do what I please human companion

"You've gotten boring. I'm more curious about what's on your inside rather than the outside"

"N-no! N-no please!" He didn't take no for an answer. He simply smirked, diving into her neck. Her fangs had sunked in, taking his prey. She had screamed, trying to push his head away. But he kept lapping up her blood. The warm liquid filling our mouth. It took a minute to drain her. He lapped up the last of it and let go of her lifeless body. She thumped against the ground, while Caleb wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Now human doesn't that make you feel better? Only having one voice speaking to you. Only having one thought. You know I'm way stronger than that mutt. Why don't you get rid of him forever?"

I'm not giving rid of him. If I do I loose Kamali

He chuckled again. "She is weighing you down. She is another way to your heart other than a knife. A weakness"

She isn't a weakness she is a strength. I'm glad I have her

He had glanced at the stained girls body again, licking his lips. "One day...Your going to get really hungry. Then she will be there. She won't be your mate then no she will be your prey. Then you will drain her. Just like Polly here" he traced his hands across her cold face, his grin still holding.

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