Chapter Eleven

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"*You won't be okay, you know that*"

"*Why is everyone penalizing me for my decision? I don't need some man to tell me that everything is okay when it's not. I don't need someone to lean on when I'm down. I don't need a mate!*" I went to storm off but he had grabbed my arm.

"Listen kid, rejecting my mate tore me apart. When she left with that other man I couldn't handle that. I turned into my brother" like a slap to the face. My face cringed into hurt at the mention of my father. Alex sighed, his grip on my wrist softening. "I'm sorry I just. I-"

I snatched my wrist away from him. "*Whats done is done. I can't un-reject him. Now stop scolding me like a child*"

"Fine..How's Syra then?"


"Sooner or later you won't even get to change into your wolf"

"*I appreciate the upmost confidence you give me*" he closed his mouth shut at my statement. I kept going then had sat at a bench. Ahead of me, the teens in high school had started their training.

It was required as part of their education. Training would be an hour a day, all training had been done before the selected classes lunch. Except the seniors. They would have training two times a day, one in the morning then one before their lunch in the late afternoon.

"Listen kid I-"

"*Im going for a run with the seniors, I'll catch you later Alex*" I turned my back to him, jogging off from my sitting position. Maybe he said something, god who cares at this point. They were already being sent off to run their mile.

I waited until the last person was sent off until I began to run. I started with a jog, then went to a full sprint. I had eventually passed everyone getting far ahead. I just kept on going, I have to check up on him, I have to. Eventually I had stopped, something was off.

There was a smell in the air, like smoke. My eyes had widen as I cautiously walked up to the house. I had felt my heart pound, with each step on the rickety old porch, my heart seemed to have sped up more. My hand then went on the knob, turning it.

I had opened the door, immediately met by the warm, black smoke. No. Not again. I stormed my way through the building, trying to find him. The smoke was already starting to fill my lungs. I crouched down, low to the ground. I started to cough, bringing my shirt above my nose and mouth to try and breathe. I felt as if the air around me was all gone, all the oxygen taken up, making me suffocate. I wanted to find him, but the smoke made it impossible.

So I followed it. I followed it to the source of the fire. I kept pushing my way through it, trying, trying to get there. It led me towards the kitchen the sight leaving me gasping.

Dad was sitting there, at the kitchen table. He was just staring at the fire, just staring with a broken beer bottle in his hand which was bleeding. Frantically I ran over to the oven, turning it off. I then had poured water from the sink all over the kitchen, the blaze calming down.

After a few minutes it had disappeared. I gained my breathe back as the air began to have cleared. I then glared at the man I call my father. "*What the hell were you thinking? If I hadn't been here you would've died!*" his bloodied hand had clenched on the shattered pieces of glass. He shut his hands taking a deep breathe. His body shook with the breathe, almost as if he got the chills. Then something I never saw in years, ever since it happened.

A tear. Sliding out from under his closed eye. "W-Why her? All it took was one second inside that damned building. One fucking second. And what do I get? I get an hour. An hour to sit in front of a fire and not be burnt to a crisp. What does god want from me? I'm nothing now, why did he have to take her from me?"

"D-Dad" my voice raspy.

"Why did he take Rae away from me?"

My heart throbbed. He hasn't said her name in years. He would avoid it at all cost. Dad would refer to her as well her, she, my mate, Ryder's sister, my mother but that was it.

"*It was her time to go, it isn't yo-*"

"Why? Rae was the sweetest woman I have ever met. She was powerful, kind and such a good mother to you. She was the most wonderful person in the world, everyone adored her" I stayed silent, it was easy enough.

"I'm such a bad person. I'm a Rouge, I went against my pack and I hurt Emerald. God I hurt Emerald so bad, so so bad. You won't forgive me if I told you"

"*Your still my father. Just tell me, I know your not a bad person*" he seemed to have laughed, laughing at my choice of words as the tears kept pouring down his face.

"I said that exactly to my father, look how that turned out"

"*Just tell me. It's obviously been beating you up for years it looks like*"

Another moment had pasted, of him just being quiet, I joined him, waiting, just waiting. My thoughts were racing. What could he have possibly done? Why was he telling me this now?

Then he spoke. His words hitting me like a silver bullet, straight to the gut. "Emerald was raped because of me, because of me she had the bastard son of Mason"

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