Even If I Leave You - Finale Part 1

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Authors Note: It's happening everyone, the home stretch is here. I promised myself and my readers that I would not let this become discontinued and I stick by that promise. This will be the first of the final 3 chapters (a two part and an epilogue). Please enjoy these last few chapters, and thanks for sticking around as our journey comes to an end.




"Do you have to go?"

Kokichi clung to his boyfriend like his life depended on it. Kiibo was leaving him. When he heard the news, the small boy was devastated. He didn't know how he'd survive, all alone with no one to love.

"Kokichi, it's just for a week."

A week of absolute torture. No robot to hug and kiss. No cuddles at night and morning breakfast. He didn't know how long it'd been since he'd spent that much time away from the other. For good reason, Kokichi didn't fare well with loneliness.

"You have Dice!"

He did have Dice, whom he loved to death, but it just wasn't the same. Kokichi's arms only hugged tighter. "Dice doesn't make the best pancakes in the world..." He mumbled.

Kiibo let out a sigh. All his protests fell on deaf ears. It was only a week! Professor had some updates he wanted to make, so the robot didn't have a choice but to leave. It's not like he wouldn't miss his boyfriend, it was killing him as much as the other, but updates were important. That didn't stop it from being easy. "I must go." Kiibo pried the arms holding him down off, "I'll text you every day, alright? I love you." With those words and one final kiss goodbye, the robot was off.

This was how we got here. Kokichi laying on the couch, sad and bored. Dice nuzzled against the depressed boys' cheek. She didn't like seeing him upset. Kokichi pet the kitten. "I know, I miss him too." He sighed. It was only day two of seven, and already he had no clue how he'd make it.


Kokichi gasped, excitedly grabbing for his phone as he heard the sound he'd been waiting for since the moment Kiibo left. With lightning speed, he picked up his phone and turned it on.

One notification from: Avocado Man

The boy groaned in disappointment. He had gotten his hopes up for nothing. As much as he loved hearing from his friends, it really wasn't the same.

Avocado Man: Hey, meet me at the cafe I wanna try their new croissants.

The-Little-Grape-That-Could: No

Avocado Man: I'll buy you one of those donuts you like ;)

The small boy hummed in contemplation.

The-Little-Grape-That-Could: What time?

The little leader figured he had nothing better to do with his time, and if he'd get a free donut out of it, it was worth it. They were meeting up in twenty minutes, and true to his nature, Kokichi didn't get up till 5 before. Racing out of his apartment, the small boy stumbled down the street, nearly tripping twice. It was lightly raining outside, not heavy enough to soak the boy, but just enough the make the day feel drearier than it already was. He made it in record time, only three minutes late. By the time he got there, Amami was already sitting at a table, drink and mentioned croissant in hand. Most likely he had arrived early, a concept Kokichi still couldn't grasp.

The door to the cafe swung open, a little bell shaking and signaling the arrival of the little leader. It was a quaint little space, very cozy and welcoming. With hanging plants illuminated by the warm lighting, and big windows that looked out to the street. Kokichi didn't usually go there in his free time, only ever being dragged for coffee by one of his friends, although he questioned why he didn't come more often. Amami looked up as he heard the noise, spotting the other and scoffing. "Well, don't you look like shit."

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