Operation Grape

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*Bzzzt* "Gay Grape Man to Sexy Hunk Of Junk. Do you copy, I repeat, do you copy. Over" *Bzzzt*

"Ouma this is stupid." Kiibo sighed as he walked up beside Ouma, who was crouching behind a large bush. Ouma looked back at the robot and shushed him, before returning to watch the house in front of them. When Ouma had told Kiibo they had a new 'mission', he definitely was not expecting this. The two of them were crouched behind a bush just outside of Amami's house. Ouma, peering inside of the nearest window, Kiibo, just doing his best not to whack the boy for trespassing.

"What are we even here for? Are you just planning on stalking Amami all day or do you actually have a plan." The robot sighed in defeat. Ouma ignored his boyfriend and looked around, before pointing to the door and counting down from 5...4...3...2...and 1. Kiibo turned his attention towards the door as well, noticing there was a new figure standing there. He peered closer curiously and spotted what looked to be their friend Saihara, looking quite nice and fidgety.

From below he could hear faint malicious snickering and immediately worried for their timid friend.

"Ouma...what did you do?" He asked, not really sure if he wanted to know. The short boy finally looked back up at the robot, the grin on his face frightening the taller male.

"My master plan to get these two oblivious imbeciles together starts with an unexpected date!" He said quiet yet confidently, "I stole Amami's phone and texted Shyhara, asking if he wanted to go on a little date with him! Then I texted Amami asking if he wants to hang out". Kiibo felt bad for Ouma's two unsuspecting victims.

"You do know that sort of thing only works out in movies and books right?" The robot crossed his arms, already knowing this plan wasn't going to work.

"Yeah? Well you know how many movies I've seen? Like...a lot!" The small boy huffed and stubbornly, yet cutely, pouted. "And you know how many books I've read? Like 6!". Kiibo wasn't sure if he should be proud of that or not, but he let him be and watched. If he was going to have to sit through this, at least it would be a bit entertaining.


Saihara nervously approached the door, his hand shaking a bit as he reached to ring the doorbell nervously. Amami was on the couch awaiting his friend's arrival, yet once he heard the doorbell ring, something immediately felt off. Ouma never rings the doorbell. He got up and walked to the door, opening it.

"Hey-" He cut himself off once he saw his crush, standing there and looking like a snacc, instead of his tiny purple haired friend. "S-Saihara? W-What are you doing there?" He mentally slapped himself for stuttering. Saihara was confused and furrowed his eyebrows.

"U-Umm, you texted me asking if we could spend time together today," The blue haired boy held up his phone for the other to see, making the taller one even more confused. Saihara immediately noticed the confused look he was getting and took a few steps back, "I-I'm sorry, I must be a bother, you probably have much better things to do than hang out with someone like me...". The timid boy looked down at the ground, letting his blue hair fall in front of his grey eyes to shield the taller one from viewing the tears that were welling up.

The guilt hit Amami immediately from the quick glance of pain he was given. It was hard for him to believe he would forget about plans he made with his adorable crush, but he wouldn't let it end like this. Ouma would have to wait for another day. Amami lifted Saihara's head up, causing them both to blush deeply. "Don't apologize, I'm sorry I forgot about our plans." He stepped outside having already had his shoes on, and closed the door behind him. He let out a nervous breath and slipped his hand into his crush's, realizing how soft they were. "Plus, there's nothing else I'd rather do than spend time with you," The tall boy said with a warm smile adorning his face.

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