Chapter Sixty-Three

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The mark was bleeding again. It was starting to bleed. I winced and one of the omegas came, lightly dabbing alcohol on it to clean it. I swatted her away, baring my teeth at her. She backed off bowing her head and running off. I sniffed the air to smell my dad. I turned seeing him and wanted to get up and run to him. He shook his head, signing to stay down. He walked over sitting on the edge of the bed and kissed my forehead. He then pushed my hair back and out of my face.

"*Everything is going to be alright. Promise*" Tears pricked my eyes again, the pain in my stomach increasing. He frowned even more. He then looked in both bassinets, staring at the pups. "*The boy looks just like you, the girl I can't figure out. Names yet?*" I shook my head. He nodded smiling a bit now as he still looked in the bassinets. I took another glance around the bunker I was moved to. Very clean. It was made for situations like this.

I felt the mark begin to burn again, maybe letting out a whimper. But he didn't look back at me, his eyes widen at the kids. "*Crying*" I motioned for him to bring them to me. He first grabbed the girl bringing her to me. I couldn't hear them but I knew they were hurt. Stupid Link. I cradled her, trying to hum to calm her down. He took the boy, lightly bouncing him and maybe humming?

He's hurting. Oh god he's hurting

Syra? Your back. It's okay. He will be okay

No he's not. No he's not. Oh god Kamali he's hurting

It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay.

No. No it's not. No.

She was full on panicking. She took control, her eyes darting around the room. She tried to get up, the child still in her arms. Father looked over and shook his head. "Syra no. Your just gonna hurt yourself more" she growled I suppose. He narrowed his eyes at her. She laid back down, allowing me to take control again. He's going to be fine, right now we have to think of the children.

Kam I feel it though. He's bad. So bad

I felt another tear slip out of my eyes, landing on the girls face. She sneezed, then her bottom lip began to quiver. I shushed her, trying to prevent her from crying again.

He's going to be okay. He's going to be okay.

I needed to put her down. So I laid her next to me exhaustingly looking at her squirm a bit. She was beginning to fuss now. I just closed my eyes.


Then she laid limp on the bed, curled next to her child. She was as pale as ever. Tired. Hurting. Just seeing her like this was depressing. The boy had calmed down a bit, his red eyes still glaring at me. Definitely Kamali's face. The girl next to her, her eyes were still closed. 

I put the boy down next to his mother and sister, they all then drifted off to sleep again.

There was a noise from outside the door. A clanging noise. Two thuds. Quickly I grabbed the wooden stake, staring intently at the door. Footsteps then went away from the door. I glanced at the clock. 7:00. The sun should be up soon. I then went to the door, opening it, stepping out and looking around.

Immediately I was tackled to the ground, the wooden stake escaping my hands. My hands grabbed the mans face as he snapped down. "You were such a great help to me Jace. Such a great help to me before. Why stop now?" The bastard, I gritted my teeth at him, kicking up and kicking him off. He only chuckled. "Even without your wolf you still are strong. I could use that"

"After what you did to her...not a chance" I then put my fist up. He grinned even more. Then Ryder's beast from out of nowhere pounces him. They both go rolling to the floor.

"Get her out of here now" I stumbled to the door, slamming it open and running to her.

I was shaking her awake. She groaned her eyes blinking open. "It's now or never, but right now I need your help. I have an idea" she looked at me in fear. "I need you to shift, I know it's going to hurt but we have no more time"

I know she trust me. So she did she shifted, the kids beginning to wail again.


I carefully walked her out, still holding the bundle of blankets. I still saw Ryder and Ramon tossing against the floor. I ushered her to go and Ramon knocked down Ryder. Ryder went limp. Ramon grinned at us, blood staining his teeth. I then ran,Kamali and I splitting up. He went after me. I just had to keep running. The whole underground area has been evacuated to lower levels, leaving the area bare of people. I got to the stairs dodging as he swung at me. His scratch just getting my shirt and my torso. I kept going pushing on till we got outside, suns almost up, it's almost there. He didn't notice though, he was too focused on getting the blankets in my hands.

"End of the line Jace. Thank you for delivering them to me"  I backed up tripping over a body. Yet I still kept my hold.

"It'll never work. You will never win"

He laughed. "But I already did" he came close grabbing at the blankets and tearing them away from my hands. His eyes then widen.

"See that's the thing. Intelligence beats strength any day" the blankets were empty to his surprise. He threw them down in frustration.

"Your going to die for that" I shrugged.

"I've already lived. Death can go to hell" his nails grew even longer then they took a hold to my neck. He began to clench his hand together, crushing my neck. I felt myself gasp for air, he was about to crush my esophagus.

Yet again his grip released as he was tackled to the ground. This time it was Masons beast. Mason easily overpowered him tossing Ramon like a rag doll. But the sun was coming up. He had to get out of here. "Mason! Get out of there!" He didn't listen. He couldn't listen. He snapped Ramon's legs, biting into them. Then Ramon got up again, somehow some way brought the beast down by its hind legs and flipped him. He whispered something to the beast making it roar in anger.

I looked around finding another wooden stake embedded in the chest cavity of another vampire. I took it out racing to aid the beast. I swung and missed, Ramons body, he grabbed my arm throwing me off and away. I slammed into the ground rolling, my wrist snapping with a crunch. I yelped, finally stopping on my side. I just watched them continue to snap and throw at each other. I couldn't get up, my limbs were aching, my wrist shattered. The sun was chasing after them. Right next to them almost, the shadow barely blocking them. Mason was tossed to the ground, his father limping towards him.

"You were my son. My son. Your mother hated you, despised your existence! I've helped you grow. And you repay me by going against me!" The beast shifted back to Mason, cuts and bruises running everywhere. He was also tired.

"I will never be your son! You were never be my father! You raped my mother, corrupted my mind, tried to steal my children...your a monster..." Masons eyes then turned orange again, he used all his energy to push up but Ramon was quicker, he pinned down his son. He was about to strike, to end him.

I heard my scream for him to stop, but there was no hesitation.

Until Ramon froze, stuck midair. He was gagging, a spear of wood going completely through his chest. He slumped to the ground the sun completely coming up and out from behind the trees. The vampires retreated, leaving whoever was left alive behind. Jonathan threw the corpse of the monster on the ground. His eyes then looked panicked as the sun began to burn away at Mason.

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