Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I didn't wake up at all through the night. Instead I had slept peacefully. In the morning my eyes had blinked open, then had stared at him. He was lightly snoring. I could tell as his mouth was slightly ajar. He's been gone for some days, only days and he looks different. His skin had more color to it, his eyes not sunken into his skull as it was. His face seemed...younger. It was odd. It was the subtle beard that was growing on his chin that reminded me of his age.

At least my body didn't feel as if it was on fire. Well that was because of the position we were in. Somehow someone had changed my clothes instead of the cold wet clothes I had on from the bath. He was holding onto me as if I was a teddy bear. It was oddly comfortable. It was maybe a few minutes, I was just staring at him. Not creepily no just observing him.

I still haven't heard from Syra. Maybe this heat had really hit her that hard.

He had began to wake up, mumbling something under his breathe so I couldn't make out the words. His eyes blinked open, they focused on me. "Were you staring at me?" I just shrugged. He rolled his eyes, adjusting his hold on me. "I know. My looks are too god like to be unable to look away" he smirked after his comment.

"*^Why were you gone?^*" he immediately stiffened. Then he had started to get up, lightly setting me down on the bed as he stood at the edge. His bare back had turned towards me. He turned back around. A grim expression on his face.

"You need to keep resting. I'll go get you some breakfast" Wait no. He began to walk to the door, opening it.

"Mason.." he stopped again. Hearing my voice. He then had turned, his red eyes showing.

"I did bad things. Very bad things. It was blood moon. I'm sorry I had to leave you. I'm so sorry" his vampire was apologizing? Maybe he really did feel regret, guilt. Or maybe it was his wolf making him say it. How could I be so wrong?


Thank you Caleb

It's not like I had much choice. I was...forced. How the hell did you do that?

Because of me. Fool.

Coal! What the hell happened to you?

Bloodsucker has too much to drink. Even for a blood moon. He wanted your body to himself for those three days.

Well my plan was yet again fooled by a mutt.

Wait what plan?

Both of them had went silent. My eye brows had raised. What the hell is all this secret ness? I shook my head, making my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.


"*^Thanks for the food^*" she had wrote on a pad by her desk. I nodded my head, watching her as she began to bite into the bread.

"How long have you been in pain..." she picked up the pad again, beginning to write.

"*^The morning after you left..^*" my face had dropped even more. I've left her hurting for that long. I've left her.

"Please...forgive me my love. Please I had to get away from you. I had to get away from everyone. You have to understand-"

"*^I know^*" I went silent after. "*^Please don't blame yourself. Not ever^*"

"Everything just feels like it was planned...I think they are doing something to me"

"*^Your being controlled by two greater beings than you^*" she let out her breathe. "^*Dont let that eat you up. Your still you. I know they do things against your will*^" she put her pen and pad down, continuing to eat.

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

Don't worry about it

Tick-Tock doggy..tick-tock

I didn't even notice she had wrote until she had start nudging on my arm. "*^Actually I need a favor^*"

"What is it?" She was writing even before I spoke.

"*^Your technically an 'Alpha' so I need you to go check on my Beta, Joseph and then ask him about training, reports on the borders and reports about your sister^*"

"Well already with the Alpha duties. Why can't you do it? You seem all better to me"

"*^Babe I don't think you want me to walk outside. Smelling the way I smell. I know your blocking the scent. Your trying so hard^*" I don't know why but I had released all the straining I had used to not be able to smell. I felt my eyes turn to my wolfs. "*^Thats what I thought^*" she started to get up, walking towards the bathroom. She stretched on the way there, her body pulling me into a trance.

I felt myself growling, she was tempting me. She looked back for a split second, holding up the pad. "*^Go now. Then later we could maybe do something^*" she then had winked. I had to pull Coal back. He wanted to take her there. Wanted to ravish her.

She had shut the door. He scent had followed her but was still there, allowing me to calm down enough to gain back control. I let out a shaky breath grabbing a piece of paper and began to write with an extra pen there. "*^I don't like being teased little mate^*" I slid it under the door. It took a few minutes for another paper to slide from under the door.

"*^Thats still Alpha to you Mate. I'm still in charge around here^*" I rolled my eyes writing I will be back in a few and slid it under. With that I left.


"Wow look who's becoming Alpha" Joseph had nudged me in my stomach. I only rolled my eyes at his comment.

"I know right? But yet I was reminded by Kamali that she is the dominant one in this. I guess she doesn't like being submissive" his eyes had only widen.

"Hey listen man. Talking about K-Kam and yours relationship is s-sweet and all but talking about what you guys do in bed is not-"

"No! I meant as sharing Alpha title!" He stopped in front of me giving me a dumbfounded look.

"So your telling me you guys haven't-"

"No" I growled.

"Even when she smells like-"

"Yes" I crossed my arms in front of my chest, narrowing my eyes at him. He threw his hands in the air beginning to walk again.

"Straight people are too difficult" he had grumbled.

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