Chapter Twenty

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My eyes widen as he extended his hand out for Mason to shake. But he just kinda glanced about it. I could see the gears in his mind go to work as he then smiled. He grabbed Joseph's hand shaking it. His expression then turned grim as with just one hand, flipped Joseph, making him land on his back. The rouges there went into a protective stance, maybe growling. I put my hand up silencing them and making them stand down.

"*You deserve that dumbass*" my eyes narrowed at Joseph. He rolled his eyes as I helped him back up.

"Yeah I guess I do but him. I'm still pissed at this dude even though he's your mate" he pointed. Mason just kept his blank expression.

"Pissed? Just a minute ago you were being all good. Is it because I gave you a boo-boo? Do you need a bandy?" I bit my lip to keep myself from giggling.

"Well yeah hello?! You marked her. Probably without her consent, you also fed off of her" the room went silent after that. I felt angry. Why did I feel angry? Wait. Mason. I stared at his angered expression. Then regret.

"*Don't blame him. It wasn't his fault*"

"Well obviously it has to be his fault. He's the one who sunk his fangs into your neck"

"Do you really think I would ever want to intentionally hurt her? Sometimes I lose control of him"

"Him? What do you mean him?"

"*His vampire. Joseph there's something bigger than this. Than this whole situation*"

"What do you mean what happened?" I put up a finger telling him to wait. Cautiously I went back to Mason, taking his hand in mine.

"*^Will you be okay if I leave you in here? I need to talk to Joseph^*"

"Your bipolar friend? Uh no. I'm not okay leaving...leaving him with you alone"

"*^Please. He's been my best friend since..Well you know when^*" He gritted his teeth.

"I still don't trust him" I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness.

"*^Did I tell you he was gay?^*" his posture immediately went limp, his head tilting. I shrugged, unlatching my hand from his. I was still a bit wobbly walking over to Joseph, I could feel Mason's gaze burning through me, watching my every step and movement. Joseph took my hand leading me into the other room.



"Well are you just gonna watch me? Go do something else I don't need babysitters" the rouges didn't even move. Just kept their gaze on me, blocking all the exits. I rolled my eyes making my way into the kitchen.

I wish I could just bite their heads off for looking at our mate like some piece of meat.

She's their alpha, they look at her with admiration.

He went silent after a low growl. I looked through the fridge finding a left over pouch of blood. I grabbed a cup from the cupboard pouring it in there. They all gave me looks, curiosity.

"What can't I drink from a cup?" I put the pouch back in the fridge and quietly began to drink, my fangs coming out.

It's very annoying when you don't feed for twelve hours

Caleb I am not in the mood for you.

Neither am I frankly. No actually I'm pissed off

Was I talking to you dog? Go play with a chew toy or something

Go suck on a deers ass bloodsucker

Both of you can you just quit it. I will shut you both down as it's my body

Hmm not in a month it won't be...

It went silent in my head after a while. Then Coal spoke up.

What are you talking about?

Well doggy, it's been almost six months, why do you think I've been much more powerful lately

N-No! You can't. What day? What day dammit!

Now where's the fun in that? I'm going back asleep as it's day time still. I'll be out later boys


But he was already gone. I blinked a few times. No. Holy shit. I looked up to see her walking out with Joseph, his face white as a ghost. But my only attention was on her. No. She can't be there. She can't. I. Oh my god. She smiled at first then frowned, she knew what I was feeling. She steadily walked over. I need to forget. Forget about it. I hastily took the cup, beginning to chug it down.

Don't ask. Don't ask. She took my hand in hers. "*^Hey are you alright? You seem to be fighting with yourself^*"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Do you want something to eat?" Her frown deepened.

"*^You can talk to me. I'm her-^*"

"It's okay. Promise. Just got ahead of myself on the drink alright" I picked up her face by the chin making her look up at me. She let out a weak sigh and nodded. She then mouthed an 'okay'. I smiled softly. Someone then was stomping on the ground, drawing both our attention to Joseph.

He signed something to her allowing me to return to my thoughts. I need to figure something out. I need to leave, she needed to be safe. Her fingers then snapped in front of my face. I blinked once more as she wrote on my arm.

"*^Are you sure your okay?^*"

"I'm fine. Stop worrying about me Mate" her cheeks went red from the name I called her. Successfully drawing her attention away from my devastating thoughts.

"*^Well we had decided's best you come with us so we can keep you safe^*"

"I don't need protecting. I can protect myself" she rolled her eyes continuing to write.

"*^Theres a truth that will lead you to hate your so called father. We need you under some sort of protection.^*"

"I don't get why you can't just tell me now. I'm sure I can handle it"

She shook her head. "*^No you don't know what I'm going to tell you. I don't want you to hurt yourself^*"

"I'm not going to beast out as long as your here. I promise" she had doubt in her eyes. Looking at the ground.

"*^Please. Just come with us. I'm not going to ask again^*" her eyes seemed to gleam, hoping I would come. But why?

" its what you really want...Okay"

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