Green and Pink

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It took a while before Kiibo forced himself out of bed. He really didn't want to let go of the small boy, but he needed to start breakfast and get ready for school. He released Ouma from his grasp and pulled the sheets off of them both. He thought he saw Ouma with a disappointed expression as he climbed out of bed, but knew otherwise. Kiibo quickly threw the school supplies that he needed in his bag and headed to the kitchen. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't forget how peaceful and adorable the small boy looked while he slept. He wished he could've held him there for all eternity, holding him close and feeling his soft steady breaths against his chest.

While Kiibo was in the kitchen, Ouma slowly pulled himself out of bed. He was disappointed that the robot had left him, but he knew they had to get ready. He crawled over to his suitcases and shuffled threw them, not really caring that he was making a mess. Eventually he stopped when he found a black and purple plaid button up shirt that he hadn't wore in forever. He wasn't the biggest fan of plaid (his scarf is checkered), but he knew the robot seemed to be a fan of it. I wonder if he'd like it? He thought. He stared at the shirt for a while before deciding he was going to wear it. He found a white shirt and threw it on first, because it was cold, then pulled the plaid shirt on and buttoned it up. He found his usual black jeans and Panta socks and put those on as well. Quickly, he grabbed his bag that he had packed the day before and ran to the kitchen.

"Hey Kiibo! Is the food almost done?" Ouma questioned. Kiibo turned around to face Ouma with two plates of food in his hands. He placed them on the table and sat down with Ouma to eat. He looked at the small boy and quickly felt a small blush creep across his face. He had never seen Ouma wearing that shirt before, but damn did he look good in it. He tried his best to focus on eating his food, but with Ouma sitting there...looking like that...he found it extremely difficult.

"D-did you have a good sleep?" Kiibo asked, trying to get his mind off of the small boy.

"Yeah, it was nice," Ouma answered. A small blush crept onto his face when he recalled the memories from a few minutes ago.

"That's good," Kiibo said. The rest of their meals were eaten in silence with occasional small talk that didn't last very long. Once they finished their food, both boys grabbed their bags and put on their shoes. Kiibo handed Ouma a small container containing a few snacks he had made for the small boy. Ouma grabbed the container and thanked Kiibo, then quickly after, they both flew out the door.

"Do you have to work today?" Kiibo asked Ouma. The small boy had a part time job that he worked at on most weekdays.

"Yeah, I have to go right after school," Ouma groaned. He didn't like his job, but if he was going to get his apartment back, he needed money, "Wait, don't you have a job, I mean you have to pay for your apartment somehow?"

"Actually no..." Kiibo let out a guilty laugh and rubbed the back of his head, "my dad gives me an allowance each month, and it's no small cash." He didn't like admitting this to anyone because he knew how hard others work and how easy he was getting it.

"Hmmmm..." Ouma seemed to ponder his statement for a few seconds, "...lucky..."

Their conversation was cut short as they reached their school. Kiibo had different classes then Ouma for the day so they parted ways at the doorway. Ouma started heading to his first class, which was chemistry with Mrs Seiko.


Ouma hadn't being paying attention where he was walking and walked right into someone. He took a step back and looked up at the tall boy.

"Oh! Hey Ouma!" Amami smiled. He had been talking to Kaede before Ouma walked into him, they were usually together so it wasn't much of a surprise to the small boy. Other then Kiibo and Saihara, Amami and Kaede were his only other friends.

Surprise Roommate {Kiibouma}Where stories live. Discover now