Got a spare room?

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*Knock knock*

Kiibo could hear someone knocking on his door. Unplugging himself and rolling over, he checked the time, 1:00AM.
"Ugh, it's too late for this..." he grumbled as he pulled himself out of bed. The knocking got louder and faster as time past and by the time he reached his door, a headache was starting to appear, and to make things worse, he was only at 20% so he was extremely tired. He opened his door, pissed at whoever was bugging him this late at night

"What do you want!" He said as he flung the door open revealing a small purple haired boy, "Huh? Ouma? Why are you here so late at night?" The sight of the boy woke him up a little bit but he still wanted to go back and charge.

"Um...heh...could you do me a small favour?" The boy asked, being oddly polite. He gave Kiibo an innocent smile but Kiibo could see the guilt hiding behind his innocent act.

Kiibo sighed as he fully opened the door and gestured for Ouma to come inside, "Get in here, you have some explaining to do."


"You got kicked out of your apartment!" Now Kiibo was awake, and furious, "How could you be so irresponsible!" The robot scolded. It took half an hour before Ouma finally managed to admit why he was there. He hated when the robot got mad at him and especially when he started lecturing him, but he had no choice, if he wanted help he had to tell him, plus it probably would have been worse if he had found out himself.

"I know, I'm sorry, but I didn't have enough money to pay the rent and that bitch wouldn't take my excuses as she kicked me out..." Ouma said said with a pouty face.

"Don't call your landlady a bitch Ouma, it's not nice" Kiibo scolded, interrupting the boy.

"...I don't care, she is a bitch..." Ouma mumbled under his breath,"I don't get it, if she had just left me alone we both would have gone on living happy lives with our families-"

"Ouma, you live alone," Kiibo pointed out, interrupting the boy again.

"That's not the point and stop interrupting me! Anyways, if she had left me alone we both could've been happy, but nope, she had to get all mad and yell at me! I said I'd get the money but she wouldn't be patient! Ouma pouted. He was getting pretty angry which probably would've worried the robot if it was anyone else, but to him, Ouma was too small to be scary so he just sat back and listened to his rant, waiting until he could ask the question that's been on his mind since the beginning. When he seemed to be cooling down, he interrupted the boy once again.

"Ouma, one thing has been bugging me, just last month, you were fine with money, so what happened? There shouldn't be any reason for you to be troubled with it, right?" Kiibo asked knowing his answer wouldn't be good. Ouma sat there in silence without answering the question, he seemed to be thinking about what his answer would be. After a few minutes he looked at Kiibo with a serious look on his face before finally he said,"Hookers and champagne."

"OUMA!" Kiibo nearly fell off the couch they both were sitting on. He was shocked and even more furious then before.

"Nishishi, that was a lie," A giant smile formed on Oumas face as he started giggling, "I'm surprised you actually believed me Kiiboy." Kiibo sat there, the urge to strangle Ouma slowly growing inside of him. He was relieved that wasn't the reason, but he was still pretty pissed Ouma wasn't taking this more seriously, but then again, this was Ouma.

"Don't do that Ouma! You should take this more seriously, and don't call me that!" The robot scolded once again.

"Yeah, but your reactions are always the best," The boy said still smiling, "Oh, but the actual answer is because the store downtown was having a sale on Panta and I couldn't just leave that unnoticed, so I bought them all! But then I finished them all and got thirsty again, so when they restocked...I bought them all again!" Ouma stated with a proud grin on his face. Kiibo almost wished his first answer was the truth instead of this one.

"OUMA!!" The robot yelled, he could feel himself starting to heat up. At this point, if it wasn't illegal to murder someone the small boy would already be on the ground dead. "Why!"

"What can I say, I love Panta," The small boy said nonchalantly as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "You can scold me all you want, but I won't regret what I did."

Kiibo had been defeated, it was late, he was tired, and all this anger towards the small boy had wore him out tremendously. The robot stared at Ouma with dead eyes before standing up and grabbing his hand.

"Follow me, I'm assuming you came here because you need a place to stay for now, there's only one bedroom in the house so I'll sleep on the couch. We will discuss this more tomorrow." He said as he dragged Ouma to his room and shoved him inside.


Surprise Roommate {Kiibouma}Where stories live. Discover now