Chapter Fourty-Five

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"I think I may lie down for a bit...thanks...V" she smiled.

"Okay little hybrid. You sure you don't"

"Maybe another time. I feel like I'm going to hurl again" she gave a disgusted face at his blunt honesty.

"Get well then..." she closed the door in-front of her, leaving Caleb to his own solitude. Immediately Coal took over, rushing to the bathroom. He stared at the fresh mark on his neck. He stared into the mirror, Caleb staring back at him.

"You hurt Kamali. She's already hurting for some reason. You just made it worse"

"You need to calm your shit. Stop worrying about some stupid girl. You just met her. There's no need to constantly worry about her"

"You love her! You can't deny the attraction towards her"

"Maybe I can't. I don't care. Werewolves are nothing more than blood bags to me now"

"One day Caleb...your going to be all alone. Your going to be in complete isolation once we are able to get rid of you"

"Oh werewolf. Simple stupid dog. Mason cannot get rid of me. If he did he would die. Maybe just drinking blood was a bad decision Masy" he taunted me. Daring me to come out. But I couldn't. I let Coal take over and he wasn't backing down.

"Don't taunt him. All you've done was cause trouble for us. We didn't want you. We got stuck with you"

"Yet you still can't get rid of me" Caleb grinned at Coal through the mirrors reflection. Knowing he had won this argument. "Masy...I hadn't just won this argument. I've finally won. After this long of planning, living in your shadow. I've won"

Then the reflection changed. Something about the anger Coal felt, the anger I felt. The defeat too great for us. The reflection changed to two different people. I felt a sort of release. Like the link between all three of us broke. Splitting. I saw both Coal and Caleb, on the other side of the mirror.

The images of them I created in my mind, to think about what they would look like without them taking over me, was there. The mental images of the two different people, were staring right back at me.

I had imagined Caleb to have smaller features. Smaller arms, skin almost similar to paper. Yet a longer neck with a more pointed face. Black hair, red eyes. That man was staring at me.

For Coal I imagined a more, built man. Tanner skin than me. More darkish hair compared to mine, but not black. Yellow eyes, more firm features. The other man was him.

I was myself again, they were cut off. I didn't feel them in me, I didn't hear their voices inside my head. They were real. Yet in a mirror?

"What the hell did you just do?" 'Coal' I guess, stared at me. I stared down, shakingly at my hands. My hands.

"This is...nothing I've ever heard of. I have...a body of my own?" 'Caleb' was also staring at himself. Touching his face, when he made contact he flinched. His nails then traced down his face. "What the-"

"Is it just a reflection? A trick or something?" God I was starving, why am I starving? Like my stomach has a hole. Coal shrugged. His hand reached out, touching the other side of the mirror. Then his hand went through.

Like the mirror turned to a liquid. His eyes widen from the other side as his forearm went through. "Touch it..." hesitantly, I reached out. Grabbing onto his arm.

"What the fuck?" He then grabbed me, pulling on my arm. I pulled back, allowing him to come through the mirror. Standing in front of me was that man. It was the voice in my mind. Becoming reality. It was Coal.

His yellow eyes widen as he stared at me. He towered over me a little, but only by a few inches. He poked me. Backing away as he made contact. Coal helped himself through, sitting on the counter. All he could do was stare at himself.

"I'm fucking dreaming. I'm dreaming" I backed out of the bathroom, shutting the door. Those poisons. I'm hallucinating. I'm going crazy. Then there was a knock on the bathroom door. My hands gripped my hair. I backed away, Coal opening the door.

"Still here..." I looked at Caleb in the background. Still staring at himself, in fear maybe. Coal looked back at him as well. "Caleb..."

"I have my own body...I have my own body" there was a knock at another door. The door to the outside. Well outside my room. I panicked. We all began to panic. I couldn't smell who was on the other side of the door. I couldn't. But the way Coal's face turned grim, it was my father. He pushed me to the door, walking back into the bathroom and slamming the door. I let out a breathe, walking to the door and opening it. He stepped in. Not even greeting me, but smelling the air.

"Mason...what a nice surprise. I'm surprised Caleb let you out"

"Y-yeah me too. W-what are you doing here?" Why was I...afraid? Afraid of him especially. I couldn't escape the feeling of the fear that was creeping across my mind.

"Your afraid son. You smell more mortal than usual. How long has Caleb been away?"

"Oh... a while now I suppose" he stopped.

"Caleb reveal yourself" the fear inside me increased. Why? Oh I know why. Because Caleb can't resist the call. Never can he resist. A bang was heard from the door of the bathroom. His head snapped towards it, tilting his head.

"Mason...who's in your bathroom?" I couldn't speak. Didn't seem to find the words. So he opened the door, tumbling out was Caleb and Coal. He glanced between all of us, humming.

"What a rare thing...such a rare thing. You can clone...just like your grandfather"

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