Goodbye Panta-chan

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"Kiibo! How much longer do we have to carry these!?" Ouma whined.

The boys were walking along the sidewalk leading to Oumas apartment, both of them carrying fairly large suitcases. Even though they were empty, Ouma wouldn't stop complaining about carrying them, and Kiibo was pretty sure it would be even worse on the way back. Luckily, his apartment wasn't too far away from the robots house.

They arrived 5 minutes later, and Kiibo went to get a key from the landlady since Ouma didn't want to face her again. They had met before so it wasn't very awkward.

"Oh Kiibo, thank you for helping that irresponsible brat!" She said giving Kiibo a thankful smile and handing him the key, "Hopefully he learns some responsibility and respect after all he's done!"

"I'm sorry for all the trouble he has caused you Shirogane-san," He said taking the key from her.

"Oh you're so kind," She said clapping her hands together, "If you ever need a place to stay, feel free to come here!"

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm ok where I am," Kiibo said as he ran off to meet Ouma.

Once he got to Ouma, they walked over to his apartment. Sure enough, they opened the door to reveal a humongous mess, it was more like a landfill than an apartment. An oddly sweet smell hit Kiibo once he took a step through the doorway, he looked over to where the smell was coming from. At first when Kiibo heard Oumas story about losing his money to Panta, he didn't really believe it and was sure the boy was lying, but all his suspicions were thrown away once he saw the giant mountain of Panta stacked up in the corner of the room.

"What are you standing there for, come in," Ouma said as he walked right into his filthy apartment, "It's not going to eat you or anything." Even though he said that, the robot was sure that there was still a possibility that once he walked in, the room would swallow him whole. He wasn't sure how Ouma managed to live in there with all the garbage.

"Wait here," Kiibo said as he ran off leaving Ouma standing in his filth. He returned a few minutes later with his arms filled with garbage bags.

"I will not leave until this apartment is spotless!" Kiibo declared. Ouma did not like this idea one bit and attempted to run past Kiibo to his freedom, but the robot was one step ahead of him and caught his hand before he could escape, dragging him back inside to his doom.

"WAHHHH! I DON'T WANT TO!" Ouma screamed rolling around on the ground, throwing a tantrum, "YOU'RE MEAN KIIBOY!"

"You can scream all you want, but I won't let you leave, and don't call me that!" The robot scolded. Kiibo sighed as he picked up a garbage bag. This was going to take a while.


"Hey Kiibo! What are we going to do with my Panta?" Ouma asked walking up to the mountain of Panta.

"We'll throw it away, all that sugar is bad for you," Kiibo said nonchalantly.

"No," Ouma defended.





"Fine, we'll sell it."


"Then we'll throw it out."

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