Chapter Twenty-Five

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It's been a week and a half since that day. Since then there have countless meetings of what to do. The rouge representatives have been driving me insane. Everyone has a different opinion on what action should be taken. Miles long of paper work has already flooded my desk leaving my blood pressure high from the stress.

Also another thing is that people have been finding out I have a Mate. They only know his name and only a select other few know of his vampire origins. I let out a breathe at the thought.

I began to rub my temples, staring at all the paperwork in front of me. I was starting to grow a headache. From the corner of my eye I saw someone from my camera feed at my office door, knocking on it. I pressed another button allowing the door to open to them. He walked in, the door shutting automatically behind him.

"Security door to your office?" I looked around for a pad and pen. Once I found one I wrote.

"*^I don't like people in my office. Not even Jonathan or Joseph know the code^*"

"Are you too busy or-?"

I glared at the papers that were scattered across my desk. "*^A bit but I got some time, what's up?^*" I wrote. Mason had sat from across me, a sad look on his face. Syra had felt very anxious. I frowned feeling what he felt.

"I think I have to leave for a few days" my eyebrows shot up. Wait what?! "Please don't panic. I just need some time to myself"

"*^I don't understand, I thought you were happy here with me^*" his eyes went frantic.

"No! I am! I just. Something came up, I have to leave for a few days. Then I will come back. I promise"

"*^Can you at least tell me why?^*" then I had felt guilt. Why was he so guilty? He slumped down in his chair.

"I can't...I'm sorry" he had gotten up, me following his move. His came around the desk, taking my hands in his. He leaned back against it, halfway sitting on it. "Can't you trust me?"

"*^Of coarse I can but why are you leaving? Why no? What if your sister comes back? What happens if-^*" I was writing as fast as I can on his arm before he cut me off with a kiss. My hands had stopped moving, as I leaned in to deepen the kiss. He adjusted himself, wrapping his arms around my waist. Then he had pulled away. Even as he let go I still felt the tiny sparks his lips had left on mine.

"I will be back in three days. If I'm not back in three days come look for me"

"*^Why don't you tell me damn it!^*"

"I'm trying to protect you. Do you think I want to go? Away from you?!" I know he was yelling. The way he was shaking, the way frustration the emotion radiated off of him. Then he had calmed down as I didn't write back to him. He must've sighed. His head bent down, more guilt following. "Goodbye my love" 

He leaned up to give another kiss on my cheek. Even when he was gone I still had felt it. Felt him. I can't cry. He's going to come back. He's going to be back. I stared at the outside from the window in my office seeing it was dark.

I need to sleep this off. Forget about it for a few hours. I glanced again at the papers, they'll get done tomorrow. I went out of my office. I turned to a guard posted nearby.

"*Tell Beta Jonathan and Joseph I'm going to bed and will address them tommorow afternoon, I want no one to bother me in the morning*"

"Yes Alpha" he responded, his eyes glazing over.   I went up the stairs, nearing for my room. I shut the door, locking it. Quickly I had taken a shower than had got dressed, putting my hair in a bun and bundling up under the covers. I shut the light off, suddenly feeling as if the bed had grown since the last time I've laid here. I was surrounded by his scent, I pretended like he was there, drifting off to sleep.


I woke up at eleven o'clock from a nightmare. I would've slept longer but whatever I was dreaming about had left me to get my up, sweat dripping down my forehead.  I let out a breathe, getting up out of the comfort of my bed. I had glanced at the door seeing a piece of paper. I walked over picking it up.

*^Know you didn't want to be bothered so I just left this note. Council had a meeting and I took care of it. They gave me more requests, more paper work ;), Anyways you should rest for the rest of the day. Know Mason left so must be tough. You get the day off


I hummed in response. Thank god for him. But I still need to leave this room for food. I just went down in my pajamas. I walked to the kitchen, going into the fridge. I pulled out an apple, quietly munching on that. Suddenly I felt someone's presence behind me, I turned to see a sweaty Jospeh.

"*Hey got your note, thanks*" he seemed out of breathe, huffing and puffing. He didn't even bother to speak.

"*No problem Miss. Alpha. Pass me a water?*" I turned reaching into the fridge and grabbing the bottle. I walked over to him, passing it to him. He got up from his crouched position grabbing the bottle from my hands but had stopped. He looked at me in a confused way. "K-Kamali you smell kinda funny" my eyebrows knitted together.

"*You don't have to be that mean. I showered last night*" I rolled my eyes.

"N-No! Not like that. L-like you good" his eyes had started to turn dark as he crept closer to me. I backed away feeling uncomfortable until my back had hit the countertop. He trapped me between his arms, his hands on either side of me.

Joseph. I mouthed to him, what was he doing? Then he did the unthinkable and had kissed me.

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