Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I was numb from the pain. It's been three days since this pain had started. He should have been back by now. It's been three days. Where the fuck is he? My thoughts have been racing. This heat wasn't going down anytime soon. He needs to be here and make it stop.

I felt as if I was stuck in a desert in the middle of the day. My body was sweating pools, my mouth dry from the lack of water. Even when I do drink water my mouth dries up again. My breathing is faulty, quick and shallow. The doctor was trying to cool me down, she's tried everything. Cold bath, cold drinks, different medicines the list can go on. I just needed him with me. The this unbearable pain will go away.

"*Your sure you don't know where he had went?" I squeezed her hand once, no. I couldn't move to sign to her. Only make subtle movements, that's it. "*Im sorry Alpha. That this is happening to you. Female guard has been set up around the perimeter, no one else will get to you, I pr-*" she stopped her words, staring at me as my eyes were seeming to talk to her. Asking her to not remind me. The blaring headache agreeing, focusing on the words were already straining me too much.

"*Im gonna go...alright? If you need me, Well actually I'll come and check on you every hour. Get some rest Alpha*" my eyes were already starting to close. Just the thought of some rest had me at peace. Sleeping was the worst, I would wake up in the middle of the night, screaming as the flame within me had raised again. It came slowly. The exhaustion catching up to me at a slow pace. I had drifted off to sleep.


When I woke up it was, weird. Maybe that was because I woke up next to a drained human, their body freezing cold. I gasped backing away, standing up. Holy shit Caleb

I had to have a midday snack

I rolled my eyes, stretching from the cramped position I laid in.

"Well today is your last day isn't that right Coal?" But I was only met with silence. Maybe he wasn't awake yet? "Coal?" I tried looking for him in my mind. Normally I would feel him, be able to sense him, but it was like I've never had him there.

Looks like doggie had finally went to the doghouse

I knew that tone of voice. When he knew he's done something right. "What did you do?"

Me? Nothing. Your mate on the other hand had other...ideas

My eyes had widen. "What are you talking about? Tell me!"

Nothing, nothing worth dying over

"You bastard! You knew about this all this time didn't you? That she was in trouble!" I used his speed to race out of the room. The moon was already out, giving me the advantage to run freely.

Tick tock..tick tock..your on the clock, your not going to get to her in time human friend

"What has she ever done to you? She's done nothing!" I kept going. Running as fast as I ever could.

She's just a distraction to you. A weakness. Your father told me so himself

"He's a monster! Just like you!" All I could hear was him laughing evilly. I kept running, my surroundings unrecognizable. He must've took me somewhere else. Bastard. I took a quick turn, looking up at the night sky, staring  at the moon. No need I got my own compass, follow the moon.

Your not going to make it..


It wasn't until that morning, the sun was barely out, I was at the edges of the pack. Tired from all the running. I was leaning against a tree, trying to gain all my breath back. I had to keep going. I had to for her. I had to. I picked up my speed one more time, passing by the morning patrol, passing by the early awakeners. I reached to the pack house, my speed finally dying off. Guards were posted at the door. Why were they here? They aren't normally here. I walked up to them but their faces drew alarm, drawing their weapons.

"Stop! By order of the Beta no males are aloud inside!" One of them had shouted. I didn't have time for this.

"I need to get in there. Kamali she is in trouble" but they weren't buying it.

"She is perfectly safe inside sir, now please walk away"

"No I need to see her" I had insisted.

"Well no visitors are aloud so move before I make you!" The woman in front of me. Gamma. She just tried to make me obey.

"Make me? Make me? No you will obey to my command! Let me get to my mate!" Her eyes had widen in fear. She whimpered stepping out of the way. Her head bent down as her voice came out quieter.

"She's in her room...sir.." I didn't even bother to question what had just happened. I just needed to get to her. This place did smell different. Almost ... compelling. Wait. That means. I ran even faster, making it to her room. I slammed open the door, seeing her body lay limply on the bed. Oh no. I was next to her within a second, taking her hand in mine. She was on fire. Her body temperature was off the charts.

"Kam...Kam...wake up. Please wake up, I'm here. I'm here to make it all better" she couldn't hear me but she could sense I was here. I know she can because soon after her eyes had started to flutter open, making me let out a breath and smile.

"Mason?" Her voice this time was rough. As though she was a smoker. Not the sweet voice but much more rugged. I started to lift her up, from the sweat pooling bed, running a cold bath for her.

"Your going to be fine. Im going to help you. Just relax" she only hummed. She didn't look up at me so she couldn't possibly know what I was saying. Maybe she just enjoyed the sound of my voice. God how many days of torture did she endure? Because of me? Slowly I had turned off the running cold water, then had sunk myself down in the water with her still in my arms. I winced at the cold until the water had heated up almost steaming when she reached the water.

"Everything is fine. I'm here. I'm here" it took me everything to resist. Everything to resist the urge to take her there. Everything

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