Chapter Fourty-Seven

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I stared at them in the mirror. It's been a few days with them. Yesterday, Caleb had finally collapsed from the lack of blood, he was withering, becoming mummified. Father had to rush him to their I guess 'infirmary' to inject him with blood.  From what I heard all the Vampires here are getting anxious, most passing out from the lack of blood. But for some reason my father waits. He's waiting for something.

"When do you think he'll be back" my eyes snapped up to the mirror, I stared at Coal. He thought it be best if he stayed out of harms way.

"Who knows..." I sighed.

We learned that my cloning ability was...very rare. My grandfather supposedly had it and could become full mortal like I can. That why I was starving, I didn't eat human food, not for a while. I could only I guess 'summon' the other two through mirrors or any reflective surface. No one was able to touch them. They would become ghost like, their hand would go straight through them. The thing that was unexplainable is their ability to touch people. My dad couldn't touch them, but they could touch him.

"Speaking of the devil..." Technically, Coal was still in my mind, or apart of me, so now I still had his abilities. I was able to hear Caleb on the other side of the door, then he knocked to be let in. I had gotten up, walking to the door and letting him in. He looked exhausted. Drained. His skin even paler if that's even possible. "What's wrong with him?"

"Caleb...?" He plopped down on the bed, his hands on his head as if he had a headache.

"I need to go back in your body...please" He sounded drained too. I sat next to him, looking down in worry.

"Caleb what wrong? What did they do to you?" His breathe became wheezing. Like gasping for air.

"They gave me...animal...they gave everyone animal..."  His eyes began to droop. My hand found his forehead, he was bitterly cold. No body heat, he just gets colder. Coal had took over, picking up Caleb and bringing him to the mirror. Slowly he pushed himself back through, linking him back to my body. It was always weird when one of them returned. The empty ness would suddenly fill again, almost suffocating me. I had gotten used to it, well by this point I have.

He felt, horrible. I stared at him in the mirror, feeling what he was feeling. Empty. Like he had no soul. But it hurt for some reason. It hurt. "What are you blabbering about?"

"They fed us only animal blood. Not even good like a deer, they fed us like I think it was fish blood" Just the thought of tasting something like that made my nose crinkle. 

"I don't understand. Why?"

"He's trying to lead a rebellion remember? He needs everyone alive but hungry"

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Mason..." I rolled my shoulders in uncomfortableness and sighed.

"What are you talking about Caleb?"

"I want to leave this place. This isn't what I want. I thought I was doing the right thing for our kind, for people like us. But Fathers starving all of them. They are dying, becoming mummified"

"Guess what Caleb? Now you don't got the option to choose what you want to do anymore. You chose to be the puppet and now you can't cut your strings" Coal snapped. Caleb had avoided his gaze, staring down at the floor.

"You don't want to save Kamali? Have you given up dog?"

"So now you care about her? Since when?"

"I can't tell you..."

"Caleb. Tell us, now!"

"I can't. One of them told me I can't" Suddenly the glass cracked. The mirror now having a huge crack through the center of it. Coal had Caleb pinned, his clawed hand over Caleb's neck. "I swear I can't!"

"I think I can think of a few things to do to you to make you." He growled.

"One of them has a power! He calls it 'Potmum'. When someone is under Potmum it acts like a spell! It controls a persons actions and thought. All by a saying"

"This man told you the 'thing' then forbade you to tell us?" Caleb nodded frantically, trying to get Coals claw away from his neck. "Coal put him down" on command he let go. Even though Caleb couldn't see it, there were already bruise marks on his neck. How hard was Coal holding him?

"They are controlling people, bending their minds. It's horrible. They are forcing them to not speak about starving, they can't tell anyone until they eventually mummify"

"How come your not effected then?"

"I'm the 'Master's' son. The Potmum was done behind his back. He wanted me to tell you about the thing, but the other man expected otherwise."

"We need to get out of here. We need to find out what happened to our mate" He went up to the mirror, allowing his arm to go through. I shook my head, pushing his arm back in.

"Your scent would be to obvious. You'll be eaten if your alone. We have to do this together"

"Together? With the blood sucker?"

"Yes Coal"

"I am able to separate myself from him. Why would I want to bond with my enemy again? He's already hurt us Mason, he put Kam in danger. He will betray us again!" My eyes flickered to Caleb.


"The thing effects me as well, I want to protect-" he was cut off. It was like his mouth had been glued shut. He tried to speak, he was only muffled. He grew frustrated taking a deep breathe. "You have to trust me on this one...remember when we were little. While your parents argued about you, I was always there for you. Until the mutt came..." That earned a growl from Coal. "You know what I'm talking about. This time I'm not lying to you. I promise"

I only stared at the reflection. I sighed. I took the covers from off my bed, covering the reflection. No more mirrors in the room.

If we are gonna do this we are doing it my way


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