Afternoon Breakfast

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*Beep beep*

It was morning and Kiibo was just waking up. What a weird dream, he thought to himself. He knew it had to be a dream, Ouma was irresponsible but never to that extent. He rolled to his side to check the time when...*Bang!*, he fell off the side of the couch. The robot stood up in the middle of the room confused and after a few minutes of him waking himself up, he walked over to his room. Sure enough, still sound asleep in his bed, was a small purple haired boy dressed in Panta pajamas. Kiibo stood there watching the boy sleep while taking it all in. That wasn't a dream.

He probably would have woke the sleeping boy up and lectured him about responsibilities, but he looked so peaceful and calm sleeping there in the bed, it seemed to calm the robot down quite a bit. He looks so vulnerable and defenceless, he thought staring at the boy, and kinda cute as well. Kiibos face began to glow a deep shade of red as he realized what he was doing and thinking. He rushed out of the room, still beet red, before the small boy woke up. He didn't need him waking up to the robot watching him.

Kiibo decided to start on breakfast, because it was still a school day and they needed to eat. Of course, since Kiibo was a robot he didn't really need to eat, but he liked to cook and eat food anyway because it made him feel more human. As he was plopping some toast in the toaster, he realized something, Ouma had only showed up with a small bag the night before, so the rest of his stuff must still be at his old apartment...which meant they needed to go there and get it.

"Ughhh!" Groaned Kiibo as he realized he would be forced to help as well and that it would probably take hours to move his stuff over because his house was always a huge mess.

As the bacon sizzled on the stove, Kiibo picked up the phone and began to dial.



Ouma woke up after a nice long sleep, he had been pretty tired after the whole ordeal that transpired the night before. He sat up on the edge of the bed, slightly afraid to leave the room because the robot could be anywhere ready to lecture his ears off. He turned on his phone to check the time, 11:30AM...

"What!" He yelled as he realized what time it was. He was late to school, he was beyond late to school! He quickly unzipped the small bag he had brought with him and pulled out a purple hoodie, black pants and his favourite Panta socks. He threw everything on in a hurry and quickly brushed his hair before dashing out of the room, no time to brush his teeth, plus he didn't like doing that anyways.

He expected Kiibo to have left without him so that he wouldn't be late, but instead the robot was standing in front of the couch picking up and folding the blankets he had used to make his makeshift bed.

"Oh Ouma, you're finally awake!" The boy said in a relatively cheerful tone.

Ouma stood there shocked, not just because the robot was still here instead of at school, but also because he seemed pretty happy, he totally expected Kiibo to lecture and scold him the moment he left the room.

"There's breakfast on the table by the way" Kiibo said still folding his blankets. Ouma neared the food with caution like he expected something to jump out at him, surely Kiibo must have done something to it to get back at him for what happened. He picked up the fork and took a bite. It was surprisingly good.

"I'm surprised this is good, especially since a robot made it," Ouma snickered finishing the food. He immediately regretted teasing the robot though since that would make him angry, and since Kiibo's letting him stay at his house until he can get back on his feet, he already felt a little bad (though he would never admit that).

"Don't say things like that Ouma, it's robot discrimination! Even if I can't taste it, I can still follow a recipe!" Kiibo said defending himself as he usually did when Ouma insulted robots.

"...sorry..." Ouma mumbled quietly half hoping the robot didn't hear him. Of course, his wish did not come true since Kiibo had extremely good hearing. The apology surprised the robot since Ouma never apologized, so he decided to forgive him for now.

"Whatever," Kiibo sighed dropping the subject.

"By the way, why aren't you at school," Ouma questioned walking over to the robot.

"If you'll be staying here, we'll have to move your stuff over here, so that's what we'll be doing today," Kiibo said walking over to a small closet in the hallway and putting the blankets away, "Don't worry, I already called the school and let them know of the situation and they understood."

"Ok," Ouma said, now a little happier since his confusion was cleared up. He walked over to the robot who was now standing by the front door.

"Since this will probably take a while, we might as well head over now and start," Kiibo said as he threw on a light sweater.

"Ok, let's go!"

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