Chapter Fourty-Six

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It took one death for everything to seem to not exist anymore. For my sole focus to be on one man. I don't think my mind had processed this much rage on someone in a long time. Never. Syra had control. Now she was determined to bring hell on earth. She stared at our hands for a bit. Watching the blood run through our fingers. Her fingers swept over his eyes, closing hm them, closing his fear filled eyes. She then swept through his ruffled hair. Pushing it back to reveal his face a little more.

Her head snapped up at the now fear filled eyes of the past Alpha Ryder. "He-He had a daughter?" Then she attacked. Within the blink of an eye he was on the ground. Her claws traced over his neck, snarling.

"*Give me a god damn reason to not kill you!*"

"I didn't know- I"

"*Now you have regrets Alpha?Now?!*"

"Let me go and I'll pull back all the pack. All the warriors" Why is he letting up this early? But Syra had to take it. She couldn't let anymore of her pack die. Not like this. So she retracted her claws, backing away from him. Her eyes still drilled holes into him, staring at the beaten Alpha. Is eyes glazed over. He was actually keeping his word? He then blinked a few times, his eyes going back to normal.

"*Look at what you did. Look at him!*" But the coward couldn't. She snapped again. Bringing out her claws then slashing at him. His head snapped to the side, her claws drawing blood. He seemed to have roared from the hurt. He stumbled a bit, holding onto his cheek as blood began to run through his fingers. "*I hope that leaves a fucking scar*" I turned my back to him, running to my father. His eyes held the same rage mine had held.

"K-kill him Kamali. Get him while he is still down-"But when I tilted my head he had vanished, lost in the tree line. I let out a breathe, attempting to pick up my father. He only pushed at me, getting himself up. He tried to run in the direction wherever Ryder went but fell next to his fallen brother. His head traced to the body, his shoulders slumping. His hand picked up Alex's hand, his thumb tracing over the knuckles. I steadily walked over to my dad, sitting on the other side of my Uncle. I also stared at the body until vibrations drifted through the air. Dad was talking again. "You need to go. Your pack needs you..."

"*I don't want to leave you again, not when-*"

"I said go! I just...I need a moment alright...please" I wiped away at the now falling tears. I bent down, kissing the forehead of Alex. He was beginning to grow cold. Even if he has been dead for less than ten minutes, I could still feel him begin to grow cold.

"*Please stay here. I'll send someone to come back for you*" I slowly gotten up. Watching for any signs of what my dad was to do next. I saw nothing. Nothing at all. So I left.

Frantically I searched through the destruction. No more pack wolves. The bastard kept to his word. Many of the rouges were Injured, a lot of them calling out for their families unsure of where they were. Then a little of them were dead. I gulped, signing orders to some of the remaining guards. One of them stepped In
front of me.

"Alpha your needed at the pack house. Beta Jonathan's orders" I nodded mouthing a thank you. I shifted so I would be able to run faster. Again I found myself running.

When I made it to the pack house, I saw more destruction. Fire was set to it, or at least that's what it looked like. The fire had already been put out it seems. I shifted back to human, being directed towards the dining hall? The doors opened then were immediately shut behind me. My eyes widen as I saw who was there.

Jonathan, Joseph, and Emily, along with a few guards. She didn't even have her Beta with her. What the hell? I hesitantly made my way over, both Joseph and Jonathan backing away a bit. "*Whats going on?*"

"She smelled your scent. And she has a few questions" Joseph replied, without letting out a sound. He mouthed it so she wouldn't hear. I gulped, nodding. I turned towards her, resting my hand against the table.

"When my father called off the fighting...I didn't know why. I...I kept going until I was held back by him. There was a huge gash across his cheek, he told me that was from you. His scent was wavered. He he was with child. Then I thought about what he said about you. pregnant?"

"*Yes I am...but Emily. He was keeping so much from you*" she shook her head.

"I don't understand"

"*It was almost like he was running the pack from behind your back. He was keeping things from you. Like Mason...*"

"What about my brother? What did he do to my brother?!" She slammed a first down, making the table shake.

"*The day you attacked, Mason had gone missing. He was taken by his real father. Your dad didn't do anything to him. He kept something secret though*"

"I still don't understand. Why would he keep anything from me?"

"*I don't know Emily. I don't know! But...Masons my mate. That's what he kept*" I pulled the shirt down, her eyes widening. "*I tried telling you before but he corrupted you to not listen*" She was silent. Maybe she was stuck in shock. I had to snap my fingers in front of her face to snatch her out of her daze.

"T-The baby..."

"*Is his. Now he's gone and...he's hurting. I can feel it. I just can. He's been hurting for hours now. I don't know why. We need your help. We can't fight off our own kind how do you suppose we fight off vampires*"



"The only reason I am helping you is to help my brother. I messed it up with him. I did. I also want to figure out what else my father has been doing behind my back"her fist had clenched along with her jaw. Her eyes burning in sadness. I felt Syra relax a bit in my mind. It isn't over just yet.

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