Chapter Sixty-One

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Amelia was passed out from all the feeding. She was sleeping next to a corpse. I didn't want to bother her. I stared out of the window of the abandoned house. I wanted to keep watch, one of us needs to be awake. I don't want her to kill people who she doesn't need to kill. I then slumped down the wall, just staring into nothingness. I felt my eyes begin to shut again. Sleep is what I so desperately need right now but I can't. My eye lids were already heavy, closing, snapping open again.

I then fell asleep,despite the fact I needed to stay awake. I was out for an hour. A whole hour until both Caleb and Coal took control together. Together. What is happening?

"We have to go back" they spoke as one. They became another beast. They began to shift. Into the monster I wished to never become.  Amelia as if she sensed it immediately jumped, her red eyes gleaming at me. She looked as if she was in a trance. She stood up, not even paying attention to the body. "Go back to the pack. I'll be there. Go when the red moon is over" she simply nodded. Then responded.

"Yes master" it would send shivers down my spine. But the beast pressed on. Even I got dizzy when he began to run. We've never run this fast, not ever. Everything was such a blur. Then he stopped. We had to have crossed two state lines. The beast sniffed the air.

Fire. It was haunting. Was she burning? She couldn't have. She wasn't hurting like that. She wasn't. What is with Vampires setting fires? It pressed on. The hair on its body beginning to grow more, his legs shifting to those of the beast. Think of how fast he can run now with his own legs. It roared so loud that the battle at the bottom almost stopped. It's neck then rolled, still getting used to the shift as it slowly began to walk down. It could smell the fear in the air, everyone's fear. It saw the bloodshed, all the bodies littering the floor and almost grinned.

It was animal, it couldn't grin. But it's teeth showed, gritting in anger. It accidentally brushed the side of a body. One of the warriors we met early on when we got here. Now slain. Dead and in his own pool of blood. Then the battle began. Another blur. Just blood was everywhere. Heads rolling on the floor. The beast was on a rampage. A rampage. One of the pack members had to hurl, seeing the monstrosity causing this destruction. His guts spilling to the floor. It kept going making its way to the house. Then it went up to a broken mirror, immediately the beast breaking down to show both Caleb and Coal again.

"What the hell was that?"

"No time to explain. Get to Kamali. Save the kids"

"I-I can't. I'm just human in this form. I got no way of protecting her"

"You got every wolf down their. Coal and I will hold them off and kill as many as we can. We are going after Father. Kill the coven leader, become the coven leader" all I did was stare at the both of them from the beast point of view.

They wanted to work together. Caleb was finally starting to come around, full circle when it came to her. So the beast unshifted,leaving me in my own body. I felt both links come undone. Then the beast was staring at me from the mirror. I then pulled it out, watching it tower me. It seemed to take a deep breathe, forming a growl noise I believe. It went on all fours now, pacing.

"J-Just don't die. I still need you guys" it bowed its head, nudging me. My heart went to full panic mode but I tried to look calm. It knew I felt fear. So it backed away, running towards the battle again. I stumbled to the door where everyone was hiding, claw marks being present on the door. I banged on it, knowing it was locked. Come on someone come upstairs, someone come upstairs. It took a minute for the door to open. One of the guards, held a stake in his hand in fear. Then sighed in relief.

"Alpha Mason your back. She's in the hospital. It's not looking good sir" I was just human. I couldn't speed over there. So as I fast as I could go I went. It felt sluggish. I tried to keep going. I kept dodging more and more people, running and running and running to the hospital. The nurses when I got here told me the room and with my last bit of endurance I burst through the door. She was sound asleep. At least she looked asleep. My mom was there, gently rocking one of the pups, her back turned to me. She then turned, I can barely see her expression but she seemed relieved. I just caught my breathe. I first went over to Kamali, running a hand over her slick head. I pushed the hair off of her forehead. She was sleeping. Thank the moon goddess. She groaned in her sleeping, leaning into my touch. I smiled a bit then looked up at my mom.

"She did good. Both of them are healthy." It was like she was assuring herself. I walked over, going to the little bassinet to see a pup wrapped up in a pink blanket. Her eyes were still closed, she was beginning to fuss. "Boy and a girl. They are such beauty's" I picked up the girl, gently cradling her in my arms. Tears pricked my eyes. Mom brought over the boy whose eyes were wide open and attentive. Blood red staring right back at me. I laughed as well as my mother when he sneezed. The girl in my arms was asleep again.

"You thought of names right?" I shrugged.

"Didn't get to that part" my mom shook her head, Kamali was beginning to stir from her sleeping state. I went over, sitting on the edge of the bed. She turned to face me giving a light smile when she saw me cradling one of them. "Go back to sleep we got them" she shook her head then yawned again. Her hand then found my thigh.

"^*I love you Mason...*^"

"I love you too Kam. You did it" she found a pillow snuggling against it. I wiped at my eyes, then stared down at the baby girl.

"Well this feels like déjà vu doesn't it love?" Immediately both mother and I stood up holding the kids close to us. I could only stand there in fear at the man at the door.

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