Chapter Eight

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I paced. I paced in the tiny three by three confined space they had placed me in. Both Coal and Caleb were quiet as they had to be put down temporarily, I couldn't have them do what they did the other day.

There was a tapping, sound of metal on metal. I turned glancing at the bars that allowed me to see the outside world, it was bright out. I squinted seeing a person there.

"Amelia? What are you doing here?" She laid down so her face was fully in view.

"I heard about what happened and knew they probably put you here. Are you okay?"

"You really shouldn't be here Amelia, shouldn't you be in school?" I asked avoiding the question.  She hummed.

"Well I could be but that would be all wrong. It's Saturday Mason! How long have you been here?"

"To be honest I have no clue. The last couple days have been a blur" she nodded and then sighed lightly.

"How's Caleb and Coal?"

"Quiet. They have been put down temporarily so I can think strait and don't freak out" she gulped, tapping her little fingers on the silver bars. "Your not scared of me are you? You know that I cannot control that"

"I-I'm not  just the kids have been saying stuff, it's like a legend now" 

"What do you mean Legend?" I got off of the wall I was leaning on, going closer to her.

"They say that your mother was-was cheating on your dad!" I sighed.

"No Amelia. She wasn't. My mom had a mate before and he was a vampire. He died before my mom had me"

"Really? Wow that's a sad love story in itself"

"I know. Depressing like this cell" she smirked and I raised a brow. "What did you do?" She reached behind her taking keys out and dangling them in front of my face. My eyes widen.

"Guard sleeping on the job and I kinda learned how to hide my scent" she tossed the keys into the cell.

"Atta girl do you have an umbrel-" she tossed in a hat and a umbrella. "Did I tell you how much I love you Amelia?"

"No I don't recall, anyways I'll meet you at the safe haven" she got up disappearing from sight. I chuckled then went to the door unlocking it and letting myself out.


I set down the hat on the couch slumping down. Amelia wasn't in sight which was strange. Her mother probably has her doing something. I sighed then got up again and going to the mini fridge. I downed a pouch of blood, having to catch my breath after. I tossed the empty pouch in the trash bin going back onto the couch. I took a deep breathe closing my eyes.

The exhaustion was catching up to me. I don't think I've slept easily in the last days. It was still mid day I got a few hours, I can sleep. Then there was a scream. Immediately I shot up, it sounded way too familiar. I started to run to where the pack was. My eyes were frantic looking around.

"Amelia!" She was hanging off a branch, trying to hold on from the tall tree. There were kids underneath her throwing rocks and laughing.

"Just get down Mutt!"

"Stop crying baby!" She was crying. She couldn't hear me over their shouts and hollers. The branch had violently cracked, she shrieked as it bent down, her hands red from hanging on. I glanced up, the sun blazing. I stepped back into the shadows of the trees, watching in horror.

Slowly she began to slip, the kids stepping back. I took a deep breathe, waiting, I had to time this perfectly. She cried out again, her tiny fingers just barely hanging on. Then she began to fall. I sprinted out, the sun felt like fire against my skin. I caught her, rolling back into the shadows.

I yelled out as she rolled out of my arms. Third degree burns had burned all over my body. Another groan escaped my lips, seeing the steam rising from the burns.

"Mason!" It was Amelia's voice, I couldn't move, God it fucking hurt. My eyes started to close, maybe sleeping could put this pain to rest.

"No! Don't close your eyes. Please no!" she was crying, from the breaking of her voice I can tell.

"A-Amelia I" I was drained, I felt my breathe start to go shallow.

"No! Somebody help! He's hurt!" My eyes started to get droopier and droopier. I don't even know if someone came over to me, I didn't. I fell asleep. Out and into darkness.



I just stared. He was in a coma from his wounds. He was patched up. A large bandage wrapped around his chest and stomach. Light tears were running down my face, racing down to my chin. I wiped them away when the door opened and in walked in the brother.

"I brought some food" he waved the white paper bag walking over. Jospeh than sat next to me, depressingly looking over at Johnathan.

"*What you get?*"

"Fast food..." he set the bag down, staring at his brother.

"*The doctors said that they have no idea when he's waking up*" he closed his eyes taking a deep breathe. It was shaky from the way his shoulders shook. I put a hand on one of them, his eyes tracing back to me.

"T-This is all my fault. I shouldn't have invited them. None of this would've happened. I ruined your birthday and have possibly k-..possibly.."

"*Stop mom elf this is your fault. You had no idea what they were capable of*"

"I did though. You told me countless times, god you've warned me! I didn't listen! I didn't listen and I got people killed"

"*Jospeh stop saying th-*" I stopped as I felt like my stomach had dropped. A weird sensation started to prickle at my arms. Stingy, sharp tiny pains as if thumb tacks were being struck into me, burning feeling. My eyes widen.

Kamali it hurts..

Syra what hurts? Tell me.

Mate..hurt please help..

"Kamali? Kamali!" A scream had tipped out of my throat as I began to claw away at the burning on my arms.

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