Chapter Five

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For all my 13 reason why fans ^^

"Mate" her voice came out soft, so god damn beautiful. She smelled of a forest and fresh rain and...and alcohol?

Her creamy green eyes softened a bit. She went to open her mouth to speak but then shut her mouth again. I picked up her petite face with my hand, lifting up on her chin. "It's can speak to me my love" still she was in a shocked state.

She took my hand in hers, turning it palm up. She then traced her finger across it spelling words.

"*^Mute^*" she wrote. I frowned a bit at the word. I then glanced back up at her, smiling. "Don't worry. We could make this work alright?" She nodded, still mesmerized. A soft tune then rang through the air, people racing towards the dance floor. "How about we dance?" She smiled a bit hopefully and I led her to the dance floor. I put two hands on her waist while hers found around my neck.

Gently we swayed, back and fourth. I finally found her. I found her. My mate. I wasn't supposed to get one. I never deserved one but now I finally found her. Something I could call mine. Cautiously she rested herb head upon my chest as I purred in satisfaction.

She was real

Then the music stopped but she still held the position. I wrapped my arms all the way around her, my nose finding the crook of the her neck, taking in her scent. That lovely wild scent, now not minding the bitter scent that was mixed in. Drives me nuts. My new addiction. Coal was going nuts, jumping for joy, howling like the moons out.

She shivered at my touch and pulled away, still holding onto my shirt collar. She shook her head a bit. "What is wrong my love?"

She stepped back a bit and took my hand. "*^Sorry. Nothing wrong*^"

"Are you sure?" She nodded, smiling slightly. I smiled back. My mate. So beautiful. "Why don't you tell me your name?" Her eyes from under the mask widen in fear.

"Why, do you not want to tell me?" Her gaze went down and I lifted his face again gently. "I'm your mate. You can trust me with at least your name"

She shook her head again and then glanced behind me. I went to turn to see what she was looking at but she tugged hard at my collar, turning me to face her again. She was crying. Little tears were trickling down her face. Then the unexpected. She tugged again bringing our lips together.

Sparks. Electrifying. Tingling sensation. I groaned as she deepened it, exploring my mouth with her tongue. Her hands roamed my hair, weaving their way through sending more tingles of pleasure. My hand started to go lower, wanting , needing her touch on me more. She then took her hands out of my hair and backed away out of my grip. I growled lowly but she shook her head, still backing away.

"What is wrong? Please tell me I can fix it" she shook her head again and went down to her shoes, taking them off. "You have to tell me my love. We are in this together"

She shook her head again and then turned and ran. "Wait!" And then I ran after her. I pushed past people, trying to keep up with her. I had to get to her. She was not gonna escape me. She can't.

I sped up, earning a few growls as I pushed into people. She turned down a hallway and I chased after. She isn't giving up is she?

I turned the corner to see a dead end, she just disappeared. Her heels were left, nicely placed. I picked one up and frowned.

She's just gone

She probably smelt Caleb on you..Coal growled at this.

It's not his fault. There is something wrong and I'm gonna figure it out

If you ever find her again

I will, I know it.


I ran. He couldn't know who I was. He couldn't.  I couldn't be seen with him. I kept running. I turned down a corridor, setting my shoes down on the floor. I slipped into a closet just as he came into view. The man in the grey suit. My mate.

He looked around, confused for a moment and went down to my shoes. He picked one up, observing it carefully and frowned. His eyes glazed over, heart beat slowing. He was talking to his wolf, seeming to battle with him. He then his head went up a bit, sniffing the air. I held my breathe as he neared my direction. He then bit his lip and just disappeared.

Vanished. Out of thin air. I stepped out of the closet carefully and let out my breathe. I can't have a mate. I don't deserve one. He doesn't deserve me. I didn't know his name. Nor will I think I will ever. If he knew who I was, the situation would've been much worse.

The kiss was my first and last with him. Syra had taken control, knowing that I wouldn't bear to stay near him.

I looked up at the clock above as it read 11:55. Five minutes till I have to see my Uncle. Meet. Meet would be the better word as I am a new person then the one he got rid of. I rushed my way upstairs, wiping off the now dry tear stains and slight running mascara.

I took the last step on the stair well and began to walk into the room. I adjusted my dress a bit opening the door. My gaze instantly landed on my Uncle. He was talking to Jospeh. He was supposed to translate for me, also emotional support. His brother Johnathan was also there as we may discuss a possible alliance.

His eyes traveled up at me meeting my gaze and a warm smile followed. I simply changed my expression to a blank, cold stare. He didn't change his expression as two woman came into view. They were my cousins. I knew that by looking at Emily. I only knew Sophie as she was very young when I left or rather thrown out.

Emily smiled as she ran up to me and hugged me. I was actually happy to see her. She was one of my best friends back then, no wait one of my only friends. No one wanted to be friends with the drunk guys daughter.

I hugged Sophie as well. I couldn't be mad at them for what happened. How could I?

"It's nice to see you again" Emily spoke and I simply nodded. She smiled and then everyone's eyes went to behind me. I turned and froze.

My aunt stood there, an angry expression on her face. When she looked at me she smiled and went over to her mate, scolding the man behind her. He nodded saying something under his breathe and began to undue the bindings on his mask.

He took it off then stared at me. His eyes widened at my gaze and my heart seemed to have stopped beating as everything went slow. I slowly took off my mask letting it drop to the ground. My aunt came into view.

"Well don't be rude Mason say hello to Kamali"

We both just stared at each other not knowing what to do.

He was the man in the grey suit.

Mason. Is. My. Mate.

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