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"Kiibo where are we going?"

The short man laid his head on his boyfriend's metallic shoulder. The subway rumbled on it's tracks as they travelled to their unknown destination. Or, at least, it was unknown to one of them. That morning had been a normal day, they'd woken up together in their comfortable bed. Ate breakfast with Dice in the kitchen. Kokichi had been looking forward to lazing around their home all day as it had been the first time in a while that the two had a day off from work at the same time. He loved his job, he really did, therapy was rewarding work. He was his own boss, something that absolutely delighted Kokichi (he never was a follower). He got to help people and didn't have to perform any physical labour. It was a delight, but that didn't mean days off weren't greatly welcomed. He enjoyed it, but it was still very mentally taxing.

"Like I said last time, you'll see."

So okay, maybe Kokichi was a bit grumpy that he had been dragged out of the house and away from a day of robot cuddles. If the nurse-in-training hadn't provided him with deliciously sweet pancakes that morning, and the most sugary frappuccino possible on the way to the subway station, there would have been an uproar.

Kiibo had spent most of his time after graduation unsure of what to do. As a robot meant to observe and learn from humans, picking up on actions and emotions to become more like them, he had spent too much time focusing on others and not enough on what he truly wanted to do. It took a while, dabbling around in different jobs and researching different subjects. Kokichi had been worried for his boyfriend, until Kiibo realized, even though he was meant to be human, he could still use those abilities that being a robot gave him to give back to the society he had learned so much from. Extreme precision, focus and intelligence, while those skills only further separated him from a regular person, they came in handy when it came to helping people. Kiibo began studying to become a nurse only a few years ago, and Kokichi couldn't be more proud that the other had finally found his path.

"...Are we there yet?"

"Ko, just trust me, you will not be disappointed."

Kokichi sighed, resigning himself to clinging as closely as possible to his boyfriend. He did trust him, Kokichi trusted Kiibo with his life, but that didn't make it any less confusing. The purple haired man let his thoughts drag him away from the boring ride, only being brought back to reality as he heard the announcement of the next stop.


"Next stop, Summerside Station."


Kokichi realized he recognized that station. It was one he was once familiar with, outside the main city, it's own little town. It was somewhere that held great meaning to him. It was once his home.

He looked up at the robot with growing confusion. "We're back in Summerside? I mean, I'm not complaining, but why?" He assumed this would be a random outing to somewhere close enough to home. Although Kokichi wasn't upset that they were back for a day, he really did love it there, and it had been so long since they had visited. Their old school, their favourite cafe, their old apartment building, the park, it brought back a lot of memories. So far, Kokichi wasn't regretting this trip.

Kiibo smiled, almost nervously. "It's been a while, thought we could visit, get a coffee maybe?" Kokichi could tell that was a lie, but he didn't call it out. He trusted the robot, so even if the other was extremely suspicious, he would let Kiibo lead them wherever it was they were going.

The subway stopped, doors opening and signalling that they had reached their destination. The two walked out, climbing the stairs outside to the fresh midday air. It was a nice crisp Autumn day, still warm as it was only the beginning of September, but still cooled down with a light breeze. Said breeze jostled Kokichis purple locks, covering his face every so often. Eventually he stopped to tie it back, something he had begun to do after he graduated as his hair grew longer.

Surprise Roommate {Kiibouma}Where stories live. Discover now