Birthday Girl

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Authors Note: Chapter touches briefly on strong subjects(non consensual touching, harassment), if that bugs you, skip to end.

It had been 4 days, and Kiibo was still acting strange. He spent most of his time at the kitchen table by himself doing homework or reading, and didn't talk to Ouma very often. To Oumas dismay, he had reclaimed the couch as his bed leaving Ouma sad and alone each night.

Ouma lay on the couch watching tv under some blankets. He wasn't really paying attention though, his mind was full of questions. Why was Kiibo acting strange? Did he do something to upset him? Why had he woke up crying and heartbroken?

He tried making small talk with the robot, but he would only respond with small nods or "mhm", causing Ouma to eventually give up. He had tried asking what was wrong a few times, but Kiibo would only shake the question off, then slip away.

"Oh Ouma!" he said without looking up from his book he was reading. Ouma smiled and looked up happily, was he finally going to talk to him!?

"Kaede gave us this," He slid a card on the table, "It's a invitation to a small party she's having for her birthday tomorrow." He said without looking up. Oumas smile faltered and he looked back, "O-ok..."

They sat there awkwardly for an hour, before Ouma hopped up confidently. He threw his fists in the air.

"Let's go get Kaede a present!" He ran over to Kiibo. The robot was staring at his book, but his eyes didn't seem to be following any words and his face seemed to be pretty flushed. Kiibo closed his book and set in on the table.

"S-Sure..." he mumbled. Ouma jumped with joy as a giant smiled crept onto his face. He yanked Kiibo out of his chair and ran to the front door. He threw shoes and a jacket on, then tapped his foot impatiently while waiting for Kiibo to finish. Once the robot was done, he didn't even have time to compose himself before Ouma dragged him out the door and away from their apartment.

For the first time in a while, Ouma had a bounce in his step. He smiled like a child on Christmas. Kiibo blushed and couldn't hold back a giggle at how happy the small boy seemed. Ouma looked up at Kiibo in awe as his smiled managed to grow even bigger. He managed to crack him. Oumas smile became contagious and soon enough both boys were smiling and laughing just like before. They talked and told stories as they walked down the street, and soon reached a small mall. They each found a small gift, Kiibo found a cute pin, and Ouma a scarf with a piano key design.

The two walked down the street, happy with their purchases. Ouma smiled, happy they were both on talking terms again. He looked up at Kiibo and grinned causing the robot to blush and awkwardly smile back.

They walked in silence for a little, enjoying each other's presence, and that's when Kiibo tried making a move. He reached his hand over to hold the others, chickening out a few times. In his head he thought of different excuses in case Ouma questioned what he was doing. 'Your hands looked cold.' 'I didn't want you getting lost.' 'Sorry, I didn't notice what I was doing.'. He brushed his fingers over Oumas, lightly enough that he wouldn't notice, he was getting really close! Unfortunately, life decided that this was the best time to send a speeding car zooming by them, causing Ouma to jump back. The small boy stumbled back and tripped over his own feet, falling on top of Kiibo and pulling them both to the ground.

"Ouch..." Ouma whimpered quietly and opened his closed eyes. He was met staring directly in the eyes of a beat red robot, their lips millimetres apart. He blushed, but didn't move, he was tempted to just forget everything and kiss the living daylights out of the robot, but he knew that wasn't acceptable. Neither boy moved, their lips slowly but surely getting closer together. Their lips touched briefly before Kiibo coughed and awkwardly pushed the small boy off of him. He shot up and helped the disappointed boy to his feet.

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