Chapter Fourty

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Being a prisoner in your mind was bound to make someone crazy. It was as if you were watching from a television screen. Watching helplessly as your body was beginning to create destruction. It's the feeling you get when watching a horror movie and the killer was right behind them. Wanting to scream out to them, telling them to turn. It's that moment when your yelling at the screen, the anxiety of knowing what exactly is going to happen next, knowing but not being able to do anything.

He led us across the border, away from any werewolf territory and into no man land. I could smell more of them. Not hybrids. But of Vampires. Caleb kept his grip firm on Amelia's shoulder. She grew very tense and scared. She knew, she could smell them. There was a sense of guilt every time Caleb looked at her. He kept his head straight, not bother to look at what he's done. She stood under the trees, their red eyes blaring at us. One of them stepped forward grinning then slowly bowing their head.

"Master..." my father grinned.

"Take the girl. She's bait for the later run" Amelia's eyes had only widen in more fear. She struggled under Caleb's grip, trying to run away.

Stop it Amelia. It will only make it worse. Only so much worst.

She was snatched away from his hand. He only bothered to look at her when she was struggling, kicking and screaming under the other mans hold. A slight growl was heard making all the other vampires look up and stare at Caleb."Don't do much to her. He still has to wolf in him." That man only rolled his eyes, taking Amelia away. She was screaming. Screaming my name. Telling me I wasn't him. Telling me it was all fake and to snap out of it. But with father there. Caleb wouldn't do anything other than what he told him.

" this your son? The infamous Caleb?" Another woman had stepped foreword, bowing her head in respect to her question.

"Indeed Veronica. Caleb. I want you to meet Veronica. She controls over half the population of vampires for me, she specializes in poisons" Caleb only tilted his head. What the hell does he mean specialize? "Have you learned nothing from me son? Every vampire has a special ability"

The woman, Veronica only giggled. "He's a cutie master. But only his looks will get him so far" her hand went trailing along my arm, Caleb just glanced down a her hand, shrugging her away. "Awe and he's shy" she cooed.

"Enough Veronica. Now. I want the rest of you staying on high alert until we get to the hotel. We won't be able to complete the next phase until we delete the werewolf. We need time so setting up at the base will give us that time. Now go" they all had disappeared, except for Veronica. Father than began to walk, making Caleb follow close behind.

"Oh this is going to be so fun" she clutched onto Caleb's arm, walking with them.

I hate you Caleb. You are hurting Kamali.

It doesn't matter now Mason. I have control now. And there is nothing you, the mutt or your precious mate can do


"Find him!" Syra was all claws out, ordering people to move. It was a panic. Where could a hybrid go without getting traced? Especially my mate?

"Kam!" Joseph snapped back at me. Syra only let out a growl, turning into her true form. She began to pace, as Joseph got close- she snapped at him making him back away. "Okay I fucking get it god damn!" She only let out a growl, her claws creating holes in the ground. She then wanted to past him but he only blocked her path. She was growing angry. I could feel it. She snapped again, only making him draw back and call the attention of the other guards. They surrounded her, surrounded us. "Listen. This is difficult for all of us. So stop making it even more difficult for the rest of us!" She turned human to be able to talk to them.

"*I can't feel him anymore. He's hurting. I'm afraid his vampire is taking over. You are complete idiots. There will be a war happening! Are you out of your minds? We cannot have a war, cannot!*"

Joseph only looked at her with concern in his eyes. He knew her better than anyone. Better than Jonathan ever did. Better than Emily. Even her own Dad. He glanced down than back up to my face. "I promise. We will find him. For right now you need to relax" his shoulders sagged, he was calm. She felt it, relaxing a bit. He came closer, she didn't snap at him. He came ever closer, embracing her. He was warm against her, stroking her hair as she silently began to sob. He was shielding her from letting anyone else see her sorrow. He turned saying something to the rest of the guard. They all nodded, dispersing as he took her upstairs to my room. She allowed me to take control again, knowing she won't be able to control herself anymore.

She wanted to find her mate. She had to find her mate.

"You don't have to say anything to me Kamali. I think I already know"

"*I do-*"

"Call it 'gay best friend intuition'. When we find him everything will be alright, I promise" his hand found mine, squeezing it ever so slightly. I tensed, my other hand clutching onto the bed sheet. I let out my breathe, relaxing my death grip from the bed and looking straight at him.

"*Im scared...what if he was taken by his father? Went across the world by now? Is dying or- or*" my hands were shaking. I couldn't stop.

"It will be fine. We have a plan"

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