Chapter Fourteen

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The girl was fast, for being so young she knew how to run away. Maybe she did keep screaming because new scents started to come closer to me. I then stopped. Why was the smell of blood so strong? I was then tackled, we rolled over a few times until the wolf had put both paws on either side of my face. The wolf had snapped at me making me tilt my head to the side. I stared into its eyes. It was Emily.

She howled above me as I struggled to get out from underneath her. She snapped at me again, putting her weight down on me to keep me from escaping. It might've been a minute until she got off and two men had grabbed me, one taking each arm. I kept struggling, wanting no needed to get out of their grip. Emily had shifted human to which one of the men handed with her a shirt.

"Why are you here Kamali? You made it pretty clear you wanted to kill my family a few days ago" I just stared at her, narrowing my eyes. She doesn't know, how could she possibly know? "Your deaf but your wolf can talk or at least help you can she?" Again silence. There was nothing Syra can do, not now. My head laid limp, the back of my head exposed to them. She might've said something again because the men then began to move me.


They threw me into a cell. Down in their dungeons. There was no bed in it like the rest, it was a simple 4 by 4 cell. Walls on three sides and silver bars on the last wall to block me from escaping. I just leaned against the back wall, facing the bars.

The last time I was in a cell was well, my beginning days. Grandpa would always put me in one saying that being enclosed in absolute nothing but death makes you stronger. He was cruel man that did things when Dad was unresponsive. When everything fell to complete shit. He would tie me up, not feed me, choke me, beat me...those were the worst especially when I was 'bad'.

Someone came into view. My uncle. His eyes held anger, why did he remind me so much of my dad when Mom was...wait. The guard opened up the cell door, I got up, still against the wall. He walked in, both fist at his sides, tightened into balls. He stood at the doorway. Not making any move.

"Why are you here Rouge?" the way his mouth moved made it seem like Rouge was a curse word, he added emphasis to it. I stayed silent, my hands unmoving. "Now I haven't had the best of days and frankly I'm tired of all the harm you've caused us."

"*I haven't done anything your son was the one who had attacked my pack*"

"Right after you said they were aloud to kill us" he mumbled lowly as I was barley able to catch his words. He stepped more into the light and he looked drained. His hair was a mess, un brushed. Bags had formed under his eyes, his skin seeming unhealthy.

I smirked. "*Then how is Emerald doing?*" he stopped his eyes turning yellow. He had stiffened, his hands clenching together harder.

"Do not talk about mi amor"

"*Let me guess your 'adopted' son did that? I know your story, I know his*"

"Don't talk about my-"

"*Your son? Cut the bullshit and listen here Alpha. I could get in that pretty little head of his just like that. You don't want to get me on my bad side. I could tell him, tell the rest of the pack the truth and ruin you. Don't test me*"

He chuckled, his shoulders shook. "*Why do you think he attacked her?*" his fingers were shaky. "Now I'm going to ask again in case you didn't hear me. *Why are you here?*"

"*Wheres your son?*"

"Don't answer a question with another question! Answer me!" I sensed him start to get angry, the vibrations shook the walls. An idea popped into my head. I grinned as he stepped foreword.

"*Not until you answer mine...*pup" I emphasized the last part, saying it aloud. His eyes flashed, turning black. They were filled mwith darkness, he was fuming. I pushed off the wall, getting ready for impact.

I had dodged the first punch easily until he had grabbed me by the shoulders, his knees plunging into my gut. Once I was down he swung down with his fist, leaving me to groan on the ground. He wasn't done with me. He swung at me again, making contact, leaving me back on the floor. He then picked me up by my hair pulling me up. I got to my knees as his face came to my level.

"Why aren't you fight back? I thought you had alpha blood in you" I stayed silent then his head had snapped up and towards the entrance to the cell. It was him. Blood had trickled around his mouth and onto his shirt. His eyes had matched the blood, the sickening red. His skin was deadly white, he looked dead.

"Because she wanted me" he grinned, leaning against the door. His fangs showed, his tongue licking off his bloodied teeth. Ryder stiffened, his grip on my hair tightening. Masons devilish eyes glanced between me and Ryder, then traced back to his hand on my head. His fangs seemed to grit together, the vibrations in the room telling me he must've growled. Ryder had then took his grip off my hair, stepping back.

"Your his mate"

"Finally you tell truth"

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