Chapter Fifty

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"*Get me out of here. Please*"

"No. Absolutely not your just going to run back to him and get hurt again" I can't believe I'm about to do this. I growled at him letting Syra take over.

"Now!" Submissively he stepped back. His eyes went to glaze over but I grabbed him by the collar snapping him out of it. "*I swear to the moon goddess I will kill you if you call someone*" he raised his hands up in surrender, laughing nervously. I turned from him taking the needles from my arm out. I let out a hiss at the burning pain. I glared back at him, he stood as still as a statue. As fast as I could go I left to go find him.

Syra kept turning us around corners and more corners. Where the hell is he that we must go this far?

We are here

She stopped us in front of a darkened cell. The bars were far from the bed on the other side. It was a huge cage. Their were walls on all three sides, only one wall with bars. I didn't see him. But the place reeked of him and...blood. I looked at the ground gasping. Drag marks of blood. I bent down putting my fingers on it and sniffing. Hybrid. My eyes widen. "M-mason...Mason!" I went up to the bars not touching them. Silver. He has to be here.

"Go away. Get out Kamali!" I could see him now, through the darkness. I shook my head at him, the tears were already starting to fall. I didn't even flinched when he rammed himself up against the bars. He immediately hissed as it burned his body. I grabbed one of his clawed hands bringing it though the bars.

"*^Stop thinking I'm afraid of you. I'm not^*"

"You should be. I almost ripped your throat out"

"*^But you didn' didn't. Your still in there Mason^*" he stayed silent. He was shaking. He scared himself. His red eyes widening.

"I bit you. I fed on you. Why aren't you afraid of me?"

"*^Caleb I'm pregnant. The worst thing for me right now is to be afraid of you^*" he stopped. His eyes shifted yellow, his whole persona changing.

"Your what?" I laughed through my tears, rubbing soothing circles on his hands.

"*^We are having twins in four months babe. They are yours. All yours^*" He backed away from the bars. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"That's what Caleb was keeping from us Mason." His eyes shifted.

"It's not his fault. You know it isn't." He kept talking to himself. Fighting with his two other beings. I bit my lip walking over to the cages door. I grabbed the keys turning the lock to open it. He wasn't paying attention to me. I walked in shutting myself in and throwing the keys on the other side. He turned probably hearing the keys. His eyes widened even more, backing away.

"No! They are bringing me something to eat now you can't be here for that. I'm still hungry" I grabbed him again.

"^*You wont hurt me anymore. You won't hurt us anymore*^" slowly I inched his hands down to my stomach. He kept shaking his head but relaxed as he got there. "*^Just focus. I know you can hear them^*"

It took him a minute. He was relaxing finally. "Kam...thank you"

"*^Thats what I'm here for^*"

"I love you...I don't like you being scared of me. But I don't like hurting you either"

"*^Shh...stop ruining the moment stupid^*" I felt him chuckle as he embraced me into a hug.

"*Im fine just when are they attacking?*" back to this business.

"The blood moon is coming up again. I'm assuming that is when my father will be coming to attack" Mason was still being restrained, two guards on either side of him.

"Why did he let you go so early?" Emily spoke this time. Mason seemed to have sighed.

"I don't know either. All I was set to do was hurt her" I felt my teeth grit at the thought. Anger. I've never felt this angry at a direct person before, not even to Ryder when he-... I stared up at Mason. Was it from him? His eyes were turning.

"*Anyways everything is fine. It's fine. I'm not hurt. No one is d-dead yet alright?*" the room grew silent. It was already silent for me but the tenseness was suffocating. I looked down at the table avoiding everyone's gazes. I then looked up again taking a deep breathe.

"Not to vampires anyways. Don't worry Kamali. For everyone one of your family they will be avenged. I promise" I gave a sad smile to Emily. I couldn't be mad at her. She was left in the dark of her own pack.

"I'm confused. Who died?"

"*A lot that I don't wish to talk about*" Joseph translated. Masons eyebrows furrowed. He didn't talk though. Didn't grow mad. He was still calm but questionable, he was curious. Yet he still didn't talk.

"I won't be of any assistance when it comes to the blood moon. I'll be locked up somewhere so I won't hurt anybody. But I can tell you a lot about all of the major powers"

"*Like what?*"

"For instance all of them respond to the 'Master'. It works like a pack but they call themselves a 'Coven'. When the 'Master' dies all those he has turned will be weakened and all of the 'Coven' will follow after their new 'Master'"

"I still don't understand why he would let you go if you knew all this useful information" Emily was also growing frustrated.

"I don't know either. He was sure I would die probably. Or he has something planned" he leaned foreword on the table, he was getting uncomfortable.

"*As of now all training is supervised by Alpha Mason or Alpha Emily Moon. We only have a few months until the blood moon or maybe an even shorter amount of time. I want every able body at all times to be carrying vampire weapons. We are also keeping a night curfew. Right before sundown you need to be in an area that is crowded such as residential areas. As we get closer to our deadline more information will be spread. Ears and eyes up at all times. Any questions?*"

Emily's Beta raised their hand. "Alpha Mason?" I nodded walking over to Mason. I took his hand in mine clawing at it, leaving a gash. I did the same to mine, letting my hand bleed. I put both of the hands together binding his now forever bond. His eyes just stared at the blood binding together, his eyes beginning to turn.

I made him look up at me, the guards were at the ready. 'Welcome Alpha Mason to the pack'. I mouthed.

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